Phantom Self by David Icke-ocr.pdf - PDFCOFFEE.COM (2025)

First published in February 2016

David lcke Books Ltd 185a High Street Ryde Isle of Wight P033 2PN

UK Tel/fax: +44 {0) 1983 566002 email: [emailprotected]

Copyright © 2016 David lcke

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the PubIisher, except for the quotation of brief passages in criticism

Cover illustration and book design by Neil Hague

British Library Cataloguing-in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN 978-0-9576308-8-8

(And how to find the real one)

ilA\flil IC:KE

Dedication To Sanity

Other books and DVDs by David lcke Boob The Perception Deception Remember Who You Are Human Race Get Off Your Knees · The Lion Sleeps No More The David lcke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how lo end it) Infinite Love is the Only Truth, Everything Else is Illusion Tales from the Time Loop Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster Children Of The Matrix The Biggest Secret I Am Me • I Am Free .. And The Truth Sholl Set You Free - 21st century edition Lifting The Veil The Robots' Rebellion Heal the World Truth Vibrations It Doesn' t Have To Be Like This DVDs

David lcke Live at Wembley Arena The Lion Sleeps No More Beyond the Cutting Edge - Exposing the Dreamworld We Believe to be Real Freedom or Fascism: the Time to Choose Secrets of the Matrix From Prison to Paradise Turning Of The Tide The Freedom Rood Revelations Of A Mother Goddess Speaking Out The Reptilian Agenda Detoils of ava ilability at the back of this book and through the website

Be the anomaly. The aberration. The glitch. The inconvenient. The divergent. The string of junk code. The stubborn apple that falls nowhere near the trees or the forest. Be the fool. The bonehead. The idiot in the room. Let them shake their groupthink heads at you. Let them be ashamed of you. Embarrassed of you. Pissed off at you. They will call you names and you must let them. Let them jeer. Let them point. Let them laugh. Be resistant to their mockery. Be the fodder for their jokes. Be a magnificent failure in their eyes. A tiger does not lose sleep over the opinion of sheep. Go ahead. Be the scar tissue on their worldview. Their normality. They'll loathe you. They'll fear you.

They'll wish they were you.

I am taking my life back from the craziness of this world. I am interrupting the world's plan for me to live out my dreams instead. I am shutting myself off from the deadness of conforming. I am doing this life my way from now on

- SC Lourie

Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim . Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself

- Harvey Fierstein

Wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are

- Kurt Cobain

Never be so focussed on what you are looking for that you overlook the thing you actually find

- Ann Patchett

The secret of life ... is to fall seven times and to get up eight times

- Paulo Coelho

The number of those who undergo the fatigue ofjudging for themselves is very small indeed

- Richard Brinsley Sheridan

People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use

- Soren Kierkegaard

Think before you speak. Read before you think

- Fran Lebowitz



(fan'taam) n. 1. Something apparently seen, heard, or sensed, but having no physical reality; a ghost or apparition.

2. An image that appears only in the mind; an illusion. adj. 1. Fictitious or non-existent, often when intended to deceive. 2. Believed to be real even though illusory.


Tales from the Rabbit Hole ........................................................


Last Question ........................ .................. ..... ...... .......... ...... ...... .. First Question ............................................................................ Paranormal is Normal ............................. ..... ................ .............. The Secret - Shhhhh! ........ .... ................... ....... ........ ........ ....... .... Archon Matrix ..... .................. ............................. ..... ..... ...... ........ Saturnism ................ ......... ......................................................... Drop in the Ocean ................. .......... ................... ..... ................... We're Free, Honey .... .................................................................. World Anew ......... .... .............. ................... .................... .............. World Anew (2) ...................... .... .............. ..... ..... ..... ................... Transphantomism ......................................................................

6 31 64 94 129 166 206 241 268 303 346

You That Time Forgot ........... ..................................................... Beyond The Phantom ......................................................... ........ Postscript Updates ..................... ......................... ................ .......

392 420 427

Tales from the Rabbit Hole First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win Mahatma Gandhi

My life and my books are indivisible and I'll begin with some brief but essential background for new readers to better understand what follows. It's an amazing story, really, and one that continues to unfold every day. I was born in Leicester, England, on April 29th 1952 and I felt from an early age that I was here to 'do something'. I didn't know what and I felt at first that the 'something' was to be a professional soccer player. This was my childhood ambition and through many 'coincidences' and strokes of 'luck' I went on to play professional football until rheumatoid arthritis ended my career aged 21. 'Lucky coincidences' have been a constant feature of my life and work and some unseen force has clearly been guiding me through the maze. I went on to be a newspaper, radio and television joLIInalist, spokesman for the British Green Party and, since the tum of the 1990s, one of the most ridiculed people in British history (Fig 1). But today with so many of my 'crazy theories' and exposures confirmed to be true there has been a transformation. More people than ever before are observing the world and world events from a new perspective. It's not the majority yet, nowhere near, but compared with how it used to be a quarter of a century ago what has happened borders on the miraculous. People who once ridiculed me are now reading my books and I hope this has inspired others to speak their truth without fear of the consequences however unpleasant they may be. If what you say has validly it will eventually be shown to be so, but before it can be validated it has to be said. Courage to stand up and speak out is so crucial to unravelling the vast web of global deceit that holds humanity in servitude to engineered ignorance. I was a sports presenter with the BBC and speaking on behalf of the Green Party in 1989 when my Life took a rapid and extraordinary new direction. Throughout that year I felt a presence around me, most tangibly when I was alone. The feeling became stronger and stronger to the point in early 1990 where I felt I could almost touch whatever was there. One night in a London hotel room while working for the BBC the presence was so obvious that I said: 'lf there is anybody here, will you please contact me because you driving me up the waJI!' A few days later I walked into a local newspaper shop and as I stood in the doorway my feet were suddenly held fast to the ground as if pulled by


Phantom Self

Figure 1: Journey to sanity.

Figure 2: The book I picked up on the day my life changed.

magnets. I know now that I was surrounded by an electromagnetic field. A dear thought passed through my mind out of nowhere saying: 'Go and look at the books on the far side.' It wasn't quite a voice, but close. My feet were unfrozen and I walked bewildered towards the small rack of mostly romantic novels. My eyes immediately turned to one book because it was so different to the rest - Mind to Mi11d written by a professional psychic, Betty Shine (Fig 2). [ read the book in a day and wondered if she would be able to explain what was happening with my 'presence'. A week or so later I walked into her front room. I told her nothing except that I had arthritis and maybe her hands-on healing (an exchange of energy) would help. I wanted to see what she might pick up without any leading from me. Nothing unusual occurred in the first two visits, but then came the third. J was lying on a bench while Betty went to work on my left knee when I felt a sort of spider's web on my face. r remembered she


Tales from the Ra bb1t Hole


had !'-aid in her book that thb can happen when entitiL'!'i in other dimen~ions ot rl'ality are trying to communicate. I'll explain how all thi~ work:. later. The 'spider's ,-veb' was electromagnetic energy and the sc.1me principle applies to hairs st,rnding up on y·our neck or arm when you are in an excited crowd or haunted house. All are electrnmagnetic states. l said nothing to Betty about what I v,:as feeling, but l didn't have to. About 10 to 15 seconds later she threw her head back and said: 'Wow! This is powerful. I'll have to close my eyes for this one.' She said she was seeing a figure in her mind who was asking her to communicate 'his' words to me. First of all I was told that 'They' knew that l wanted them to contact me but it couldn't have happened until nmv because the time wasn't right. Betty knew nothing about what I had said in the London hotel room. This is some of the information that came through Betty that day: • He is a healer who i!-i here to heal the Earth and he will be world famous. • He b still a child spirih1.1lly, but he will be given the spiritual riches. • Sometimes he will !'iil)' things and wonder where they came from. They· will be our words. • Knowledge will be put into his mind, and at other time~ he will bL' led to knowledge. • He was chosen as a youngster for his courage. He has been tested and has passed all the tests. • He \Vas led into football to learn di~cipline, but when that was learned it was time to move on. He also had to learn how to cope vvith disappointment, experience all the emotion...,, and how to get up and get on with it. Tht• spiritual way is tough and nn one makes it eaw. • He ,viii always ha ve what he needs [this could have been 'wants' ], but no more. • He will face enormou~ oppo~ition, but we v·,ill always be there to protect him.

A week later I saw Betty for the fourth and final time and more messages came through: • One man cannot change the world, but one man can communicate the message that will change the v·.-orld. • Don't try· to do it all alone. Go hand in hand \Vith others, ~o you can pick e,1eh other up as vou fall. • He wiU write five books in thn:.'t' vears. • Politics is not for him. He is too spiritual. Politics is anti-spirihtal and will make him \·eryr unhappy. • He will leave politics. He doesn't havL' to do anything. [twill happen gradually over a ye,1r.

• There vvill be a different kind of fly•ing machine. very different from the aircraft of todav. • Time will have no meaning. Where you w,mt to be, you will be. Another psychic that I met soon after meeting Betty Shine gave me similar messages whkh included this one: 1l.,rdunu~ , ePkin~ i~ no1 necessary Tiw path is alre,1dv mappt•d out. You onh hc1\'l' to inllo\\ the


Phanfom Self

\ clues ... We are guiding you along a set path. It was all arranged before you incarnated. My life became a series of incredible coincidences or synchronicities as I was led to knowledge through people, books, documents and personal experiences. It was certainly true that arduous seeking wasn't necessary because the information was finding me. Many, many times I have remembered these lines: 'Sometimes he will say things and wonder where they came from - they will be our words' and 'Knowledge will be put into his mind and at other times h(' will be led to knowledge.' This has absolutely been my experience. I wrote my first book on these subjects in 1990, called Truth Vibrations, and I would indeed write five books in three years - and many more since. I headed for Peru in early 1991 purely on a powerful intuition that I had to go there, and it was an extraordinary trip full of stunning synchronkity and experiences. 'Coincidence' led me to Peruvian ruins at Sillustani near the city of Puno on the shores of Lake Titicaca, 13,000 feet above sea level in the Andes. My Peruvian guide had booked me the night before into a hotel in Puno called the Sillustani and when I saw pictures of the place on the wall r knew I had to go. I went there in a mini-bus I taxi with the driver and my guide (Fig 3). Sillustani is beautiful but after walking around I was disappointed that the strength of my feeling to go there was not matched by what had happened. I returned to the bus and set off back to Puno. A few minutes down the road I was daydreaming and gazing at a hill we were passing when the words 'come to me, come to me, come to me' began repeating in my mind. I asked the driver to stop and climbed the hill to see what would happen and I found _ _..._._ _ _ _ _ _ __ _,__.,. myself in a rnassiveJy more powerful Figure 3: Be.:iut,ful Sillustani. repeat of what happened in the newspaper shop. My feet got the magnet treatment to such an extent that the soles of my feet were almost burning. Energy began to enter the top of my head and go through me into the earth with another flow coming in the other direction. My arms then stretched out at -l5 degrees without any decision from me to do so (Fig 4). I heard a ' voice' or thought-form in my head which said: 'It wilJ be over when you feel the rain.' T was standing under a cloudless blue sky at the time and what I heard seemed crazy. Energy passing through me became Figure 4: Rcn~.ating what haprened 25 year~ eecuring Lifetime compliance of body and mind and deYelopment and moulding of Phantom Self, which is little more than a narrow band of potential awareness that views everything through the blinkered filter of the five senses. Phantom Self reality is largely only what it can touch, taste, hear, see and smell. These 'senses' are illusory constructs of a programmed brain as I will expand upon, but The System doesn't want you to know that. It wants you to serve its interests by perceiving the five-sense 'physical' illusion as the 'real world' and Infinite reality as a figment of deluded imagination when the opposite is the case (Fig 30). Here is the inversion, the Figure JO: The scale 01 illusion is 1an1astic.




Phantom S.,lf

flip, once again. Education is therefore focussed on promoting a belief in purely 'physical' reality because this belief will hold your perception in five-sense servitude and slam the door to Infinite Self beyond the program. Academia, as a product and creation of The System, follows and promotes the song sheet of mainstream science and medicine, which is blindly repeated and promoted by Figure 31: Mainstre,1m medi,1 is the propaganda arm of the mainstream media. 'Mainstream' Mainstream Evervthing. anything is an agent and vehicle of The System - that's why it is mainstream (Fig 31 ). Most of those who work in this multifaceted mainstream will have no idea that they are agents of a hoax, because they have been through the same mainstream education machine and been programmed by the same Mainstream Everything to the point where they, too, are servants of the hoax and believe in the hoax - which they perceive to be the 'real world' (Fig 32). figure 32: 'It's all so clear tn me.' Anyone that challenges and exposes the hoax must, by definition, not be accepted in this 'real world' and they are subjected to reflex-action ridicule, dismissal and contempt (Fig 33). Richard Dawkins, the Oxford University professor to whom anything alternative is a~ garlic to a vampire, encapsulated the arrogance of ignorance when he said: You cannot be both sane and well educated and disbelieve in evolution. The evidence is so strong that any sane, educated person has got to believe in evolution.

figure J"J: The arrogance of ignorance.

By 'evolution' he means the this-worldis-all-there-is-one-life-a nd-that' s-your-lot garbage peddled by Charles Darwin with his survival of the fittest doctrine which underpined the promotion of eugenics. Dawkins appears obsessed with death being the end of everything and gave us this considered insight: 'Don't kid yourself that you're going to live again after you're dead; you're not.' This is what The System want~ you to believe to instil the fear of death (so many ways this can be manipulated} and a sense of pointlessness to life (ditto). Another

Last Question




acceptable alternative is to bel ieve that to make it to paradise you need to do exactly what your god (The System again in another form) says you must do to please 'Him'. Mainstream science is only another religion in disguise and mostly (though not entirely) created by the same dose-minded dogma. People like Dawkins castigate and condemn religion while being High Priests of their own - Scientism. Quantum physics has thrown a spanner in all this with the evidence that our reaHty is anything but 'physical', predictable or operating in isolation from consciousness. There are physicists who break the mouJd and rightly contend that consciousness creates matter and not the other way round. Quantum physics alone should demolish Mainstream Everything, but it doesn't because The System won't allow it. Instead, while being forced to reluctantly acknowledge the existence of the non-physical quantum world, Mainstream Everything ignores the fundamental implications of such revelations and cracks on with its promotion of the 'physical' hoax in all its forms. A review of a Dogma Dawkins book reported that he doesn't believe that reality is malleable (quantum physics dearly shows that it is) while at the same time the esteemed professor said that his grasp of quantum physics was 'a bit foggy' and so 'declines to delve very far into that topic'. This is a classic of its kind. I can protect my belief system so long as l never read anything that would question my belief system.

'You found something?' 'Yes.' d

'Where is it?'


'Over there. '

'Oh, right, so as long as I 11ever go over there I cn11 claim forever flint your something doesn't exist because I've 11evt!r seen it.' 'Nice one.'

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This is the reason, in my view, why Dawkins has launched so many attacks through television documentaries and other platforms on alternative explanations of reality and methods of healing. l sense that somewhere deep in his psyche he is seeking to convince himself as much as his audience that challenges to his dogma have no validity. Unfortunately for his considerable ego, they do. Dawkins also, again classically, equates intelligence with being 'weU educated' and, in turn, links 'well educated' with being sane, as with 'You cannot be both sane and well educated and disbelieve in evolution.' This is another way of saying that 'sane' and 'well educated' can only apply to those who believe what he believes. How appropriate because education is rigged in the same way that Dawkins and his like unknowingly rig themselves. System education (indoctrination) emphasises what it wants you to believe while da11gero11s information which reveals what it does not want you to know - is ignored, dismissed, given barely a mention or filed under 'not important'. I have been writing for a long time that the 'physical' world is an illusion and only exists in the form we perceive it through a




Phantom Self

decoding process triggered by the act of observation. I'll be explaining this in detail later. As I began this book, a group of real scientists genuinely pursuing answers announced that experiments strongly suggested that ' the world only exists when we look at it'. This should have been banner headlines given its monumental potential consequences for human life at every level, but it was barely reported and even then without fanfare. The 'why' of this is simple: Would a system of perception control use its institutions to reveal information with the potential to end its perception control? Would prison warders tell their charges how to break out of their cell? Apply this to education and the question is the same: Why would those behind education want fully informed people when that wou ld break the spell that holds them in slavery to The System that controls education? Hence, education is not there to enlighten and inform in the deepest sense but to program perceptions which fuse together to form Phantom Self. Note that l say those behind education because everyone else involved, from teachers to esteemed professors, are themselves products of the hoax doing the bidding of the hoax. They are both inmates and warders who can't see the prison they administer and perpetuate. It's hysterical, really, when you see the world for what it is.

Downloading compliance Programming is regularly checked to confirm that you are conceding your uniqueness to The System and Phantom Self through countless education tests and examinations, in which you are asked to repeat what The System has told you to believe. In another colossal inversion you are deemed a success if you pass the exams to confirm your 'degree' of programming, but you are considered a failure if you don' t Incentives and rewards (more hoaxes) are offered to encourage compliance and these include the fact that many jobs and professions are the domain of exam-passers only. This is when pushy parents step forward again marching to war on their children's freedom, uniqueness and choice. Pushy parents (a form of child abuse in my view) seek to choose and dictate their children's life-path as they outrageously manipul,1te guilt and desire for acceptance to pressure their children into The System's lair. After all, it's what they have been programmed to do. They treat their kids not as an expression of Infinite Awareness, but as an appendage and extension of themselves and the face they put to the world. 'My' child went to a good school and got good grades. Oh, welJ done you, so you passed their exams then? They then play the guilt card to dictate the child's chosen profession and this can scar the child for life. r have met people in their 60s who were still racked with guilt because they had 'let their parents dovn1' by not being what they wanted them to be. If parents want to do something let them do it, but children are their own uniqueness and not a trinket of those who had sex to bring them into the world. This goes both ways with parents not having to be what their children insist they should be. 'Oh, mum, you can't do that- it's embdirassing.' When it comes to Phantom Selves, programming does tend to go both ways. Respect for individual uniqueness and people being individually unique keeps The System awake at night and so uniqueness is incessantly discouraged and legislated against. Once the pushy, child -abusing parents decide what their kids should be - lawyer, doctor, scientist, politician, whatever - the race is on to get the grades that The System deems are necessary. At school you need the grades to go to university and then to secure your degree (of programming) to pursue your parents' , peer-pressured and System ambitions or perceptions of 'success' in the


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Real World (The Hoax). The System has hijacked definitions for perceived success (money, fame, status, passing exams). Those so insecure (most people) that they have to be 'seen' to be successful by others must therefore 'succeed' by the criteria The System has decreed for success (money, fame, status, passing exams). Succeed by your own criteria and you will likely be seen as a failure. They sell us our dreams to keep us asleep. I have come across very rich (and unhappy) people who spend most of their time in the smallest room of their Figure 34: 2 + 3 = 8,456. big mansions. This would seem like a contradiction - having such a massive house and all that money but living in the smallest room. In fact, the mansion represents their externalised public persona of 'success' to feed their insecurity and the little room represents their inner desire to live the life they want. Our apparently 'external' world is constant reflecting our inner sell. Chasing The System's version of success turns childhood into a nightmare of pressure, fear, anxiety and pursuing 'success' as each new test and exam approaches, when it should be a time of chill and joy and unfettered exploration. Life becomes gotta, gotta, gotta - gotta work, gotta revise, gotta pass, gotta remember. Yes, remember. This is what exams are really about. 'Revision' is committing facts and alleged facts to memory for exam days. Talk to the same kids a few weeks later and certainly years later as adults and ask them questions they got right in exams. Most will say: 'I dunno - forgot.' Passing exams - which is considered such a measure of intelligence - is mostly an ability to remember facts and alleged facts on one particular day. Remember and you are a 'success'; don't remember and you are a 'failure'. It's extraordinary, and so many parents buy into thLc, crap when they should be protecting their children.from it. Much of what you are demanded to remember is a complete irrelevance to your life, anyway. I mean, take algebra. What is that all about? 'What does x equal?' I don't give a shit; make it equal what you like because it doesn't matter, mate (Fig 34). How many have ever used algebra or even thought about it again once they leave school?? Oh, but your whole future depends on your exams- gotta, gotta, gotta. Bullshit. This is the real point of it all: the process of absorbing information and committing to memory for that one day programs the vast majority, consciously and subconsciously, with The System's version of life, self and the world. Not true? Then ask yourself honestly where your multitude of views, assumptions, reflex-perceptions and responses have their origins and, if you arc honest with yourself, you will see that they mostly came from school/college/university, parents, media and others who have also been through the same programming machine. Put all this in two words and you get The System'. There will be exceptions; people who have genuinely filtered the program to reach their own conclusions, but they will be tragically few even today with many more looking at the world through reassessing eyes. I have met countless people with once unyielding beliefs who eventually checked the facts and saw how deluded they had been. But, hey, The System can't be wrong, surely, and it certainly can't be




Phantom Self

manipulating you when it's only there to serve your best interests, correct? We now have terms like exam stress and exam panic to describe the psychological trauma that children and young people are forced to endure by The System and its agents - parents, teachers and all the rest (Fig 35). Some even commit suicide in the face of exam results or the fear of what the results wiJl be. How many pushy parents and teachers ever stop to ponder on the sheer madness of it all? Figure 35: So much stress for so little reason. Those that pass their tests go into the world with a skewed and distorted view of their own intelligence (it means passing exams, see) and those that don't pass often have a sense of ongoing failure that can be seen in comments like 'l was not very good at school'. These are Einstein's 'fish' people, but as the same guy said: ' Imagination is more important than knowledge.' So it is, but imagination is connected with expanded awareness, and so lack of imagination is rewarded and imagination that doesn't serve The System is herded into a pen that says 'here and no further'. I saw a funny test paper in which the student had taken the piss out of the questions. What is the main cause of divorce was answered with 'marriage'; What does half an apple look like was answered with 'the other half'; and What can you never eat for lunch and dinner was answered 'breakfast'. The pape r was marked with a grade of 'F' because the kid had not told The System what it wanted to hear (he or she had 'failed' the test); but the teacher added a personal note that said' A+ for creativity'. Isn't that what we want- creative people with expanded imagination? Well, it would make for a better and more vibrant and interesting world for a start, but The System would collapse by not being taken seriously. I ran home in the middle of my first day at school and told my mother I didn't want to go again. Call it intuition. Let us get this straight: passing exams does not mean you're intelligent and not passing them does not mean you're stupid. I never took a major exam in my Life because I left school at 15 to play football for a living and yet I have written more than 20 books and spoken for days at a time on multiple subjects all over the world. Not once has not taking exams proved a handicap to understanding. In fact, the opposite has been the case because I have not had a deluge of irrelevant trash to get in the way of free thought. Look at how many people have had wonderful Lives and proved to be highly skilled in their chosen field, but were not anywhere near the top of the class. Examinations and their associa tion with intelligence, success and failure, are just another hoax. Figure 36: They really are laughing at us.


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University for those with the right memory certificates is the finishing c.chool of the education program and the honing down of Phantom Self. Today this comes with crippling repayments for those without parents rich enough to pick up the bill. The UK fodependent on Sunday, quoting government documents, put the cost of a university degree at up to £100,000 (nearly $160,000 at the time of writing) with all costs included (Fig 36). Get them in debt when they are young and you control them for life (Fig 37).

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Figure 37: You w ant to be progr.immcd? That will be £ I00.000, please. We'll wke a cheque.

System People Professions that administer The System are peopled by graduates and those in the mo:-.t influential positions are from private schools and elite unive rsities such as Oxford and Cambridge in Britain, and the Ivy League establishmentc; in the United States. Here the future politicians, government administrators, judges, lawyers, doctors, bankers, corporate leaders and journalists rub shoulders. They may appear to be in different professions but they are still assets of the same base program and their by now System minds see the world and reality in basically the :.ame way -The System's way. There will be exceptions who retain at least some of their own uniqueness but they will be few. A young lifetime of incessant perception programming has made The System their God to be worshipped and always protected (Fig 38). You can constantly t,ee the results of this. The System's way is the only way. I read about a mother who w as appearing in court in a dispute over cancer treatment for her child. She wanted him to try alternative treatments after seeing the devastating effect on mind and body of mainstream 'medical' madness. I knew what the outcome would be, because it is virtually always the same - and was again. The judge (System program) supported the view of the doctor (System program) and not the mother (questioning The Sys tem). Norman Tebbit, a minister in the governments of Margaret Thatcher in the 1980s, mad e a telling statement about why more was not done to expose pae dophile politicians during the Thatcher years. He said: 'At that time I think most people would have thought IT t:OOKS COMPLICATED BUT that the establishment, the system, was to IT'S SIMPLE REALLY . be protected and if a few things had gone wrong here and there that it was more important to protect the sys tem than to ·' . ~ delve too far into it.' There is no 'at that ·,,- ¥·"-'" · .. ·• time' about it. This is what has always l. -', .... r·r :: :1-'..,--,1 •• ,•\ \111._.._. ~- ~·:..:: . " .,••:. i:~t1W .. ··._.,. . happened and still does. To .,,.- .~. ,-y~Jf~~:r~. . -~ ·-=--·administrators and servants of The -· . . ~ •.4 ••..-.~ - ~ .....~1...!--= - · -· IT.MEANS ·YOU PAY-tf.OR"System protecting The System is far more important than horrifically abused Y.OUR OWN P.ROGRAMMING -children. This will always be so until Figure 38: Behind apparent comple'1 uuest,on

someone dressed as a gorilla clearly walks into shot. Attention is everything when it comes to perception. The body hijacks attention and is encouraged to do so by The System in ways that I will be explaining.



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Meeting with Infinity I consciously experienced awareness beyond Body-Mind in the rainforest of Figure 59: The pint>al gland connects us to ·nut thl're' frequencies beyond the world that we ·see'. Brazil in 2003. l entered an altered and expanded state of perception on two occasions after taking the psychoactive potion ayahuasca, a rainforest plant which contains the neurotransmitter DMT or dimethyltryptamine. DMT is a naturaUy­ occurring component of the metabolism of mammals and plants. Ayahuasca can have many effects, nice and not so nice, and can free you from five-sense awareness to experience far more expanded states. This happened to me over five incredible hours. DMT stimulates the pineal gland in the centre of the br,1jn, which is part of the decoding !>ystem known as the 'Third Eye' and can connect us to realities beyond the reach of the five senses (Fig 59). Pineal glands are only about the size of a grain of rice and look a bit like a pine cone. This symbol has been used for the pineal gland by many cultures and can be seen in the enormous pine cone that dominates the Courtyard of the Pinecone in the Vatican (Figs 60 and 61). Pineal glands are crystalline, as are DNA molecules and the body and genetic structure'-, because they are all receiver-tran!>mitters of information. There are even military radios that exploit the ability of bones to transmit is the 'Void'. From here all 'Creation' and form i.i; made manifec;t as the Infinite experiences it~lf. Realms of form or iJlusory form are realms of frequency and vibration (Fig!> 63 and 64). The Voice said:


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Figure 63: Out of All Possibility come the world!> of

Figure 64: Different 'worlds' or realities can share lhe ~ame 'space' because they opcratl' in different bands of frequency.

If it vibrates, it is illusion. The Infinite lin awarenec;s of itself! does not vibrate; it is the harmony and Oneness of all. Only illusion vibrates - that which is created by the imagination and delusion of mind.


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1g Infinite bration

It may seem odd that something silent and still can be the origin of all form and possibility, but again the opposite is the case. Sitting in silence is All Possibility waiting to manifest. Then you start talking and you are choosing that possibility out of all possibility. When you stop speaking everything returns to the silence of All Possibility. The ame is true with movement and stillness. Under a microscope all is moving, vibrating, but this is the world of form, not the Dazzling Darkness from which all form originates in the imagination of the Infinite. Physicist and genius Nikola Tesla said: 'In the Unjverse there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know it exists.' Your imagination is an expression of infinite Imagination because you are the Infinite experiencing itself (Fig 65). Scale, depth and potential of that imagination may be different with Figure 65: Ever.thing is the Infinite expenencing itself.


Phan1om s.11



each unique expression, but it's the same imagination and self-experience. We are the droplet and the Infinite is the ocean, but when the droplet is co1111ected to the ocean where does the droplet end and the ocean start? There is no such point. Both are the same 011mess. Different names and labeb make us lose sight of this unity just as \Ve speak of the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean and Indian Oct•an when they are alJ the same body of water. 'Love' as in Infinite Love does not have the same meaning as the illusory love that humanity talks about. Humanity's perception of love is overwhelmjngly describing an electro-chemical attraction; or what I call 'Mind Love'. Those who have been involved in government-military mind control programme,:; have told me how two people who would otherwise have no attraction can be made to fall madly in 'love' purely by stimulating certain chemkals in the brain. We are told that love never dies and in term!> of Infinite Love that is true; but how often do those attracted by Mind Love walk away from each other with the attraction long gone and onJy acrimony to c:;how for it? lnfinHe Love is far closer to always-there friendship than head-over-heels temporary 'love'. Infinite Love just is. It doesn' t have a set of conditions. It doesn' t even have to like what you do. It loves because it is love. We have to use terms like unconditional love to indicate the difference between Mind Love and love in its Infinite sense which is the harmony and balance of all things, all forces. Humanity has been systematically disconnected from this ,;tate of Infinite Love for reasons and through means that will become clear. This is why the world is as it is, but we can reconnect whenever we make that choice. I will refer to the realms of form as 'Creation' in contrast to the All Tllat ls or Dc1221ing Darkness which is the source of that Creation through its infinite points of attention. Creation is not all the work of the Dazzling Darkness in awareness of itself saying: 'Let there be light and there was light' (I'll put that into another context later, anyway). Expressions of Infinite Awareness whid, are not aware of their own infinite nature also create worlds or simulated worlds. Someone designing a house or car is still using creative imagination to do so as an expression of lnfinite Imagination. Only the scale of awareness and potential to manifest is different. An adult can do brain surgery but a child can't becau~e it does not have the l:>ame awareness. A child does, however, have the potential to expand its awareness until it can do brain surgery. The relationship is the same between the All That Is in awareness of itself and humans in awareness only of being human. A perception of being human is only a temporary experience by expressions of Infinite Awareness - you, everyone. Phantom Self is a state of strictly limited awarenei.s which has been tricked into believing that it is the experience, when it is really Infinite Awareness luwi11g that experience. l explained in the opening chapter ome foundations to how the trick works, and I will expand on that and what is behind thj.:; manipulation - cmd why. For now it is enough to ~ay that humanity is living out a false identity by confusing who they are with what they are experic11ci11g - their name, race, culture, religion, family history. The Voice asked me as I experienced Infinite reality: ' Do you feel any frustration or anger in this place?' l did not. 'Do you have any worries or fear or guilt where you are now?' No, there was only harmony, peace, love and bliss. 'Frustration, anger, fear, guilt and pain are only illusions, figments of disconnected mind,' the Voice continued. 'They don't exist except in your imagination.' Later I began to feel quite nauseou'> (a common feature of ayahuasca) but this djsappeared when the Voice said:




firs.I Question


Where is your nausea coming from? Do you rhink the Infinite is feeling nauseous now? So you must be identifying with your body. It's an illusion, David; your body is an illusion, and so must be the nausea you think you are feeling in your body. If your body does not exist how can nausea or pain?


s Love IW for )rary to

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any ve ion.'

1think it is fair to say with historic understatement that human perception and Jnfinjte Perception do not see the world the same way.

We live in a simulation When r returned from Brazil and the 'Voice' in 2003 I began to research what I had been told over those five hours or more. I realised that our reality is actually a highly advanced fonn of computer simulation like that Figure 66: The world we thml.. is ·out 1here' is portrayed in Tire Matrix and this will make actually a ~imulation which we decode into the so much more sense of the 'worJd' (Fig 66). I reality we daily experience. lt"s i~ all happening 'in saw that even the cutting edge of here' - within our decoding processes. mainstream science had established the illusory nature of reality, but the institution of science is so fragmented, with each discipline up its own arse, that these revelations were largely ignored in the hope they would go away. Quantum physics - the study of the unseen energetic levels from which our illusory 'physical' world is manifested - has demolished the foundations on which mainstream science has been based and they are still doing their best not to acknowledge that. 'Laws of physics' are only the encoded rules and limitations of the simulation or 'game' and they only operate within the simulation. Expand your awareness to beyond the game and you transcend the game and its encoded limitation. What then happens are called 'miracles', but they are not miracles. There are no miracles, only more expanded understanding of how everything works. The Voice in Brazil told me that the human laws of physics were illusory 'laws' to measure an illusory universe. 'Do you think the Infinite needs 'laws' through whjch to express itself?' the Voice asked. There were no laws of anything, only perceptions of them. Laws and limitation were only a belief in laws and limitation, the Voice said, and this is clearly true. How come if you walk Figure 67: How can people wall.. through fire without through fire you get burned but if you do getting burned ii our reality is 'real'?

--.J.....................................................................I ,





Phantom Self

the same in an altered state of consciousness (belief) you don't? This is what firewalkers do and I have seen it for myself (Fig 67). What you believe you perceive and what you perceive you experience. I have been writing and saying for a long time that we live in a simulation or 'Matrix-type' world and my own research and sources are increasingly supported by those mainstream scientists who express a spirit of true exploration rather than song sheet worship. Reports have now even begun to appear in the mainstream media here and there. Physicists at the University of Bonn in Germany have said they may have evidence that the Universe is a computer simulation and they published their findings in a paper headed 'Constraints on the Universe as a Numerical Simulation'. They highlight the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin (GZK) cut-off which is a barrier for cosmic ray particles caused by interaction with cosmic background radiation and they say that thb 'pattern of constraint' is precisely what you would find with a computer simulation. Like a prisoner in a pitch-black cell we would not be able to see the 'walls' of our prison, the team says, but 'through physics we may be able to identify them'. Simulations can have their own 'laws of physics' in the same way that computer games operate to the rules dictated by the writer of the program. Answers to questions about how something is possible can so often be answered by 'click, click, enter' simply the way the simulation has been written. I have long contended in my books that the outer 'wall' of the simulation is what scientists call the speed of light (officially 186,282 miles per second). Albert Einstein said this was the fastest speed possible but I strongly beg to differ. There can be no fastest speed within All Possibility for a start and the speed of light is pedestrian compared with what happens outside the simulation. Reality and 'time' go haywire close to the speed of Light because we are then approaching the limits of the simulation and entering a realm with very different 'laws of physics' (Fig 68). Time is only an encoded program within the simulation and starts to warp when you reach the outer Hmits of that program. Consciousness beyond the five senses can override the limitations of the simulation and this often happens in dreams when we can fall off a cliff or something and no one dies. Do the same within the program and you do 'die', or at least the body does, because that is the way the program is written to hijack perception in a state of limitation. A belief in the speed of light a~ the limit of possibility can keep you entrapped in the program as your sense of reality becomes your experienced reality. Most people believed that no one could ever run a mile in under four minutes, but once Roger Bannister achieved that by a fraction of a second in 1954 others began to do the same and better. This is the same principle. By 2015 the world record for the mile was neaily 17 seconds below four minutes. Near-death experiencers find themselves in a totally different reality with different 'laws of physics' when their awareness wi thdraws from the body - withdraws the point of attention from the sense of limitation specifically programmed into our 'physical' (Matrix simulation ) reality. Phantom Self, or fivesense self, is subject to these Limitations Figure 68: Tiie Ma1nx operates ton the level we perceive) because it is part of the same program, within lhP speed of lighL










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Figure 69: Virtual reality game~ hijack the iivt""ith information to project a fake reality.


Figure 70: The fake can seem so real - 1ust like the reality we are experiencing.


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but Infinite Self transcends them as it's not part of the program. When this happens the resulting 'miracles' are often dismissed a~ a piece of trickery- 'things like that can't happen'. How often such words spew forth from Phantom Self, which is attached to the simulation and so believes in its programmed laws and rules. There is Phantom Self trickery and illusion - as with magicians - but the Infinite Self does not require that to transcend limitation when it is All Tl1at Ii, And £vet Can Be. Oxford professor Nick Bostrom has also said that our world could be a computer simulation and calculated the 'computationaJ requirements' on which it would be constructed. Bo!>trom is also a proponent of transhumanism - the fusing of humans with technology - and I will have much to say about this. It is vital for people to appreciate the magnitude of human control that transhumanism represents. We now have technology that basically mirrors the simulation in the form of virtual reality games that can convince the player:. their virtual world is real (Figs 69 and 70). We have virtual reality training including pilot training, and movie simulations that are getting ever closer to this-world real (Figs 71 and 72). Burns patients in some hospitals are attached to virtuaJ reality technology so they can focus on another reality while their dressings are being changed (Fig 73). Those

Figure 71: Video games are getting ever closer to tht> reality we experience as the world.

Figure 72: HO\\ long hefore vou won't be ablt' to tell !he

ciifft>rl'nc p?


~~------................................. . . 44

Phantom Self




at the forefront of virtuaJ reality development say it won't be that long before virtual realities are produced which will be indistinguishable from our 'real world' (simulation). Silas Beane with the University of Bonn team said:

Figure 73: Focussing on a virtual reality can derach lhople often ask that if we create our own reality as I say we do, then how come we all see the same landscape, house or car? We are all decoding the same background information fields, the c:;amE.'nsations' or 'impressions' (pieces of information) every second it constructs our sense of visual reality from just -10 while filling the gaps with what it thinks should be there. Are ,,ve really saying that every brain is going to fill those gaps in the exactly same way? An observer'._ sense of reality is also going to dictate what is decoded and what is made of that - as in g lass half empty or half full. Now, something that will become very relevant later: You can program a computer to decode information in a particular way and to decode some information and ignore the rest. Body-Mind is a biological computer that can be programmed to do the same. If you wanted to control humanity en masse is thb not what you would do? Of course you would - and they have. The program is Phantom Self.

Lost in the role Body-Mind is designed to directly interact with the simulation and this is the vehicle through which our expression of Infinite Awareness - what some call the 'Soul' or superconsciousness - can experience and interact with thi5 reality. 'Soul' resonates to a much higher frequency than the simulation that we 'see' and in its purest Infinite state i5 beyond frequency and vibration. 'Soul' could not pick up a fork or drive a car in the same way that the frequency of radio station A cannot interact (interfere) with radio station B when they are on very different wavelengths. Soul overcomes this frequency disparity by transferring its point of attention into the biological computer of Body-Mind through which it can directly interact with the simulation. What can happen - and has happened with humanity- is that our point of attention can become so




confused between Body-Mind awareness and its own Infinite Awareness that it self-identifies with Body-Mind (Phantom Self) and its name, race, culture, and family history. The play, As You Like It, attributed to William Shakespeare, says: in

All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely 11

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Figure 78: TI1c face \\-e put to the world - Ph,mtom Seli.

players; They have their exits and their entrances. And one man in his time plays many parts. Phantom Self is an actor who is so confused that he thinks his fictional character is really him and this confusion is encouraged and manipulated for reasons and by forces that I will reveal. How apt that the word 'person' comes from persona or 'actors mask' in Latin (Fig 78). You could think figure 79: When the computer is disconnected trom the operator and goes its own way the greater perspective oi reality is lost. The computer of someone sitting at the world is all that appears to exist. computer with the keyboard and mouse as symbolic of the Soul and the computer as Body-Mind and the five senses (Fig 79). Imagine the computer losing contact with the 'someone' and d eciding itself where to go on the Inte rnet and what to do. This is the dynamic I am talking about between 'Soul' and Body-Mind Phantom Self. We are me ant to be si multaneousl y aware on multiple levels so we are in trus world (Body-Mind) but not of it (Soul) with the two working in conscious harmony to exchange information and insight. The more we expand our awareness the more points of attention we become aware of- 'I could be anywhere I wanted to be simultaneously', as the near-death experiencer said. The System is specifically structured to disconnect Body-Mind from the influence and insight of Soul to isolate perception, attention and awareness in Body-Mind, which then becomes a Phantom Self unaware of its Tnfinite Self. The following is all accepted by the scie ntific mainstream although its fundamental implications for understanding reality are largely ignored: Our five senses of sight, hearing, touch, s mell and taste decode waveform information (what I would call the 'Wi-Fi' Cosmic Internet) into electrical information which is then communicated to the brain to be decoded into the digital 'physical world' tha t we think we 'see' (Fig 80). Our 'external world' is ac tually internal in the sen&e that it only exjsts in the brain. Virtually everything, if not everything, is an inversion of the way we perceive it and this is yet another classic. What we experience as solid and physical is




Phantom Self

' Figure 80 The 'physical wortd· oi 'out !here' is a decoded reality that only exists in that form in our brain Whc1t the hrain doesn't decode we can't see.

Figure 81 : ReJlity eiusts as informJtion on man)• levels which 1s decoded into \llhat we think is J solid reality, but isn't.

digital / holographic, which can be likened to the holograms you can buy in the shops. They appear to be solid and three-dimensional, but aren't. Body-Mind decoding processes create different versions of the same ' world' by decoding the same information into different states of manifestation. From the waveform Cosmic lntemet is decoded the electrical/ electromagnetic and then the digital and holographic {Fig 81). By definition Body-Mind operates on all these levels, too. What is called the auric field is the waveform/ electrical I electromagnetic level of Body-Mind while the brain and genetic structure deals with the electrical, digital and holographic. Scientists are bewildered to find that particles can also be waveforms at the ,;amr time, but this can be explained by the fact that they are different manifestations of the same information at different stages of the decoding process (Fig 82). Another apparent mystery is how the solid world is made of atoms and yet atoms have no solidity (Fig 83). How can something with no solidity construct a 'solid' world? Thi~ can be answered by Figure 82: All thec;e levels of simultaneous reality .ire the same intonnation in another simple fact difterent form\



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Figure 84: The Universe is information decoding information.

Figure 83: Aloms are packets of electrical energy


·net is L). By I is

informationl and empty atoms do not a sol id world make.

- there is no physical or solid world and so atoms don't need to be. They are packets of energetic information that are part of the decoding process, that's all. Everything in our reality is information being encoded and decoded. What is the Universe? Information. In the case of the 'physical' Universe it is decoded information in the same way that a computer is information decoding software i!nd Internet information. (Fig 84).

Five-sense illusion n be

The five senses are decoding systems that turn waveform information into electrical information, which they communicate to the brain - or at least that is a simple way of explaining the process of manifestation. There is a major rider to this, which I will explain at the end of the chapter. Virtual reality games hijack the five senses by sending information to the sight, sound and (through gloves) touch senses. They use the same decoding system through which we create 'normal' reality, but communicate different information. My goodness, how this is going to be so relevant later. Ears decode waveform information and transmit it to the brain to be decoded into sound. Anything that prevents this information reaching the brain in the correct form or stops the brain decoding it wiU cause the person to be deaf. We hear words when people speak, but only when the fields of vibrating information generated by the vocal cords have been decoded into words by the brain. Words do not pass between us, only vibrational information fields. Words come courtesy of the brain which can be programmed to decode different vocal cord information in different ways and we caU these different languages. Music is a perfect example of waveform information decoded into sound by the brain. A music concert is a mass of waveform information from vocal cords, strings and drums decoded by the brain into the form that we 'hear'. Music can also be expressed as mathematical codes. We only feel pain when a blow on the knee is transmitted electrically to the brain to be decoded into 'ouch'. Methods of pain relief used today include blocking this communication, because if the brain does not decode the message we cannot feel the pain. We only tac;te when the brain decodes information




Phantom Self

from the tongue into 'Mmmm' and 'ugh' and we only smell when the brain decodes electrical messages from the nose. Chemical 'taste enhancers' such as monosodium glutamate (MSG) are added to what passes for food to trick the brain into decoding taste that isn't really there. Different parts of the brain specialise in decoding information from different senses and our entire visual reality springs forth from a few cubic centimetres at the back of the brain. Yep, physical reality is real all right. A scene in Tile Mafrix when Morpheus was explaining the illusion of physicality was based on fact: What is real? How do you define 'real'? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, taste and see, then 'real' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain. That's all it is- this 'Real World'. A brain sits in pitch black darkness encased by the skull and only 'sees' light by decoding electrical information delivered from the sight senses. Philosopher and mystic Allan Watts was right when he said: ... !Without the brainI the world is devoid of light, heat, weight, solidity, motion, space. time or any other imaginable feature. All these phenomena are interactions, or transactions, of vibrations with a certain arrangement of neurons. It's not just the brain, either. The whole genetic and body structure is involved in the reality-decoding process and this includes the receiver-transmitter system known as DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and the central nervous system. An Internet artide described DNA very well: From the characteristic form of this giant molecule - a wound double helix - the DNA represents an ideal electromagnetic antenna. On one hand it is elongated and thus a blade which can take up very well electrical pulses. On the other hand, seen from above, it has the form oi a ring and thus is a very magnetical antenna. DNA is also a software program as an article in the San Francisco Chronicle pointed out: 'DNA is a universal software code. From bacteria to humans, the basic instnictions for life are written with the same language.' DNA consists of four (biological computer) codes known as A, C, G and T, and the relationship between them decides if the holographic form is a virus, a mouse or a human (Figs 85 and 86). Only small differences can produce vastly different forms. Body-Mind in its entirety is a software program designed to interact with the overall software program of the simulation or Matrix. This is the realisation that makes sense of our crazy world and the nature of Phantom Self. Body-Mind software is programmed only to visually decode the tiny freguency range called visible light to focus and isolate our perceptions in five-sense reality at the expense of a conscious connection to Infinite Awareness. I will be addressing the whys and wherefores of this and in doing so unravel the mysteries of human society. Scientific naivety about DNA is such that up to 98 percent has been dubbed 'junk DNA' because they don't know what it does and conclude therefore that it must have 110 fi111ctio11. This is a recurring theme with mainstream science and indeed Mainstream Everything- 'We don't understand how this can happen and so it can't be happening'. Unbelievable. Real scientists can see the nonsense of this 'junk DNA' and

rom Self


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, few ·ene in ,n fact: ou can figure 85: DNA rodes of A, C. G and T decide wh.,t t ~ will mamfesl ...


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Figure 86: ... and they loo!.. remarkably lil..e the O and I codes in a computer system and those portrayed m nie

ha"e identified many of its functi~ns. A Russian team found that it follows the o;ame rules as human language!> and this led them to believe that spoken languages are not random but a reflection of DNA (the software). Yes, because it's n/1 a program. The team led by Russian biophysicist and molecular biologh.t Pjotr Garjajev found that human language can, in turn, also influence DNA through a frequency interaction. Humans can 'talk' to animals and plants th rough this same DNA frequency interaction. When we speak we create vibrating information fields with the vocal cord!> and animab and plant can decode this information. They obviously don't do this by knowing human language but by gleaning a feeling or impression from the information fields whjch they d~ode in their own way. People get a good or bad feeling from a song even if they can't make out the words. Experiments with electrically-wired plants have shown that they react positively and negatively to words of kindnesc; and abuse, and recognise an abuser when they re-enter the room. We can heal (balance) ourselves and make ourselves ill (imbalance) through words, thoughts and visualisation (concentrated thought) through the vibrational impact. Electrical I energetic healing devices (genuine ones) work in the same way and so does 'hands-on' healing through an exchange of energy (frequency I vibration I information). Molecular biologist Pjotr Gatjajev and his colleagues say that: 'Living chromosomes function just like solitonic/holographic computers using ... DNA laser radiation.' SoLitonic relates to a particular form of wave, and holographic fits perfectly with what lam i:,aying about reality as we shall now see.

Yes, it feels solid ... but ... A question rightly asked is; if the solid world is an illusion how come I bang into a wall if I try to walk through it? I'll grant you the world does seem solid (Fig 87). 1 can answer the question by telling a story that serves a1:, such a brilliant example of all that I am saying here. Michael Talbot was an American writer and researcher who produced an outstanding book entitled Tl,e Hologrnpl,ic U11it1erse which compiled research from majnstream scientists, weU, the open-minded 1

Figure 87: II must he ~lid - surely?



Figure 88: Nothing exists in the form that we see until we decode ii ...

Phantom Self

Figure 89: ... and what triggers the decoding process is our attention.

versions, anyway, who have concluded that our reality is holographic and its solidity illusory. He described how his father had a party for friends and invited a stage hypnotist to entertain the guests. At one point a man called Tom was sitting in a chair in a hypnotised state. Tom was told that when he returned to a waking state he wouJd not be able to see his daughter in the room. His daughter was then asked to stand in front of her father as he awakened from the trance. Tom was asked if he could see his daughter. No, he said, even though he was looking into her belly. Next the hypnotist put his hand on the daughter's back and asked Tom if he could see what he was holding. Yes, Tom replied, he was holding a watch. His daughter was standing between him and the watch, but he could still see it. Tom was asked if he could read an inscription on the watch and he did. Ask mainstream scientists like Richard 'Dogma' Dawkins to comment on this story and they would likely say that either it didn't happen or was some sort of trick. In fact, it can all be easily explained if you appreciate that ' physical' reaUty is an illusion. The Universe in its foundation state is waveform information which is decoded into an apparently physical (holographic) form by the brain. This is true of everything including the body. We even decode our own body into holographic form because the base state of Body-Mind is not what we see but energetic information fields that are decoded into what we tltink we see (Figs 88 and 89). If that decoding process does not happen Body-Mind remains only in its energetic state and cannot be i-.cen by the conscious/holographic mind -yes, even the brain which is also energetic in its undecoded form. Everything is energy, but l am using the term 'energetic' here to describe the difference between 'physical' and 'non-physical' states. All of which brings U!> back to the article in a British newspaper that I referred to earlier headed: 'Your entire life is an ILLUSION' and 'New test backs up theory that the world doesn't exist until we look at it'. Physicists at the Australian National University had found evidence which supported daims made by other quantum physicists that the Universe as we know it only exists when it is obst!rved. l would take it further and put it like this: 'The world doesn't exist until we decode it.' Observing or 'looking' is a focus of attention that triggers the decoding process. From this perspective Tom's experience with his daughter makes perfect sense. Hypnotic suggestion to Tom that ht! wouldn' t see his daughter acted like a firewall in his brain which blocked him from decoding her energetic information fields



1s our


fis:ure 90: If we don't dee-ode energetic information into holowaphic form lhl'n it cannot dJ,pt'ar in the reality of CllOSCIOU\ m1ocf.


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to holographic reality. Unless he did so she wuuld not enter the 'world' of his nscious mind in the band of visible light. To hi!:> holographic observation she was not ~ rt of the holographic scene his brain had decoded and so she could not block his view to the watch (Fig 90). We can now return to the question of why, if the world is not solid, that people bump into walls. Our simulated reality is an energetic information construct and on one level it is electromagnetism. Tnteraction between holographic ('physical') form:. il> really happening at a waveform I electromagnetic level. Holographic reality is only a decoded version of that information. When you bump into a wall this is not because it's solid - it clearly isn't from quantum physics alone. The resistance you experience is not solidity against solidity but electromagnetic state against electromagnetic state or information field against information field. This onJy appears to be solidity against solidity in the way we experience reality within the illusion . People 'iee figures or ghosts passing through walls because the 'ghost' is on such a different frequency that there is no energetic resistance. This difference in frequency mean!:, that ghosts mostly look e thereal when they would look as solid a::, you nnd me if we viewed them from their own frequency instead of from our own. 'Physical' reality is very much like the holographic principle that we see u~d ever more often in stage shows, television and advertising which aUows long d eparted ::.ingers and entertainers to appear in apparently three-dime no;;ional form . 1 remember Celine Dion singing a duet with a holographic Elvis, and the late British comedian Les Dawson starred in his own TV show as a hologram (Fig 91). The best holograms look solid, but they' re not and you can walk straight through them (Figs 92 and 93). They are

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Figure 91 : ' Real' Celine D ion sings wuh hol~raph1c Elvi~.

Figure 92: They may looJ.. solid,

but they are holograms.

Figure 93: Two men on the same stage? The one o n the right is a hologr.1phic projection from another city.





created by the manipulation of light. A laser beam is divided into two parts, the 'reference beam' and the 'working beam'. The first part goes directly to the photographic print and the other records the subject in waveform (Fig 94). Both halves collide on the print and create what is called an interference pattern (Fig 95).

Ph.'lntom Self





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panem lonns on Ille oho1ograpn1c plate

Figure 94: How lhe holographic illusion of 30 •,fJlidih ,~ created.

Figure 95: A holographic print or 'interfemnce pattern' rs the information of the subject in waveform. II looks very much like a fingerprint a nd with good reason given that the human body is a holographic ('l(pression of waveform information.

Pic:Tures: ·Strawbrrr,· Mirage· lD Hologram Generator, h11p,:iww,...r,y'm1~ • 'Rme"« .,..,..,.. hol,w~m, hi ,a


•a.niom Self


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This i!> the same principle as two pebbles dropped in a pond with the waves comjng together to create a waveform pattern that represents where the pebbles fell and at what speed (Fig 96). Holographic prints are waveform information versions of whatever the subject may be. A laser is then directed at this waveform 'matrix' and, as if by magic, a threedimensional image appears (Fig 97). This is the same a:. the brain decoding waveform and electricaJ information from the Cosmic Internet into a digital and holographic 'physical' world. A hologram only appears from the waveform print when the laser 'reads' or decodes the information and our 'physical' reality only exists in the form we experience when the brain reads and decodes waveform and electrical information into a holographic state. Our laser is the act of observation, focus ... atte11tio11. Once again the theme of a computer decoding the Internet (encoded information) into what we see on the screen is an excellent analogy. Holograms are now also made digitally and thb is getting even closer to the reality we experience as solidity. The brain is constructing digital holograms. Digital reality was excellently portrayed in The Matrix (Fig 98). A media report said of digital holograms: And they look so real - so real that when Ford used a !digital] hologram to show off a car concept model people stopped, afraid to walk into it. They thought the holographic car was really there. This is why our reality appears so solid when it isn't. Some scientists are suggesting that the Um verse could bt.> holographic and their findings should be fused with the work of those concluding that we live ins simulation. Only by different disciplines to each other in a spirit of true open-minded discovery are they going to connect the dots to see reality as it reaJ!y is. A copy of the mainstream science magc1zine Nw Scientist in 2009 ran a front cover saying: 'You are a hologram ... projected .from the edge of the unjverse' (Fig 99). Well, 'we' are not a hologram - 'we' are Infinite Awareness - but our vel1icle to expe rience this reality is a hologram. There is no projection from the edge of the Universe. It all happens in the d ecoding systems of the brain and genetic structure. A 2003

Figure 98: D igital reality in The Matrix

Figure 99: Ma111stream science is now exploring lhe ho lographic narure of reality to escape the cul-de-sacs o f

tlawed orthodoxy.

Figure 100: The truth cannoc he denied forever.




Phantom Sell

edition of Scie11tific American also had this cover story headline:' Are You A Hologram?Quantum physics says the entire Universe might be' (Fig 100). Another article in the same magazine the following year abou t the computer principles of the Universe concluded: 'Perhaps most significantly, the result leads directly to the holographic principle, which suggests that our three-dimensional Universe is, in some deep but unfathomable way, two-dimensional.' Or perhaps it's not unfathomable at all. Holographic television systems now being developed operate with two-dimensional information observed as three-dimensional forms. I saw a video about holographic TV and the voiceover said: And it does look 30 when you sit in front of it [observe it] ... The image is stored on the film or in this case displayed on the screen as an intricate set of interference patterns which only form the image when you view it from the right angle and illuminate ii properly. Other scientific pioneers of the holographic principle of 'ph ysical' reality include quantum physicist David Bohm (1917-1992) and Karl Pribram, Professor Emeritus of Psyd,ology and Psychiatry at Stanford University and Radford University in the United States. Pribram and Bohm both worked on 'holonomic brain theory', which describes the brain as a holographic storage network. Pribram contends that this involves wave oscillations in the brain that create interference patterns that encode memory. Song sheet 'science' is going to have to face the truth eventually that its foundation beliefs about the nature of reality are tlawed beyond words and measure and we do indeed Live in a computer-like simulation with a holographic 'physical' component. Physicist Nikola Tesla said: 'If you wish to understand the Universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration.' Now holograms should be added to the list.

Time Control Time and space are information encoded into the fabric of the Universe and when we decode them they appear to us to be real; but they're not. Play a virtual reality game and there will appear to be 'time' (one event or scene following another) and space (threedimensional perspective) and yet the game is onJy decoded information encoded with click, click, enter, when the program was written. Near-death experiencers describe how their out-of-body world did not have tin,e and space in the way we perceive it within what I would call the simulation. A quote from earlier said: l saw everything they were thinking now, what they thought then, what was happening before, what was happening now. There is no time, there is no sequence of events, no such thing as limitation, oi distance, of period, of place. l could be anywhere I wanted to be simultaneously. Near-death experiencer Anita Moorjani said like so many others that when she 'expanded' out of her body she could be everywhere 'at the same time'. Our perception of time is relative to the perceiver, observer - decoder. People throughout what we call history have been described as ahead of their time because they knew things and could do things that were thought impossible by their contemporaries. Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) and Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) come immediately to mind (Figs 101 and 102). Da Vinci was inventing technology 500 years before it was replicated and shown to


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work and Bnmo wa!:. so advanced in his ttnderstanding of reality that he was burned at the stake by the Roman Church; but these men and others were not ahead of their time - they were beyo11d ti me (Fig 103). They were able to expand their awareness to access frequency bands of knowledge outside the Figure 102: GiordJno Bruno said: walls of the simulation. 'Heroic love is the propert}' of those figure 101: Leonardo Da Vinci was This knowledge is always superior natures who are called l'OI ahead oi his 'time' - he was insane. nol because the\; do not available whether the ~ood 'lime'. know, but because thev over-kl'IO\v.' iJlusory timeline of the c;imulation is in tht;> Stone Age or Space Age. Those who c1,re able to connect with this level of awareness are either called ahead of their time (with 'hindsight') or mad and dangerous (during their lives). Psychologist John Eliot said: 'History eems Like an hour.' Nobuhiro I lagura from the lru;titute of Cognitive Neuroscience at University College in London made a study of time as it is experienced by leading sportsmen and women. Anyone who has watched sports Like tennis and baseball will surely have marvelled at the way a ball can be hit with such accuracy when it is travelling at great speed. Hagura discovered that gifted sports people have 'Matrix-like abilities' that slow down 'time' because they process visual informahon faster figure 103: 'lime' i~ a ur the


through 'solid' space with the Limited power of 'solid' engines. Advanced forms of extraterrestrial life 'travel' within the energetic realms of the Universe and are not lim.iled to the click, click, enter, 'laws of physics' of the holographic s imulation. l hear ~ of extraterrestrial experiences dismissed with 'that's impossible' when the truth is that the sceptic is too ignorant of reality to know how to do what he or she says is impossible. 'I can't do it' and 'l don't know how to do it' are not the same as 'it can't be done.' What wac; I saying about ignorance being so all pervading that it's called lnlelligence? Scienti. only a holographic projection of what is happening in the body's energetic information field:.. Drug.., are energetic information fields and they are in teracting with our e nergetic level. Drugs only appear to be 'physical' treating ' physical' in the way we decode reality. A hologram





is projected from a waveform print as a fully-formed ' done dec:11' . It doesn' t ' do' anything. 'Physical' bodies do nothing and can do nothing because they a re only projections of our waveform energetic self which d oes everything. H olographic bodies are projections from within in the

Figure 109: Physical' reality is a holographic projection of waveform information. It is at the waveform level that everything really happens.

Figure 110: 'incarnate' self is meant to stay in conscious connection to Infinite Self and when that connection is lost we become Phantom Self.

Figure 111 : When we take on the perceptions of Phantom Sett we enter an energetic reality bubble of low frequency that disconneclS us from the influence of Infinite Awareness.




same way that what appears on your computer screen is a decoded projection from information within. Disconnection that isolates Phantom Self from expanded awareness is not between eternal 'Soul' and 'physical' body, but between Soul and the waveform / electromagnetic information fields from which the body becomes holographically manlfest (Fig 110). A disconnection of Soul fields from auric fields caused by the difference in frequency which is caused by the difference in perception (Fig 111). Near-death experiencer Anita Mootjani said: I believe that the greatest truths of the Universe don't lie outside, in the study of the stars and planets. They lie deep within us, in the magnificence of our heart, mind and soul. Until we understand what is within, we can't understand what is without.

Reality is indeed monumentally different from The System's 'Real World', and this has the most fundamental implications for human life and for both freedom and control.


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Paranormal' is Normal Reality leaves a lot to the imagination John Lennon

J talk a lot about the ' inversion'. Human society cannot be understood without the realisation that almost everything is inverted or upside down and there are few better examples than the term 'paranormal'. This is defined as 'beyond the range of normal experience or scientific explanation'. We are back to the concept of 'normal' again, but normal is only normal from the perception of experiences that people normally have. Whenever we return to 'normal' we must return to the perception of normal because that's all normal is- a perception of reality. Someone living in a house in the middle of nowhere will experience a normal of being alone. When a car passes by this is paranormal, but only to the per.on living in the middle of nowhere. To ~omeone with a home in an urban street the passing of vehicles is their normal while peace and quiet is their paranormal. Phantom Self is programmed to believe in The System's version of normal which demands that we perceive everything through the five senses and beUeve in a world of solidity. When something happens that 'science' can't explain this is labelled 'paranormal' while being perfectly normal once you understand reality. If you think the world is solid mo!>t of the paranormal is impossible and so it's seen as strange and bewildering, condemned as the 'black arts' or dismissed as a figment of deluded imagination. Such responses block any serious inquiry that could lead to a re-evalualion of what is 'normal' and the cycle of ignorance goes on and on.


Infinity calling ... I am going to present many examples of the perfectly normal parnnonnal in this chapter and I'll start with psychic phenomena. There are many who call them::.elves psychics and mediums who are tricksters and employ fakery to make it appear they are contacting the beyond. Con artists exist in every walk of life, but here we have baby and bathwater dispatched togelher as usual by Mainstream Everything and nil psychic gifts and activity are dismLc;sed as fakery. l have experienced fake:, and genuine psychics and mediumr realities and communicate information and insights that come from that

Figure 115: Human Body-Mind allows consciousness in very different states oi awareness to experience the same •world' at the same 'time·.

what psychic Betty Shine was doing for me with the messages that began my conscious journey in 1990 and the electromagnetic 'spider's web' that I felt on my face was the electromagnetic channel or connection between another frequency 'world' and ours. A definition of the word 'medium' is 'an intervening sub:.tance through which something else is transmitted or carried on'. Another form of 'paranormal' inter-frequency communication is known as channelling. A psychic or medium will see or hear information communicated to them, but with channelling the 'channel' allows another awareness to take over their body and vocal processes to speak through them. I have experienced this with many people around the world and some have been almost hilariously bad while others extremely impressive. Like everything, it comes down to gifts and abilities. 1 have witnessed the faces and voices of channels change quite dramatically in some cases as the energetic field of the connecting awareness impacts upon the holographic field of the channel. Body-Mind allowc; awareness in multiple states of consciousness to experience the sanw 'world' (Fig 115); but once awareness withdraws from the body, it can only interact with a frequency band with which it can sync. Some leave the body and gravitate to frequencies of pure awarenei,s without form, while others are still !to attached to the 'physical' and the programming and sensory pull of the 'physical', that they remain very dose to this reality (Fig 116). They can still look like an energetic copy of their former 'physical' selves through what is called in Tile Matnx 'resjdual selfimage' - their programmed perception s till dominates their sen..c;e of ..,elf and reality and they continue to perceive them.selves as their once 'physical' personality. Some stay so


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close to our 'physical' frequency band they don't even realise they have left the body and can't understand why people they knew won't respond or speak to them. Friends and family who are sensitive to their loved-one's frequency-closeness will say things like: 'I can feel him /her around me all the time.' This is one explanation (only one) for ghosts and apparitions. They are so close to our frequency band that they ~re 116: Man, departed 'souls' or awareness can 'bleed' through like a form of ltmltn 'lO attached to the 'physical' 1ha1 they stay broadcasting interference (Fig 117). A radio close to our frequency band. accurately tuned to a radio station frequency will produce a clear, sharp reception with no interference, but when the dial is slightly off centre another station or stations can be heard alongside the main one. A 'ghost' is a form of visual interference based on the same principle and another ' paranormal' mystery that is easily explained. Ghost or spirit (energy) figures don't usually look solid because the observer is not on the same frequency, just as broadcast interference affecting a radio station is not crisp and dear. People are being influenced all the time from other frequencies without realising it. They might have a thought or idea out of nowhere and wonder where it came from. This could be self-generated from their subconscious mind, but it can also be communicated telepathically from other frequencies of reality. 1 have been Figure 117: Ghosts ,1re out-0(-body awareness and consciously guided and led to infom1ation the\· appear to people in an elherea l stale like a form this way since the days of Betty Shine 01 visual broadcast interference. 'Sometjmes he will say things and wonder where they came from' ... 'Knowledge will be put into his mind and at other times he will be led to knowledge.' Moments of inspired intuition when people say 'I don't know how I know, but I just know' can also be the result of inte r-frequency telepathic communication. Genuinely-gifted psychics and mediums expand the range of their receiver-transmission processes to connect with frequencies that we can't see (Fig 118). Some rnn only tune in to frequencies close to ours, and you see the result with many television psychics (genuine ones) when the interaction is only focussed on people and happenings in this reality. Tm getting a Bill, anyone know a Bill?' and 'Fred says thanks for looking after his cat.' Other psychically gifted people and those in highly altered state~ can expand their receiver range so far that they connect with awareness of pure consciousness that can offer extrao rdinary insights. This happened to me in the




Phantom Self

rainforest of Brazil with the aid of the ayahuasca. In my view, ayahuasca does not take you to these high frequencies but rather removes the programmed sen. e of limitation which stops you getting there. We are all meant to be doing this without support of drugs and potions. It's our natural state to be mu 1tidimensional awareness communicating across the frequency scale. Figure 118: Psychics and mediums tune their awareness with other realities We have been manipulated and communicate informa1ton they are given. In our reality this happens into an unnatural tate of through electromagnellc fields or channels. isolation by the hidden force that created and controls The System and our simulated reality. Real McCoy psychics and mediums are receiver-transmitters of information with a frequency range greater than that accessed by the rest of humanity. Some tune to vjsual information (clairvoyance) while others do so through sound (clairaudience) and !>till others can do both. Mysteries and 'it's-not-possible' fade away in the wake of simple explanation once reality is understood.

This place is haunted Ghosts and apparently spooky happenings can be energetic recordings. The Universe is a quantum computer encoding and decoding information and every experience is recorded or po~ted in the fabric of reality. This 'library of everything' is the source of the belief in'Akashic' fields or 'records', where some contend that every thought and event is stored. Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning 'sky', 'space', 'luminous', or 'aether' and I would liken the term to the 'hard drive' of the quantum computer. I have heard storiei,, over the years of people hearing the sounds of battle at the scenes of ' past' bloody conflicts, and this can be a quantum computer recording rather than 'real-time' ghostly activity. Witnesses on the Lc;le of Wight where I live in England claim to have seen a garrison of Roman soldiers marching at night between two ancient Roman sites, but this doesn't mean troops are literally marching in ghostly form. These witnessed experiences can be a powerful recording encoded in the energetic field which tho~e sensitive enough can tune in to. Some people see these things and others don't. Not everyone has the same sensitivity and one person can see or hear something very dearly while someone next to them doesn't. Sensitivity doesn't make you better or more advanced than others. It means you are more sensitive to frequencies outside of visible Light. Wisdom and enlightenment is not defined by having psyd,ic experiences, but from what you make of them and what you do as a result. People need to share what they experience ou~ide what is considered 'normal' to break the grip of perception programming and not stay silent for fear that other people (Phantom Selves)

Pmntom Self


ii with the sea. ln my Joes not high I ather ;rammed in whkh ; there. We be doing .:>port of ms. It's our be naJ lmunicating uency scale. manipulated ral state of ? hidden 1cCoy tency range rnation hers can do anation once

w,11 think they' re crazy. l have seen accounu. of ghostly happening. . recurring at particular times of the year but never m between. This can be expl,amed by changes in the energetic field caused by nomicaJ I astrological factors t activate certain 'recordings' at certain times in certain places m the same way that a laser read'> information on a DVD. Emotion ts a very powerful ~ that c,m imprint e,cpi•rience on the energy field Figure 119: High levels 01 emo11on 1of1en sulx:onsc1ous1 can disturb (do\\'nJoad to the quantum the energetic environmenr and appear to be haunllngs or polrergeist mmputer) with particular effect. activitv. For this reason, many paranormal or ghostly experiences are reported in houses and locations where murder, battle,; and other horrific experiences have taken place. Players in these events can also be trapped in low frequency states dose to this reality and be said to 'haunt' the location. Those committing suicide can be trapped in low frequencies by their mental and emotional state when they 'crossed'. They are not dangerous and if you know what you're doing they can be helped to escape their perception entrapment, which is the cau!.e of their frequency entrapment. There are others in the unseen that do have a atale,olent agenda and I'll be coming to them. A recurring theme in ghostly tales is of objects moving around and poltergeists - 'a ghost that manifests i~elf by noises, rappings, and the creation of disorder'. A 'physical' object is a holographic projection of ener~etic information. U you manipulate the information you manipulate the lographic projection. Paranormal experience is the result of what is happening at the energetic level not the 'physical' and if you move the information field of an object then its holographic projection wiJI appear to move when decoded by an observer. Sound wave!> that make 'solid' objects levitate are the same pnnciple at work. I have read several accounts of poltergeist activity and moving objects which have involved homes where teenagers (girls in particular) have lived w hen they were undergoing great emotional !>tress and challenge. When their stress subsides, so do the 'hauntings' (Fig Jl9). I've 5aid th,lt emotion is a very powerful energetic force and this can impact on the energy field of a location to cause a great disturbance that appears to be ghostly or poltergeist activity. Objects can even fly around the room. The person involved obviously has no idea that they are haunting themse/t,es through a subconscious and extreme form of tclckine,is - the ability to move objects with tht! mind. Disturb the energetic field of an object and you disturb its holographic form. Electric lights and other electrical items are often involved in ghostly experiences as they ~-.,itch on and off apparently by themselves, but there has to be a source of electrical power for these things to happen. I had my own experience of this on the first of the two nights that I took ayahuasca in Brazil. I was lying on the floor with the only other pcn,on sitting next

Universe is

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Phantom 5elf

to me when I felt a fantastic energy pouring from the centre of my chest ,\11th incredible power. There was a reason why it was my chest which r will come to later in the chapter. Almost immediately as I felt the energy, the music player began to turn off and on several times. The room was in darkness but a strip light came on followed by a second and a third. I lay there wondering why my friend had turned the lighh, on before realising that he was still sitting next to me nowhere near the light switch. Electrical I electromagnetic energy that had entered the mom so tangibly through me was interacting with electrical circuitry of the music player and light!>. Betty Shine told me how her record pla~r would sometimes switch on and off in the same way.. Electrical systems are tne easiest for other-dimensional entities and energies to atfect because of the electromagnetic connection. People in haunted places de~cribe having a chill down their spine and this is the electromagnetic effect on their central nervou system. Others say the room suddenly went very cold and again this has an explainable cause. When an entity or awareness is seeking to interact with our reality, it draws energy out of the room in the form of heat to make the connection and come into manifestation.

Atmosphere is electric (literally) Electricity and electromagnetism are all arow1d us, and why would that not be the case in a computer simulation? There are multiple expressions of the Universe and electricity I electromagnetism is one of them along with the waveform, digital and holographic. A gathering branch of alternative science is known as the 'Electric Universe' which researches and uncovers the properties and roles of electricity, magnetism and the interaction of the two - called electromagnetism. These are vehicles for delivering and communicating information, and electromagnetism generates information-encoded waves travelling at the speed of light. Electric Universe research is rewriting the concept of the Universe promoted by Mainstream Everything. Two Electric Universe pioneers are Australian physicist Wallace Thornhill and researcher David Talbott, co-authors of two excellent books, Tlie Electric U11ivcrse and T/11mderl10/ts of tlze Gods. They and other proponents of the electrical nature of the Universe (on one level) have comprehensively rewritten the skewed assumptions of mainstream science dbout how the Universe works with regard to electricity, electromagnetism and much else. I have introduced a very significant word here - ass11mptio11s. Great swatches of what has come to be accepted as scientific fact turns out to be mere assumptions th.;t have been repeated so often by science, academia and media that they have fused into an 'everyone knows that'. They are only assumptions and often the outcome or headline assumption is founded on a long list of other assumptions. Here are ten of the key assumptions listed by researd,er and biologist Rupert Sheldrake in his book Scie11ce Set Free which have (a) become accepted scientific, academic and medfa 'fact' despite being nonsense, and (b) ensure that anyone who believes them will never understand reality: I. That nature is mechanical. 2. That matter is unconscious. 3. The laws of nature are fixed. 4. The total amount of matter and energy are always the same. 5. That nature is purposeless.


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6. Biological inheritance is material. 7. That memories are stored as material traces. 8. The mind is in the brain. 9. Telepathy and other psychic phenomena are illusory. JO. Mechanistic medicine is the only kind that really works.

Th may be foundation assumptions of mairu.tream !>Cience (though not of quantum physic.,) but they are all nonsensical. The bottom-line a,;sumption about the Universe •~ the Big Bang (Fig 120). This theory - and ry is all it is - contends that 13.7 billion year-. ago the Universe was compressed into dlP nuclew, of an atom that they call the 'singularity' . Then came a rather loud noise as an explosion generated temperatures of Figure 120: The 'Big Bang' - 'Give us a free miracle and we'll explain th~ rest'. trill,oru, of degrees which somehow created subatomic particles. energy, matter, space and time, and later planets, stars and iverything eh.c. American writer and researcher Terence McKenna captured this lunacy "lliantly when he said: 'Give uc; a free miracle and we'll explain the rest.' He goes on: Every model o( the universe has a hard swallow. What I mean by a hard swallow is a place where the argument cannot hide the iact that there's something slightly fishy about it. The hard swallow built into science is this business about the Big Bang. Now, let's give this a little attention here. This is the notion that the universe, for no reason, sprang from nothing in a single inst,1nt.


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Well, no\\ beiore we dissect this, notice that this is the limit lest for credulity. Whether you believe th,s or not, notice that it is not possible to conceive of something more unlikely or less likely to be believed! I mean, I defy anyone - it's just the limit case for unlikelihood, that the universe ,,ould spring from nothing in a single instant, for no reason?! - I mean, if you believe th.1t, my family has a bridge across the Hudson River that we'll give you a lease option for five doll,irs! It makes no sense. It is in iact no different than saying, 'And God said, let there be light.' And what these philosophers of science are saying is, give us one free miracle, and we will roll from that point io,ward - from the birth of time to the crack of d()om! - just one free miracle, and then it will all unravel according to natural law, and these bizarre equations which nobody can understand but which are so holy in this enterprise.

Big Bang Theory was first postulated in 1927 as the 'hypothesis of the primeval atom' by Georges Lemaitre (1894-1966), a priest at the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium. Even he never said it was a fact, only a Modern discoveries have demolh,hed the concept of the ridiculous Big Bang and aU assumptions that come from th~s base a,;sumption; but Maim,tream Everything still dings to the non">Cnse like a


Phantom Self

sailor in a storm because when that assumption is thrown overboard then the ship itself (see that list above) will sink beneath the swirling waves of open-minded common sense. Given the dependency of mainstream science on assumptions, I had to laugh when American media cosmologist, Neil deGrasse Tyson, said: A conspiracy theorist is a person who tacitly admits that they have insufficient data to prove their points. A conspiracy is a battle cry of a person with insufficient data. This is taking self-delusion to shocking extremes when you think that mainstream science is another way of saying 'insufficient data'; but Tyson's worship of Mainstream Everything becomes clear in this quote: 'The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it.' Like the Big Bang?? A now mountain of evidence produced by proponents of the Electric Universe have overturned so many accepted 'facts' (assumptions) of Big Bang Figure 121 : Plasma is a near-perfect medium for believers like Tyson who appears to electricity. contend there are no conspiracies anywhere only insufficient data. The Universe is awash with electricity and electromagnetic fields from nano-tiny to spanning great swatches of 'space'. Its working environment is plasma which mainstream science agrees is a near-perfect vehicle for electricity I electromagnetism. Plasma has been called the fourth state of matter and 99.999% of the observable Universe is plasma. Everyone will have seen plasma balls which produce lightning-like responses when you touch them (Fig 121 ). Lightning is an obvious expression of electrical activity in the atmosphere when electricity builds up to the point where it has to be released. Lightning we see from the ground is only part of the story and the same electrical surge continues into the upper atmosphere where science gives it names such as 'elves', 'sprites', 'gnomes' and 'jets'. A lightning strike plays out into the electromagnetic fields of the Cosmos (Fig 122). Tornadoes are fast-rotating electrical fields and so appear during electrical storms. Electricity can also be seen with the Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights. When plasma in one electrical state meets plasma of another electrical state a barrier is created between them known as a LangmuiI Sheath after American Nobel Laureate, Figure 122: Lightning strikes impact Irving Langmuir (1881-1957) who discovered the on many levels o ut into the cosmos. phenomenon. Plasma 'sheaths' define planetary energy


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fields or magnetospheres. The electrical charge given off by planetary bodies is dilierent to the wider Cosmos and a Langmuir Sheath barrier is formed (Fig 123). Irving Langmuir coined the term plasma when he observed how it carried electrical forces much like blood plasma does with red and white blood u,rpuscles. He realised that plasma appeared to have a 'life-like' ability to ttlf-organise in response to electrical changes. This is to be expected when you Figure 123: Planetary energy fields or magnelospheres ow that plasma is part of a conscious are formed hy Langmuir Sheaths where plasma in difierenl electrical states resist each other. quantum computing system. l!t>ctromagnetism pervades the Universe. This, not gravity, holds everything jogether and dictates movements and orbits of planets (or rather its encoded 1nfom1ation does). Electric Universe research points out that electromagnetism is about 'a thousand trillion, trillion, trillion times' more powerful than gravity (Fig 124). When something h appens to destabilise the harmony of electromagnetic fields then everything lhat depends on their stability for their own stability is similarly affected. This Figure 124: Electromagnetism is the prime force that can resuJt in anything from objects flying holds everything together and apan. around the room in a poltergeist experience to wh ole planets and planetary systems going walkabout. ElectricaJ currents are passing through the Universe in the form of filaments of vastly varying size and power. They are known as 'Birkeland currents' after the Norwegian scientist, Kristian Olaf BirkC'land (1867-1917) who discovered them. As electricity travels through the plasma another process takes place in which electrical currents create electromagnetism and this, in tum, causes the filaments to rotate around Figure 125: The plasma pinch phenomenon and DNA. each other while electromagnetic fields keep them apart. This is called the 'plasma pinch' and looks remarkably like DNA (Fig 125). This is not a coincidence as we shall see. Human brains, hearts and bodies all operate with electricity and

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Phantom Self


electromagnetism. Brain activity is electrical and is just one level of the body's communication system. Communication of information electrically is another example of the Cosmic Internet (Fig 126).

Electrical sunshine Mainstream Everything claims that the Sun is a nuclear reactor generating heat and light from its core and will at some point bum itself out; but as the American engineer and Electric Universe Figure 126: The Cosmic Internet communicates on one level through electricity and electromagnetism. researd1er, Ralph Juergens, said: 'The modem astrophysical concept that ascribes the Sun's energy to thermonuclear reactions deep in the solar interior is contradicted by nearly every observable aspect of the Sun.' This is because the Sun is almost entirely plasma (99 percent) and processes electricity from its atmosphere and not from within. The Sun is absorbing electricity from the universal field and transforming that energy into the 'light' that we see. Solar power is coming from outside not inside and its role is one of processing and transforming (decoding) not generating (Fig 127). We talk of sun cycles as the power of the Sun goes through highs and lows and these are measured by the number of sunspots or the massive Figure 127: The Sun processes electrical power from ;he 'holes' that appear on the surface (Fig cosmic field and does not generate it from within. 128). Mainstream Everything says that sunspots arc being punched from inside as nuclear energy emerges from within, but this theory doesn't stand up at all. Scientists say that solar energy comes to the surface through a 'radiative zone' and 'convective zone' when there is no evidence of a radiative zone, and an MRJ scan of the Sun revealed a convective zone so small that it was only one percent of that necessary for the theory to be valid. Sunspot holes are punched by phenomenal electrical rnarges coming the other way (another inversion). At the ultraviolet level of the Sun you can see a torus or plasma doughnut circling the solar equator and this stores electricity from the Cosmos (Fig 129). When this torus overloads extraordinary bolts of electricity (on the same principle as lightning) are discharged to punch holes in the solar surface. Sunspots measure solar activity and its cycles because the more electrical power gathered in the torus the more is disd1arged. The Sun operates in basically the same way as an electric light and dimmer switch.

'Paranormal' 1s Normal


Electrical power in the solar system goes through cycles and these affect the power of the Sun's brightness. You can't see this with the human eye, but it can be measured technologically. Here is another inversion: The hottest part of the Sun is way out from the surface in the corona. This can reach 200 miUion degrees Kelvin while surface temperature is only 5,000 degrees. I wonder which direction the electrical power is coming from then? David Talbott and Wallace Thornhill summarise the electrical principle in Tl11111derbolts of the Gods: "he

e solar ,ery is ,lasma ty from 1. The

From the smallest particle to the largest galactic formation, a web of electrical circuitry connects and unifies all of nature, organizing galaxies, energizing stars, giving birth to planets and, on our own world, controlling weather and animating biological organisms. There are no isolated islands in an electric universe.

Figure 128: Sunspots of enormous size indicate the cycles of solar emissions.

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Lm1itless electrical power all around us begs the question of why we rip Earth apart by digging and sucking out sources of energy like oil, coal and gas to generate electricity that we could tap into at will from universal sources. Ignorance that such power Figure 129; The torus eleaw once he had transcended death and could sec beyond the program (Fig 131 ). Computers work with electrical and digital components and ~o does the quantum computer Universe. Here we have the background to the 'paranormal' art of numerology, which reads the digital level of reality. Numbers arc Figure 131: The Matrix - real and in the movies - is digi tal expressions of energetic d1g1tal on one level. (frequency I waveform) .!>late~ (fig 132). When the same numbers recur in vour life they represent recurring information, situations and personal statei, of being. Numbers we surround our~clve5 with or attrnct (even the one on the front door) are not a-. random as they might appear. We can see number!> and mathematics throughout what we perceive as the natural world. Science has not invented mathematics and number. believed to be invention is really tapping into the digital matrix. Repeating number-; and geometry Figure 132: Frequencies are numbers Jnd numbers are pervade reality. We have: Pi (ratio of a trequcnc1e,..

circle'!> c

appro'\ n umber (golden 1.61803 the fibo

seque nc Leonardo centurv It m athe ~ . plant-., flo the h umw are p a rt I mathe m al simula ti

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Pirai,ormal' Is NomW

arcle's circumference to its diameter and approximated as 3.14159 with an infinite number of decimal places); golden ratio (golden mean, golden section or Phi 1.6180339887499 ... recurring to infinity); and the Fibonacci sequence (adding the last two numbers to get the next one, as with 1, l, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 ... ). Golden ratio / mean or Phi can be found throughout nature - in the proportions of the human body and many animals, DNA, plants, the solar system, supernovas, music, waves of light and sound, and !>O much more. Sound is maths and maths is sound, and so music and human language are mathematical -.equences. Everything is - it's a si1111tlntio11. Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci, a 12th and 13th century Italian mathematician, identified the mathematics of hb 'Fibonacci sequence' in plants, flowers, trees, shells and proportions of the human face (Fig 133). Recurring numbers are part of a web of interconnected mathematics on which the virtual reality


Figure 133: The Fibonacci spiral in nature (the simulation,.

simulation is founded. I heard a scientist say of flowers: 'They set up a little machine that create~ the Fibonacci sequence.' I would say they nre a machine in the sense that they are a creation of the click, click, enter interactive c;imulation and following the cycle of their encoded information blueprint. A US Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) dcx.-umentary in 2015, Decodmg tlze Unit,erse: Tlze Great Math Mystery, highlighted how mathematics exist at every level of the observable Universe and asked what this could be all about. I would answer the ques tion with another question: Would it be a mystery to find mathematics at every level of a computer program? Max Tegmark, Professor of Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), asked in the documentary if the t.:niverse could be just as mathematical as a computer game reality; but then it mu~t be becau:,,e it is a computer game reality, aJbeit far more advanced than the ones we know. rlato m ancient Greece believed that ma thematics and geometry exist in their own world and what we see as reality is a reflection of that world. Mathematics and geometry are indeed a glimpse into the hidden blueprints of ' physical' reality. Galileo Calilei (1564-1642), the Italian astronomer and mathematician, that the Universe is written in the language of mathematics and so it is. Digital images are made of pixels 'the basic unit of a digital image, representing a single colour or level of brightness' and together these pixels interact to appear as a picture. We only see television images when the brain decode5 the pixels formed on the screen into perceivable still images and connects them in a way that produces the illusion of movement. An article in the New Sc,enti,;f magazine in 2009 exploring the possibility that reality is holographic, ~aid that under magnification ' the fabric of space-time becomes grainy and is ultimately made of tiny units rather like pixels'. I have described in other works how American

a 78


brain scientist Jill Bolte-Taylor suffered a stroke in the left side of her brain in 1996, which caused her decoding process to malfunction. She experienced reality as a seamless energetic 'Oneness' which also manifested as pixels. Ancient initiates knew that mathematics and geometrical proportion was a way of communicating with the Universe. They knew that if they designed building~ such as churches and temples with certain geometrical and mathematical (digital) proportions they would automatically generate their corresponding waveform and electrical energetic states (information and interdimensional connections). Geometrical and mathematical sequences are digital expressions of waveform and electrical information. The 'primitive' ancients would never have known that? Oh, yes, they would, and did, in terms of their inner circle initiates, and the same stream of knowledge continues in the inner circles of secret societies today. Ancient initiates in the mysteries of numbers - Pythagoras in Greece is the most famous example - believed that 'fractions are numbers in the stages of becoming'. You find the same principle within quantum computer simulations in the form of electrons and atoms 'in stages of becoming' holographic 'physical' reality.

Mysteries, wha t mysteries? Many more 'paranormal' questions dissolve when. we appreciate one of the most amazing characteristics of holograms and the way they store and distribute information. Thjs can be described in one sentence - every part of a hologram is a smaller version of the whole. Within those few words is a massive revelation. If you cut a holographic waveform print into four parts and apply the Jac;er they will each show a quarter-sized version of the w/,olt• image (Fig 13-l). information from the whole in1age is stored in every part of the image and this is the real origin of the term 'as above, so below'. Electrical activity in brain and Cosmos look so like each other because of the holographic principle (Fig 135). Fibonacci spirals on a shell are similar to the spiral of a galaxy, and the human Figure 134: Every part of a hologram is a smnt a weekend in London sharing information for a co-authored book in Japanese. His work and mine complement each other. Even some mainstream scientists have been attacked and ridiculed for saying that water has a memory (stores information) when the evidence for this is overwhelming and must be true given that evcrytlting is information. Dr Emoto published many illustrated books to show how thought, emotion and other frequency phenomena impacts on the structure of water and what goes for water goes for everything Figure 141: What .i mobile phone does 10 water else. He would attach words, sayings and crvs1als technology like cell phones to canisters of water and then freeze the water very quickly to photograph the ice crystals. What he found was stunning confirmation of the interactive Cosmic lnternet. Words of love and appreciation produced beautiful patterns of balance and harmony while others such as 'You make me sick, r want to kill you' caused a distorted mess (Fig 139). Spoken words are clearly produced by vocal cords in the form of vibrating information fields and the same is true of the written word. We ~e words on paper or computer screens but they are only holographic versions of waveform, electrical and digital states. Written words are frequencies and can impact upon other frequency fields in the same way as





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••~=I' is Normal


vocal vibrations. Water in the Emoto canisters is information and at one level it is Dirat1011nl information. Water only looks as we see it in holographic form. It is tntormation-encoded energy in its base state. Exposing water to the frequency field., of word of water and person. But what did 1 say? The Universe is a virtual reality simulation that is i11fcraclivi• and this experiment is more evidence of the way we energetically impact upon reality and thus create our reality. 'Hands on healing' is an energy (information) exchange behveen the healer and the patient when the healer (genuine ones) tap into cosmic energy fields (frequencies). I am not saying that aJtemative treatments are always succes!>ful. This depends on the quality of the practitioner I healer and the nature of the problem. What I h.ive explained here is the basis on which they can work. Always be careful when you chom,e an alternative healer and check their record of succe trash acupuncture because Lhey don'I have a clue how ii works. They would be beHer addressing their own ignorance.

drculating the meridians and being processed at the optimum speed the body is healthy. When the flow becomes distorted in some way the body systems begm to malfunction through miscommunicated or JlllCOmmunicated information.. Computers 'run slow' when a virus distorts information circuits. cupuncture needles (and other techniques) can ~ ulate energy I information flow when inserted at particular places on the meridians known as ecupuncture points. These represent different organs and functions - the holographic principle again. Ancient Chinese acupuncturists were paid when patie11ts were well but not when they were ill. Their job was to keep the chi in balance and their clients healthy. Meridians operate in circuits and they can flow from the foot, up through the head and back again. A pain in the head can be caused by a blockage or malfunction in the energy flow through the foot and when that happens it hardly makes sense to put a Figure 144: The meridian system needle in the head does it? As acupuncture picked out here by d tracer dye - is practitioner and brilliant complimentary healer, Mike Lhe motherboard oi the bodyLambert, at the Shen Clinic on the lsle of Wight says: cornpuler. ~symptom and the cause of the symptom are rarely in the same place.' Mainstream doctors (pharmaceutical cartel drug dispensers) operate on the principle that symptom and cause are in the same place in yet another often lethal example of inversion. Acupuncture meridiaru, connect with the 'chakrn' vortex points throughout the body. Chakra come from a Sanskrit word meaning ' wheels of light' and they connect the body to other levels of being and reality (Fig 145). The main ones are: the crown chakra on top of the head ; brow (or 'third



Phantom Self

Figure 145: The chakra system or 'wheels of light' that connect the hologram ro other levels of re.ality.

eye') chakra in the centre of the forehead; throat chakra; heart chakra in the centre of the chest; solar plexus chakra just below the Figure 146: Thl' heart chakra - much more later ~temum; sacral chakra just beneath the about the role and significance of the heart. navel; and base chakra at the bottom of the spine. Each one has a particular function or functions. We can't see them with the naked eye because they are part of the body's energetic field, but we do feel their effect. The sacral chakra in the lower belly is connected to emotion and that's where people feel anxiety and 'get the shits' when they are nervous or in fear. We feel love and empathy in the centre of the chest - the location of the heart chakra vortex (Fig 146). Energy poured from my chest in the ayahuasca rainforest experience through the heart chakra vortex.

You're a star - all of them Okay, next we come to the paranormaJ mysteries of astrology and forms of divination such as tarot cards, rune stones and their like. Divination is defined as 'the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means.' Nothing presses the buttons of the Dogma Dawkins mentality more than the suggestion that c1~trology is a science; but it is. Or you could call it an art, it works either way. Sceptics have not a clue how astrology c.m work and so, by their definition, it

Figure 147: Planets and stars appear to he 'physiu11' but thev ilre holographiL mlormation fi .•. What exists in the higher dimensions are entitie. The term Gnosticism comes from inosis, a Hellenistic Greek word meaning 'secret knowledge', and Gnostic translates as 'learned'. They were spiritual outcaOn than their genetics and family

The expansion of the Archon hybrid bloodlines out of Mesopocimia and Egypt.


Figure 201: Archon hybrids expanded out of the Middle East and Asi.:i to take control of Europe and eventually the Americas .:ind elsewhere.

The Secret - Shhhhh 1


history. We have a Head of State in Britain dedded by who had sex with whom, and when to dictate the hierarchical genetic succession. This has been going on for aeons since the Archon virus hijack and the seeding of their hybrid middle men and women. Some of the most significant hybrids came out of Sumer, Babylon and Egypt in the Middle East and earlier from Asia and the Far East. Tbey expanded north to interbreed (share the 'elite' version of the virus) with other Archon-Reptilian hybrids to become kings and queens of Europe (Fig 201 ). Empires followed the bloodlines as you would expect as representatives of a force seeking to take over (infect with their virus) everything, everyone and everywhere. The Babylonian Empire became the Roman Empire as the bloodlines expanded, then the British and other European Empires. Today, with the bloodlines long established in North America, we have the American Empire in everything but name. All these empires have been empires of the Archon virus and they were the means through which ever-larger swathes of the Earth have been stolen and controlled. From pharaohs to tribal kings, Chinese emperors to European royalty and aristocracy, Archons have ruled while hiding behind human form. You can see why they have been so diligent in protecting their genetics (virus blueprint) by interbreeding only with each other and not with the 'commoners'. This has dearly not been done to somehow maintain their superior 'intelligence' when some of the thickest people in history have been interbred royals. No, it's been to maintain something else - their hybrid genetics. Even when it appears that a commoner has been allowed into their exclusive genetic circle, as with the marriage of Kate Middleton to Prince William in 2011, further research into family backgrounds of alleged 'outsiders' reveals highly significant royal and aristocratic ancestry. There is also an ArchonReptilian sperm bank programme that has been revealed to me by a number of people, including an unofficial offspring of the seriously Archontic Rothschild family. This allow~ children of Elite bloodlines to be brought up by other families using the sperm bank technique. These children then come through to be political leaders and other servants of The System, but they don't have the name ' Rothschild' or whatever Elite family their bloodline belongs to, so the common connections can't be easily seen. There are enormous ntLmbers of unofficial Rothschilds alone who do not carry the name but have the b/oodli11e and are vehicles for the same Archon virus. All this is necessarv because the hybrid genetic program can quickly be diluted and absorbed into the general population if it is fused with those not of the Archon-Reptilian line. Most royal marriages don't result from love or even attraction, but from genetic necessity. Many of their relationships are conducted outside of marriage, and Prince Charles is a classic case with regard to Princess Diana (genetic duty) and Camilla Parker-Bowles (desired relationship). A human genetic type that Archon-Reptilians most seek to interbreed with when they require an infusion of human genetics are blue-eyed, blond-haired people. Diana's friend Christine Fitzgerald told me that the Windsors needed Diana's genetic input because after generations of interbreeding their hybrid genetics were in danger of becoming so reptilian th,1t their human form would be hard to maintain.

'Royal' dark suits European empires spanned the world and the Archon control agenda was imposed wherever they went. The British Empire was by far the most significant as the British Isles became one of the most powerful Archon bloodline centres on Earth - and remain!-


Phantom Self

so. I am not referring to the British government, which is just another Archon front and lackey, no matter what person or party is officially in power. I mean at the level of the global Archon secret society network, or the Hidden Hand behind world events that manipulates Archon bloodlines and their gofers into power. I'll be explaining how this web of deceit functions and operates. Archon bloodline connections and its location on the Earth energy grid together make the Britjsh Isles so important to the global network. All was fine with Archon royal tyrannies until people began to rebel and demanded a greater Figure 202: Changing the President is say in was being done and decided. This was only changing the mask. potentially lethal to Archon hybrid omnipotence, but calls for people power and 'democracy' in post-royal societje~ were thwarted by creating a top-down hi.erarchy of political power with the populat.Jon_ sol~ the myth that a vote every four or five years can significantly impact upon the d1~ection of the world and the lives of the 'free' voters. Today there can surely ~e no with eyes even partially open who can't see that no matter which person or party tS theoretJcally elected the incessant direction does n't change. We can at least thank Boy Bush and Barack Obama for the most blatant confirmation of this. Bush was replaced by 'Mr Change' Obama and everything continued with business as usual (Fig 202). Hybrid bloodlines mostly swapped their crowns and coronets for dark suits and became unofficial kings, queens and princes of the political and financial classes along with those behind big business, science, medicine and media. In doing so they replaced overt royal (Archon) dictatorship with a covert dark suit {Archon) dictatorship called 'democracy' which comes from the ancient Greek 'demos' (people) and 'kratos' (rule). We can see how this really works in present-day Greece with the European Union and international bankers running the country without any 'people rule' except as irrelevant, diversionary window dressing. 'Democracy' L fost even for politics, but his submission to the will of The System is the norm. Politics is a construct of the virus and if you don't stay true to your values when you enter its lair the virus will overwhelm you until 'you' are not you anymore. There are few places on Earth where you are more in danger of perception possession than the centres of government where the Archon viru!'. is playing at home. All major political parties and most of the smaller ones are controlled by the same force - the virus in its variow, guises. Humanity's top-down hie rarchical royal, political, religious and corporate power structure is a holographic reflection of the Archontic royal-type hierarchy in the unseen, with the Demiurge (prime virus) at its peak. The


Phantom Self

System is an expression in the 'seen' of an interdimensional control structure with its centre of power in the unseen (Fig 205). Human control comes from both Archon hybrid personnel and the strait jacket of programmed perception and possibility ingrained by a life in the Archon-created Mainstream Everything. Add to this the need to attract votes from a population overwhelmingly programmed by Mc1instream Everything to fear anything Figure 205: Hierarchy of fear from the unst>en into human society at different or new directions, and every level. The reason for Saturn in this image will become clear. breaking through The System politically is impossible when politics is The System. Political parties today in terms of policy and perspective are pretty much herded together on the same tiny postage stamp or 'political consensus' (Archon agenda). This is the programmed political and economic 'norm' and anyone challenging that norm is by definition perceived and portrayed as an ' extremist' and usually a dangerous one. Differences between parties and political allegiances are fractional to say the least, with the alleged political polarities ('extremes') serving the same System while only appearing to be at odds with each other. We saw a slightly different in the election of a new leader for the UK opposition Labour Party in 2015 in the form of Jeremy Corbyn, and that was good in that he has a sense of compassion and decency, which his political opponents lack; but in the end he's still The System in another form. All politicians are. Political 'polarities' fighting for power and prominence can't see they are all representing the interests of the same Archontic agenda for human control. One party may say more taxation and another less taxation; but they all believe in tnxntio11, which is the key means together with banking for the Archon virus to vampire the labour and creath·e imagination of the human population. They may slightly disagree over ways to tinker with The System but they all accept The System as the norm from which they see and judge everything. Once you hand political power to two or three parties it means that political 'choice' is confined to voting for one or the other. If you Figure 206: Perfect summary of the political system. Don't don't like what Party A does in like us? Vote for them. Don't like them! Vote for us. Don't government you can only remove them like either? To0 had.

The Secret - Shhhhh•


by voting for Party B. If Party B doesn't do any better you can only remove them by returning to Party A (Fig 206). In some countries there might be a Party C, but the principle is still the same. Politics and government are Arc/um politics and government - government of Phantom Self, by Phantom Self, for the enslavement of Phantom Self. But it goes much further and deeper. Parties are only one level of the Archon political control system orchestrated within our reality by Archon bloodlines. America Figure 207: Hillary Clinton: 'Woman of rhe People' tor serves as an example of the next level of rather those who own her). I say 'soul' but hybrids don't have one. the rabbit hole. The Republican Party at the time of Boy Bush was (and still is) controlled by an unelected cabnl known as the Neocons or neoconservatives who were behind the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq and much else besides. I'll be saying more later about them and their connection to 9 / 11. The Democratic Party has a similar controlling cabal that l call the Democons, and they are the real power behind whoever may be a Democrat president, be it Obama, a Clinton, or whoever (Fig 207). At the next level the Neocons and Democons themselves both answer to the same masters in the shadows (Fig 208). At this level Republicans and Democrats (political 'choice') are controlled by the same force and no matter who

W O RI 11 'iTAG[


figure 208: All parties wilh any chance of forming a government ultimately answer tu the SJme masters.

Figure 209: Go ck.-ep enough into rhe shadows and you 'll find 1ha1 all major political parties ,ind most of the smaller ones are doing the bidding of the same force although rhe vast rnajorit) of those involved will hilvc no ide.i that this is so.


is theoretically in office the Archons are always in office. Thus the same agenda and direction unfolds whoever is in perceived 'power' (Fig 209). This is the political structure in virtually L'Very country and most certainly the major ones in the Americas, Europe, Asia and wherever 'democracy' has installed itself - A ustraJia and New Zealand included (Fig 210). Countries are now themselves being absorbed into bigger groupings such as the European Union, trade zones and trade agreements which are handing power to ever fewer people to dictate the lives of ever more. National governments are becoming mere administrative units for Archon superstates, super trade areas and RothschildRockefeller (Archon bloodline)-created nonFigure 210: The Archon-Reptilian structure ot governmental dictatorships such as the World power. Trade Organization and the World Health Organization where global trade and heath (death) policy is dictated from under one roof. These are all manifestations of the virus spreading. American Freedom campaigner John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute correctly said:' Politics is a game, a joke, a hustle, a con, a distraction, a spectacle, a sport, and for many devout Americans, a . religion.' Not only in America, either - everywhere. Whitehead goes on: ... it's a sophisticated ruse aimed al keeping us divided and fighting over two parties whose priorities are exactly the same. It's no secret that both parties support endless war, engage in out-of-control spending, ignore the citizenry's basic rights, have no respect for the rule of law, are bought and paid for by Big Business, care most about their own power, and have a long record of expanding government and shrinking liberty. Most of all, both parties enjoy an intimate, incestuous history with each other and with the moneyed elite that rule this country. Don't be fooled by the smear campaigns and name-calling. They're just useful tactics of the psychology of hate that has been proven to engage voters and increase voter turnout while keeping us at each other's throats. The Archon virus has been able to advance its agenda for the constant centralisation of power in all urvival. Energy is far more abundant, powerful and without our density, and so it can be absorbed directly by high-frequency 'inhabitants' of all kinds. There is no need to kill for food when your . . us lenance come.; directly from energy. Without the fear-survival cycle the relationship between specie!> b very different. Storie!> of hum,,ns living in peace with what are to us


Archon Matrix


wild animals, and themes of lions living with lambs, come from subconscious memories of this reality (Fig 229). Distorted bad copy Earth does not have the same frequency and power in its energy 'sea' and this limitation is overcome by consuming energy in its 'physical' (holographic) form - animals, plants - and this has produced the law of the wild along with programs that dictate Figure 229: It is so difierenl in High-Frequenq• Realitv. the behaviour of the species. Everything is energy whether in pure form or 'physical' form and no matter if you are absorbing this from the energy sea or as a burger and chips it is still only energy in different states. Ever wondered why animal species are so perfectly matched for their environment with all the gifts they need to t,urvil•e? Most of that is dick, click, enter, by the Archon programmers, but there is another explanation. The s imulation is interacti\'e and this mean~ that programs can also 'evolve' and transform as their environments change and new challenges to survival appear. I may upset some people when I say this but there is no such thing as 'nature' as we perceive it in the bad copy. Why is a duck a duck? Genetics? Right, okay, but why does a duck act like a duck? Why doesn't it act like an eleph,mt or a fish? Why doesn't an elephant or a fish act like a duck? They are different programs. They don' t have the choice to act like another speciet. because the program rules perception and behaviour. Phantom Self humans are the same unless Infinite Awareness overrides the program. The 'natural world' of the bad copy is a programmed world and so are all 'natural' cycle~ from planets moving around the Sun to mayflies that live for just a day. Biological is as much technology as technological. This doesn't mean that we can't appreciate the beauty of what is called nature or that it doesn't have life in the sense of consciousness experiencing through the simulation in all its forms just as our awareness experiences through human Body-Mind. Much of simulated 'nature' is beautiful because it is a low-res and low-frequency copy of something stunningly beautiful and some of that beauty remains, albeit in an inferior form .

!#e Death Observe the foundations of the fake reality and its progrnms and you will see lhat death is a prime component. Archons are an inversion of life and so death is their 'life'. A virus on vou r PC or laptop distorts the way the system function~ and can turn a perfect image on the screen into a mes~. Our world is being trashed through environmental destruction and this is the virus spreading. Thousands of species become extinct every year. Beauty is what

Figure 230: High-frequency E;irth is about the aligned with the Earth'~ northern pole and was its 'polar sun'. Mars and Venus were s imilarly nligned between the Earth and Saturn during what the ancients called the Golden Age, as brilliantly uncovered by the long and painstaking research of Saturn ~pecialist and Electric Universe advocate David Talbott (Fig 236). These bodies appeared in alignment when viewed from the Earth. For ,ill the background to this and many other aspect!-> that explain ancient symbols s till used today see The Paceptio11 Dect:'pfio11. Saturn's location changed dramatically along with other bodies including Mars, Venus and Jupiter as a result of fantastic upheavals in the solar system. These reality-transforming cataclysms are de::.cribed by the ancients in stories about 'wars of the gods' and 'war in the heavens' and what hap pened is clearly visible in Earth's geological and biological record. Once again see The Pera11tiou Dect:'ptio11 for the detail. Correlation between ancient ,,ccounts and modern research is extremely compelling. The upheavals Figure 216: Thi· including pyramids have been found around the world covered by the ocean (Figs 237, 238 and 239). From this point bad copy Earth became a mt•ga bad copy Earth and transformed human life and perception of everything.

Saturn Pattern Saturn was the mos t prominent Earth sun before it was iniected by the Demi urge I Archon virus and relocated by the cataclysms to become the outermost planet (sun) visible to the naked eye. Saturn, too, is a copy of energetic information patterns of the still-exbting original in higher frequencies. We are dealing with computer codes, remember, and not solid objects. Saturn could be transformed through Archon dick, click, enter, and it has been. Saturn became a vehicle for the Demiurge virus and a prime source of imposing the fake reality. Saturn (Satan) and v,1hat the Gnostics called the Demi urge became interchangeable terms. Ancient accounts of Snturn make no reference to it~ rings. These have been technologically generated to form a gigantic broadcasting system and they did not exist when Saturn was in its original location (Fig 240). Saturn' or 22,000 miles an hour and the Saturn day lasts less thc1n eleven hours despite being 83.7 times larger than Earth. Extraordinary permanent &tonne; at Saturn's poles are manifestations of radio sound frequencies transmitted by the rings across the solar system. There is a hexagon «.torm as \·v idc as two Earths at the northern pole and an 'eye' storm at the south (Fig 241 ,md 242). Saturn's rings consist of fractal patterns and broadcast Figure 240: Saturn', ring~ are not 'natural', hut part ot fractal patterns of the simulation. NASA ,ts brn,ld as a god of the Moon from his symbol of a crescent, Figure J07 : S,lllirn on hi~ mind. but readers of Tlie Perception Deception will know that the crescent has major symbolic associations with Saturn. Sin morphed into 'alilah', or 'al-llah', and later 'Al/al,' when the Prophet Mohammed ended the multiple-god system and proclaimed that Allah (Sin) wa:-. the only god. Islam has fundament,11 Hind u


" (

influenct.·~ and origins, and constant croe the same symbob, ritualism and techniques of compartmentalised ignorance. Freemasons call their 'god' the 'Great Architect' and Gnostics referred to the Derniurge as the 'Great Architect' - architect of the Matrix (Fig 310). Oh, no, FreemaS0m.


Figure 310: Freemasons refer to their 'god' as the 'Grea t Architect' - the same name that Gnostics used for the De miurge CTPator o i the Matrix.

Figure 311: TI1e hea rd the me in the depiction of God, Santa Claus and the Architect creator oi the Matrix.

will say, architect comes from t.he masonic

guilds from which Freemasonry was formed; but Gnostics weren' t masons and the concept of the Great/Grand Architect of the Universe or Supreme Architect of the Universe can be found in early Christianity (from its Baby lonian crossover). Christian extremist John Calvin (1509-1564), founder of Calvinism, widely referred to the Christian God as the ' Architect of the Universe'. Architect Figure 312: Chronos a nd lhe beard religions. is arch-itect/ Archon-tect. In the Matrix movie trilogy the creator of the Matrix was 'the Architect' with his w hite beard and the personification of 'God' is usually depicted with a beard. 'Santa' - an anagram of Satan and a symbol of the Demi urge god of Sah1rnalia - is the same (Fig 311 ). For reasons I explain in The Perception Deceptio11 beards are associated with Saturn worship and we have so many 'beard' religions which have follo'vved the bearded Chronos personification of Saturn in ancient Greece (Fig 312). William Blake, the British writer, artist and s tudent of the esoteric, produced a painting in 1794 entitled Tl1e A11de11t of Day1> whid1 is really the bearded Chronos with his ardtitect's compass and the sa me theme appears on the Archon-Reptilian bloodline-controlled GE bu ilding in the Rockefe ller Center, New York, which became the Comcast building in 2015 (Fig 313 and 314). Ancient of Days is a term for 'God' (Saturn) in several languages and re ligions and the Book of Da11iel says: ' ... One like a son of man approaches the Ancient of Days and is



invested with worldwide dominion; moreover, his everlasting reign over all kings and kingdoms i!> • shared with "the people of the Most High".' The 'Most High' is Saturn. Secret societies may appear to be 'individual' entities with different names but they are a crucial foundation of the Arc.hontic global web. They interlock with each other and everv Figure 313: William Blal.e'~ The figure 314: The s,1me theme .it the other aspect of the web. Annent oi Days. iormer GE building in the Secret societies operate by Rockefeller Center, New York v. ith their very nature in :,ecret the mention oi time in the v. ords. from mainstream society. ·n,e Masonic Structure They manipulate people and•'-•· ;....,,,....._,. ._. . . .,, .....,,.,..T...-.c'• events from the hidden while 37 . . . . . . . . ~ -llh;,,s,...., 0 . . 1 ~ . v..1 t -...... ~ - .....,_, ~ i-r1-:1c..-,,making it appear to the public that · -'"'S"!~.. ..,. r : - - ... vi. rensuing events and happenings ,..._.-~ - 1! • ., .... e.11r- ·:. ........... .. are random or the work of l-•"'l~QI VP..f# . . ~ l l l n--.. whoever is officially tagged with ~..-...ww,.. ~·· .-c-.. ... the blame. Freemasonry alone has U• . , ... , . . . ._,,,...__ i..~ among its ranks politicians, police, 1,,..1-w.. u ..... ""' ..,. ........... u .... ............ lawyers, judges, doctors, lt~-.-n--, 101.-.:11,__ ,..__.. ,.~ ,_..., journalists, bankers, business leaders, military top brass, ,... _. ' intelligence chiefs and people in 1,._.. ...... every walk of life you need to coordinate decisions and actions to secure the outcome vou want. Secret societies have the added Figure 315: The compartmentalised degrees of Fr~masonry. benefit of being so fiercely


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compartmentalised that only a few in the inner circle will know the ultimate game and the real force behind it (Fig 315). There is always a cover story for the compartmentalised useful idiots, however apparently important they appear to the public to be. They can serve a secret society by doing :,omething they think is for one reason when it is really part of a much bigger picture. 'Individual' secret societies funnel chosen initiates - usually bloodline - into a higher pyramid that many call the 'Illuminati' or illuminated servants of the Demi urge /Saturn (Fig 316). Most members of secret societies have no idea this level even exists and entry to its upper echelons is definitely by Archon-Reptilian bloodline onJy. This secret society web is the communication and organisational network that allows covert engineering of attacks like 9 I 11, which are orchestrated to provide an


Phantom Self

The Archon Pyramid

excuse for transforming society while blaming someone or Archon-Reptilian Hybrids something else. The El-lite Propaganda Due (Pl') Freemasonry lodge in Rome provided a wonderful insight into secret society structure and method of operation when it was exposed in the 1980s. P2 was headed by the 'Venerable Master' Udo Celli, a Mussolini fascist and close friend of Argentina's fascist leader Juan Peron, American President Ronald Reagan and vice-president Father George Archon Bush. Celli was Figure 316: There are other levels above !he ' individu,11' secret invited to Reagan's inauguration. societies thal most oi their members have no idea exist. Documents that came to light in a police raid revealed that P2 membership included many of Italy's leading figures in the political, intelligence, banking, legal and media £1-ite. Among them was future prime minister and media tycoon Silvio Berlusconi. P2 members were compartmentalised into sections and the head of each one was only aware of those in his section. Celli and his inner circle were the only people who knew all the initiates of P2 and they were interacting with each other \vi thin the Italian establishment Figure :n 7: lesus being ·resurrected' , Yeah, right without knowing they were all P2 assets. Secret societies work secretly even with their own membership. P2 controlled the Vatican and its finances. The Roman Church, a relocated Church of Babylon, is an immensely significant part of the same secret society web. At its core the Church of Rome is a central branch of Satanism and worshipping the Demiurge/ Archon-Reptilians. They put this on public display with La Resurrezione ('The Resurrection') by sculptor Pericle Fazzini at the Paul VI Audience Hall on the border between the Vatican and Rome (Fig 317). It is claimed to represent Jesus 'rising from this crater torn open by a nuclear bomb; an atrocious explosion, a vo rtex of violence and energy.' I suggest the image takes us back to CERN, Apollyon/ Abaddon and the passage in the Book of Revelation about the opening of the Abyss, 'a great smoking pit', from whkh a horde of demonic locusts are supposed to rise. Eucharist rituals when participants eat the flesh as bread and drink the blood as red wine are symbolic of the real thing, which Satanists do and did in the Pagan Eucharist before it was Christianbed. Catholic Mass is a publicly acceptable version of the Black

Figure 3111:



can be iound in m.lnr cathedrals.



Ma~~ of Satanism. Major global secret sodeties such as the Jesuits, Knights Templar, Knights of Malta and Opus Dei figure J 19: The J 1-day Pope who are all outgrowths of the Roman Church and located in challenged Freemasonic influence. the City of Saturn. Many Christian churche,; and particularly cathedrals have the same black and white c;quares th,1t you sec in Freemasonic and other secret society temples (Fig 318). P2 was behind the murder of Pope John Paul I after his Freemasonically-significant 33 days in office in 1978 (Fig 319). He was poisoned after privately ordering the removal of all Vatican Freemason clergy and staff over their P2 activities. No post-mortem was carried out on the Pope to cover up the truth and the same network murdered Roberto Calvi, chairman of Banco Ambrosiano and labelled 'God's banker' for his connections to Vatican finances. He fled to London after the P2 scandal broke and was murdered to stop him revealing what he knew. Calvi was found hanged under Blackfriars Bridge at the entrnnce to 'The City' - the London finc1ncial district controlled to its fingertips by -.ecret societies and protected by its own Freemason-dominated police force.

Sacrifice to the gods 0


Secret !>Odctics and religion interlock with Satanism and paedophilia as they do with royalty and the Estabfo,hment in general. All are obsessed with ritualistic and hierarchical behaviour, which are foundation trait.:; of the reptilian brain and genetics (information blueprint). This is of course not to say that the entire clergy and membership of secret societies are Satanists and paedophiles, although clearly from public exposure and my own research many certainly are. Satanism or Salum ism is the foundation network which ultimately controls the others. Small fry Satani~ts who dabble in black arts they largely don't understand won't know anything like the full picture, but serious Sat,1nists do. Unlike most of those in religion and secret societies they know they are worshipping pure malevolence and many will know it~ real nature. I have spent a quarter of a century investigating Satanism along with other inter-related subjects and I have spoken with many former targets of Satanic rings (sections of one global ring) all O\'er the world. Common themes and descriptions abound down to fine detail. Satanbm involve~ human ~acrifice (especially of children), animal sacrifice and blood drinking (human life force and genetic code) in the same way that ancients did. Satani~m and sacrifice to the gods has been happening since Archon 'gods' moved in. Human sacrifice and cannibalism began with Archon infiltration when the 'gods' demanded it. Satanism is a ('Ontinuation in secret of what was once done openly while it wa~ con...,idered acceptable. A focus for child sacrifice in the ancient world under its


many names was ... Saturn. Sacrifice to 'gods' with a preference for 'young virgins' - code for children - is vastly more widespread today than most people would begin to appreciate. Energy and blood of children is particularly sought after by Satanists and Archons. Infamous British Satanist, paedophile and British Intelligence operative Aleister Crowley said:

Figure 320: Human sacrifice ritual is not only real, it is incredihly common worldwide. Satanists feed off the blood of the !Klcrifice ,inn Archons feed off the energy ot death ann terror.

For the highest spiritual working one musl accordingly choose that victim which contains the greatest and purest force. A male child of perfect innocence and hi~h intelligence is the most satisfactory and suitable victim.

Women known as 'breeders' or ' broodmares' are held in captivity aU over the world to give birth to babies for sacrifice that never officially exist. Princess Diana described herself a:, the Windsors' broodmare. A particular form of adrenalin enters the blood stream of those being sacrificed in response to the terror they experience. Satanists want to drink this because it gives these deep Iy sick and possessed people a 'high'. At the same time the figure 321: Some oi the world's most famous and e11ergy generated by the terror is prominent people arc practicing Satanisl5 interac.1ing with absorbed by Archontic demons in the Archontic entities. unseen. Here we have the real meaning of sacrifice to the gods. Participants in our reality perform the sacrifice while ArchonReptilian entities absorb the energy of terror and death (Fig 320). We can't see this energy within visible Light (only its effect on behaviour) but we can certainly feel it. Go to a place of death and fear and you will be aware of the vibrntional impact. Many participants and witnesses have told me how malevolent entities (often reptilian but far from always) have manifested before them in rituals (Fig 321). This is made possible by the use of colour and sound (chants) of specific frequencies ,md vibration that create energetic gateways and channels between our reality and the Archon realm. Simultaneous rituals are performed in the Archontic realm and the hvo 'worlds' are

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energeticaUy synchronised in the ritual (Fig 322). The more rituals are repeated at the sa me place the easier it becomes to open these gateways. Beltane (across May 1st) and Halloween (across the end of October) are the biggest satanic ritual periods of the year and this is connected to astrological influences that support the opening of gateways. The dates are reversed in the southern hemisphere. Druids, the religious hierarchy of the Celts, performed the same rituals at the same times that Satanists do today and Figure 322: Rituals arc designed to connect the human for the same reasons. They would walk in and Archontic realms. a torchlight procession on Halloween carrying Celtic crosses (Saturn) and iclaid: 'The person could want to become deaf, blind, amputee, paraplegic. It's a really, really strong desire.' It's also madness and an extreme example of how Phantom Selves self-identify with their body. From this comes self-hatred when the body does not conform to the programmed norm. Today's real norm is for people to be overweight or at least not catwalk-perfect in some way; but programmed norm i~ what rules perception. Does my bum look big in this? The nonn is for men to lose their hair, but programmed norm is that they must not. If the human body didn't grow hair then the opposite would be the case. ' All/1!1/z, I've got hair growing on my head - Ethel, scissors, quick!' Phantom Self's body-program h,1s now reached such lunacy that a major study involving 6,000 children in the UK found they can dislike the size and shape of their body as young as

e lf

Orop ,n the Oc.ean

Figure 389: Too busy fighting each other to see the truth.


eight and this can lead to eating disorders as they chase catwalk conformity. Yet again pressure comes from other Phantom Selves who have downloaded the same program - 'friends', classmates and other peer pressure. The Shepherd (The System) writes the programs and the sheep (through peer pressure) impose the programs on other sheep ... bna, baa, Ima. The Archon control system can only work if slaves enslave slaves ... once again with feeling ... THE ARCHON CONTROL SYSTEM CAN ONLY WORK IF SLAVES EN SLAVE SLAVES (Fig 389).

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ves or ion. ed ould om 0 ru,

Political correctness and Label-Consciousness trigger identity-obsession that can see no other point from which to consider or observe any question or situation. Labelobsessed extreme Jews, Muslims, Christians, Hindus, blacks, whites, straights, gays, Lefts, Rights and feminists seem to find it impossible to appreciate the view of anyone who does not reside within the perception walls of their chosen label. They will argue and dismiss to the most jaw-dropping extremes to avoid saying the dreaded, avoid at all costs ... 'Yes, my fellow believer is talking crap on this one' or even 'I don't agree'. Valid points made by another label are rejected and the chosen label must be defended at all costs. It is their god (or goddess), their reason for being and definition of self. They cannot concede they could ever be mistaken. You see this constantly with political parties in which 'we were wrong' is blasphemy and 'you might have a point' is a prima facie case for execution. Another role of political correctness is to isolate groups that do not constitute a 'minority'. Majority groups in any situation are the ranks from which most of the alleged enemies of a minority must be gleaned and there can never be discrimination against enemies, real or mostly otherwise. There is no political correch1ess for the majority in any situation for this reason. When white people are racially condemned by non-white people, for example, it is a legitimate stance by an oppressed minority; but when it's the other way round white people are called 'racists'. A black presenter on an MTV video condemning HaJloween and other d1ildren's costumes as 'racist' said that he hoped anyone buying a Confederate uniform for their kids 'gets into a car accident and have to be saved by black paramedics.' Switch th,,t around to black people buying a costume and white paramedics and the o;tormf, on Saturn would have some competition. Political correctnes5 is perfectly fine with that because this serves the agenda it was created to serve. Such lunacy and systematic discrimination was personified by Bahar Mustafa, welfare ,md diversity officer at Goldsmiths College, University in London, in 2015 when she banned white people and men from an event to promote equality. The only people welcome were 'self-defining black and ethnic minority women and non-binary people "vith gender identities that include "woman".' Now if ever I have seen Phantom Self at work Ms Mustafa must take the non-binary biscuit. A non-binary person is one who doesn't identify exclusively with being a man or a woman but I guess that as long as they identity with being a woman a little bit they pass the sentry at the door. There are also 'BME women' in the


Figure 390: Phantom Self can't hear you.

Phantom Self

Figure 391: Enough of this shit.

newspeak of political correctness, which apparently stands for black, minority and ethnic. See how labels awarded to Phantom Self go on proliferating as the Little Me virus spreads its infection and the sense of 'You' which they represent get smaller and (Fig 390). 'Little me' programs are victim programs and nothing takes your power away quicker than a self-perception of being a victim of something or other. Jacques Ba.rzun, a Frend,-bom American historian, described it all very well when he said: 'Political correctness does not legislate tolerance; it only organises hatred.' Political correctness is supposed to be about diversity and tolerance when it is actually organised hatred, organised victim hood and fake tolerance imposed by extreme intolerance. Balls to that. Oh, wait. Was the use of 'balls' sexist there? Do I need gender training? I do ? Okay, tits then. Oh, it should be balls/ tits/ non-binary and you'll deal with colour later? Gotcha. CoExist House, a US and UK-based interfaith group, has called on employers to ban ham sandwiches and sausage rolls on the grounds that Muslims and Jews might find them offensive. Not as offensive, however, as CoExist House must be to basic intelligence (Fig 391). Andy Dinham, a University of London professor who wrote the guidelines said: 'It would be good etiquette to avoid heating up foods that might be prohibited for people of other faiths ... We also say, don't put kosher or halal and other ... special foods next to another [food] or, God forbid, on the same plate.' Note that serving kosher or halal meat from animals killed in a particularly cruel way that might offend others is fine, but then as a minority they can't be politically incorrect, only the majority can. Eva Brunne, a lesbian bishop, said that Christian crosses should be removed from Swedish churches in deference to Muslims and churches should provide Muslim prayer rooms. Why .not go the whole way and remove the Bible? I reject all religion, but that's not the point. The ludicrous scale of political correctness today is the point and we've seen nothing yet if people go on acquiescing instead of saying don' t be so bloody stupid. We reached still new levels of absurdity when the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee announced that the term 'politically correct' is now politically incorrect. Apparently its use is a 'microaggression' (see Orwell) because it suggests that people are being too 'sensitive' and are policing the language. The fact that they an! is irrelevant when the truth does not matter to the politically correct. Oops, shit, another microaggression. Slaps hand, says three Hail Mustafas, moves on.

Drop 1n ltle Ocean

1 13

Money in madness

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Zionist anti-racist groups depend for their existence (and money) on the perception of widespread anti-Semitism, and political correctness groups depend on a ceaseless supply of people who consider themselves to be victims of something or other (Fig 392). I am not saying there isn't prejudice against those with different Figure 392: Professional vit1im. coloured skin, religions, cultures and sexual orientation. Of couise such moronic Phantoms exist. The problem for political correctness is that there are not nearly enough of them to justify its now gigantic freedom-destroying, gravy-train bure,1t1cracy. They overcome this handicap by inventing fake d iscrimination. They condemn the most miJd comments and views a~ racism ur some other 'ism' and tell everyone who isn't a majority that they are victims of the majority, wha tever it Figure 393: Downloading the vit tim mentality. may be. The majority for non-white people in Western countries .is white people; the majority for gay people is non-gay people and !,O on. A bloke I once knew seemed to be against political correctness but as soon as he came out as gay it was 'you're only saying this or that because you're homophobic.' No, it's because I think you're an idiot. Democrats in California even introduced a bill to ban the words 'husband' and 'wife' from being used in federal law. Apparently they are 'gendered tenns' that discriminate against gay people (Fig 393). America's biggest gay rights lobby group produced a guide calling on schools to eliminate 'gender stereotypes' by avoiding the words 'boy' and 'girl' when referring to, er, boys and girls . It said: Instead of addressing your class using 'boys' and 'girls', try something new. Words like 'friends,' 'students' or 'scholars' allow all students to feel included, expand student vocabulary and model inclusive language and hehavior for other students and teachers.


'Expand student vocabuJary' when you are destroying it. Classic Orwell. Transsexual activists have called for the term pregnant women to be replaced by 'pregnant people' or 'birthing individuals' . They say 'pregnant women' promotes hatred against transsexuals in the Phantom minds of these software programs. The term 'pregnant men' appears safe for now, but give them time. 'Transphobic' is the buzz-term and I have seen it suggested that to call the monthly cycle a 'woman's issue' is transphobic as 'not all women have vaginas' . No, it seems you can find dicks everywhere especially when it comes to political correctness. It remjnds me of a scene in the Monty Python movie Life of Brian when a character in a · radical' group played by Eric Idle announced


Phantom St·I

that he was a woman and wanted to have babies. It was pointed out that he didn't have a womb so having babies was out of the question but they voted to agree that he had the right to have babies. The scene went like this: Stan: I want to be a woman. From now on, I w,111t you all to call me Loretta. Reg: What? Stan I Loretta: It's my right as a man. Judith: Well, why do you want to be Loretta, Stan? Stan I Loretta: l want to have babies. Reg: You want to have babies?! Stan/Loretta: It's every man's right to have babies if he wants them. Reg: But ... you can't have babies! Stan/Loretta: Don't you oppress me! Reg: I'm not oppressing you, Stan. You haven't got a womb. Where is the foetus going to gestate? You're going to keep it in a box? Stan/Loretta: Sniff. Judith: Here, I've got an idea. Suppose you agree that he can't actually have babies, not having a womb, which is nobody's fault, not even the Romans', but that he can have the right to have babies. Rogers: Good idea, Judith. We shall fight the oppressors for your right to have babies, brother. Sister! Sorry. Reg: What's the point? Rogers: What? Reg: What's the point of fighting for his right to have babies when he can't have babies? Rogers: It is symbolic of our struggle against oppression. Reg: Symbolic of his struggle against reality. It is a brilliant scene from an outstanding film, but how can you comedically exaggerate this nonsense any more when one prominent feminist said: 'Everything is sexist, everything is racist, everything is homophobic.' PresumabJy on that basis 'everything' includes \vhat she said and everything else she says then? Oh, it'c; everything except what she says and everyone like her says? Right, thanks for the clarification, appreciated. They are the polar extreme' of those like some Jewish sects that ban women from driving because it breaks their 'modesty rules'. Two polarities that would fiercely oppose each other yet both off with the same fairies. This is how Archon

Drop 1n I~ Oce~n


society is set up at every turn. It would all be hilarious except for the fact that the most extreme insanities of political "POLITICAL CORRECTNESS: correctness are now being enshrined in HOW THE MORONIC law, \\'Ork manuals and promoted by the Archon United Nations. 'Leading' SILENCE THE INTELLIGENT" ieminhts went before the UN to call for -DAVID ICKE governments to be pressured to cen ·or content that criticised radical feminism. Twitter now has a category for reporting figure 394: The madhouse once again. abw,ive or harassing behaviour that includes 'disagreeing with my opinion' (the plan is to stop all opinion outside the official consensus). I am all for equality for everyone, but the!,e profe sional victims and censors have become a tyranny whose arrogance and stupidity knows no end. This nonsense is actually destroying equality (inversion). They are being played to perfection by those really behind political correctness whose intention is to silence and to break. down everv individual sense of ,;elf until everyone concedes to the nothfogness uniformity of the hive mind. Each minority is given a majority on which to place the blame for their sense of victimisation and discrimination and providing an excuse not to get a life. Those in the shc1dows b~hind all this couldn't give a shit about 'diversity' or discrimination. Thi!-. is the same force bombing people with brmvn faces throughout Africa and the Middle [ao.,t for goodness sake. Political correctnes~ and the diversity industry are a colossal global exercise in divide and rule on the road to enslaving ALL parties involved by setting the entirt' taiget population at war with itself. Try explaining this to the Bahar Mustafa mentality and you will probably hear a very loud bang from genetic implosion and have quite a mes:, to clear up. Many people from those backgrounds labelled ' minorities' can sec through the lunacy and they realise that, a:, Martin Luther King said, it is not about the colour of the skin but the nature of the charilence all opposition while saying how important it is to have freedom of expression. The contradictions are so obvious to anvone with even a smear of connection to e>.panded awareness but Phantom software is programmed to block this. It is another version of the me, me, me program. Free speech is for me because what I am saying is right and fair, but not for you because you are dearly wrong by saying something different to me. A bloke campaigning against my right to speak in public once said: 'What benefit is there in allowing him to speak?' His speciality, apparently, was human rights. l remember speaking to a policeman many years ago who was dealing with a bunch of Radical Phantoms protesting outside an event where I was speaking. He said that he had been on duty when marches by the far right National Front had been opposed in the same area by marches of the 'radical' Left. His point was telling. He said that if it wasn't for their different banners he would not have been able to tell them apart by the way they behaved. Phantom Self is a collective program. There are subprograms called Left, Right, Green, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Liberal or Conservative, but the base program is the same and so their foundation behaviour and responses wiJI


be the same. Radical Phantoms think they are challenging The System when they are essential to The System, which needs to divide and rule and hide its centralised control behind the iUusion of diversity.

'Alternative' Phantoms Spiritual Phantoms and Radical Phantoms are legion in the alternative media which has exploded in the wake of world events and the information that pioneers were circulating when few wanted to know. The term 'alternative media' covers a vast spectrum of people, attitudes and beliefs that span the chasm between those barely different from the mainstream in beliefs and approach, to those like myself at the other end who are questioning the entire Mainstream Everything to its very core. This colossal spectrum of belief and perception means that most of the alternative media is acting from the perspective of one Phantom program or another. By that I mean that its advocates are coming mostly from a belief system that attaches them to The System. Maybe they believe in the world view of mainstream science or they are coming from the political Right or Left. Many in the United States are Christian believers, another Archontic creation as with religion in general. What is called · alternative' media includes some seriously off-the-scale Old Testament extremists and here-today-gonetomorrow self-promotors along with some of the most decent people you could imagine who genujnely want an end to the jnsanity of division and for people of all colours, creed and even a single reporter. A YouTube video has a series of 'different' televis ion nev,,s presenters on 'different' ::;tations reading the same story word for word. Type in 'Easter bunny steps news' and you'll see. While you are there i:,ee the same principle at work with politicians making the same election speech . 'Conservative MPs drone on like robots reading the same script' will find you that one. It is all centralised and getting more so by the day. This allows Archon media to support Archon governments by manipulating perceptions of the population about anything they like. Brifo,h and American 'Web' governments make a decision to remove a regime in a target country and Web media starts a campaign of vilification, lies and fear-mongering against the regime to win public support for its violent overthrow. It really is that simple once you have a combination of Phantom Self and control of information. An alternative and largely independent media has emerged on the Internet since I started on this road - when there was virtuaJly nothing. This has become so success ful in providing people with an alternative to mainstream corporate 'news' that every effort is now being made to nullify its effect. More corporate giants that again you can count on one hand - basically own the Internet and major search engines and they are systemically suppressing the traffic and profile of alternative news sites in their listings so they are seen by as few people as possible. has had the treatment, which I take as a compliment. They are also seeking to block information from alternative sources that The System does not want to see in circulation.

Funny money Nothing is more vital to Archon manipulation of five-sense reality than control of money. Archons and their hybrids created the money system for the specific purpose oi acquiring the world's real wealth and dictating the choices of their human slaves. Wealth is not the goal in itself to the Archons and their inner circles but a monopoly on wealth in pursuit of total control by denying the target population the foundation requisite of freedom - choice. Without choice and with subsequent dependency (on The

we·re. Free. Honey


System) there is a single word to describe v,:hat this means ... slavery. American journalist Ellen Goodman described this very well when she wrote: Normal is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work and driving through traffic in a car that you arc still paying for - in order to get to the job you need to pay for the clothes and the car, and the house you leave vacant all day so you can afford to live in it.


1 have exposed the banking and financial system and its second-by-second manipulation and cormption in fine detail in other books (see Archon Economics in Tile Perceptio11 Deception) and it will Figure 445: Shocking, but true suffice here for new readers and essential dotconnections to describe what money is and how it comes into being. How extraordinary in the extreme it is to observe how few people even within the financial community know where 'money' comes from. This is especially so when who has money and who doesn't is !-uch a basic and profound dictator of human experience. If you have never come across this information before prepare to be gobsmacked. Money is only worth what people believe (are manipulated to believe) it is worth. Er, that's it. Money is actually worth nothing once buyer and seller stop believing it has worth. Coins have Little value in themselves in terms of their metals, while paper and digital money have no value whatsoever outside of that officially ascribed to them. Money is all illusion and engineered perception. One day a pound sterling or a dollar can be worth so and so (in theory) and the next a different so and so (in theory). All that has changed is the belief in what it is worth because of some stock market or currency market rumour or government/ centraJ bank decision or circumstance. Money is worth, in other words, what 'They' tell us it is. There was a time when money was valued in relation to commodities like gold but that has long gone. We now have 'fiat' currency, which is only worth anything because governments say it is (Fig 445). Definition of fiat currency: 'Paper money or coins of little or no intrinsic value in themselves and not convertible into gold or silver, but made legal tender by fiat (order) of the government.' Fiat has a Latin meaning of 'Let it be done', 'It shall be'. Fiat money has no intrinsic value beyond the government saying 'it shall be' and yet when people 'borrow' this stuff they have to buy it in the form of interest. Should they be unable to repay this intrinsically valueless 'loan' plus interest then the lender (bank) can take what they mvn that does have intrinsic value - their home, land, business etc. The world is being stolen through this global scam by Archon bloodlines that not only control the political and financial systems, but created them with the Rothschild." preeminent and they Me run by secret society and satanic networks doing the work of the Spider (Fig 446). Today's banking system can be tracked from ancient Babylon (again) through Rome (again) into Europe and worldwide. 'Bank' comes from banco, or bench, after benche~ used by moneylenders in Italian cities such as Florence, Genoa, Venice and Milan. Wherever Archon hybrids went, control of money went with them. Central to this for centuries has been the Archon-Reptilian House of Rothschild and it was they


who globally established the fiat 'money' con-trick. Ask most people, even most System people, how money is created a~d they will either look at you bewildered - or 'gone out' a~ my mother used to say - or they will parrot some nonsense about 'the government'. In fact, the overwhelming majority of money (credit) comes into circulati.on by private banks (all ultimately owned by the same Archon hybrid famrnes) making 'loans'. This gives them almost total power over how much 'money' is in circulati.on (boom) and how much is not (recession or depression). You may notice that I am putting a lot of words within quote marks and I do this to indicate that the Figure 446: 'Satanism, senet societies. politic5. banking word doesn't really mean what we are and media are all linl-ed hy the Archontic Web. told that it means. A loan indicates that something has been given, but in terms of a 'loan' of 'money' it hasn't, except in theory. ['IJ explain ...

Money out of nothing When you apply to a bank for a 'loan' what happens? First they demand that you secure the 'loan' by signing oveI to them intrinsic wealth - house, land and such like. Then they type into your account the figure they have agreed to 'give' you in return for it all being paid back- plus interest. What have they really 'Loaned' you? Fresh air. Worthless fiat currency works in league with fractional reserve lending which allows banks to lend nine or ten times (far, far more in truth) what they have on deposit, and so every you put a pound or dollar in a bank you are giving it the legal right to 'lend' nine or ten that it doesn't have in the form of non-existent 'credit'. Fiat money 'credit' is 'money' that does not and will never exist except in theory (Fig 447). The £100,000 you may have 'borrowed' to buy a house is only six digits and a£ sign that someone has added to your account, and this is only stage one in the money-go-round. You transfer this 'money' (credit) to the owner of the house you are buying and he or she accepts it only because they believe it is worth what they are told it is. They, in tum, transfer it to the owner of their next house and the same thing happens. Fractional reserve landing goes even further into the realms of insanity. Say you borrow credit to buy a car and hand this over to the owner who puts it in his Figure 447: B,1nking is leg;ilised then. bank. The original loan was created out

~f~ Free. Honey


of nothing by the first bank, but now the second bank can lend nine or ten times its alleged worth again to other people under fractional reserve lending and the same with any subsequent banks where money from the original fresh-air loan of credit ends up. Consider the extraordinary amount of theoretical money or credit that the banking system can generate (and 'lend' again) from a Figure 448: Put it in another bank ,mrl they can lend it again. single Joan (Fig 448). The Archon hybrid 'one-percent' or less-than-one-per-cent has hijacked the global economy and human society by swapping non-existent credit for wealth of intrinsic value - land, property, resources. There are ways that a theoretical currency can be used as a srmbolic means of exchange to overcome the limitations of barter, but that can't happen while there is the addition of interest. Once interest is charged the i,ery uni/ ~f.fi11a11cial excliange is 'created'from tire start as a debt. Interest on fresh air credit changes the game completely. You can also rob people of their real wealth Figure 449: This is exactly the situation whl•n people are by increasing interest to the point where toreclosed. they can no longer pay you back and by crashing the financial system which has the same effect. Once they can't repay your non-existent credit and interest you move in to take the loot and they are often on the street (Fig 449). To those who are nev,, to this it may seem inexplicable that governments hould pass laws that allow private banks (owned by the same Archontic cabal) to dominate the creation of 'money' and be able to 'lend' many times what they actually have on deposit (and even that is only in theory). Why do government.'> borrow money al interest from private banks (which the taxpayer has to repay) when they could issue their own currency interest free? These are all legitimate points and questions, but they have a single answer: Governments are controlled by the same Archon hybrids that own and control the banks. By dictating how much 'money' is in circulation (by how much they decide to loan) the banks are dictating how much economk activity is possible. Recessions and depressions don't happen because people decide they don't want to work, have a home or feed their families. They happen when there is not enough money in circulation or of sufficient perceived value to generate the income required to pay for those things. Who controls that? The ba11ks. Who owns them? The Arcl1011 blood/i11es. This following sequence is known by economists (most of them clueless about moneycreation) as 'the economic cycle' when it is pure manipulation: Stage 1: You put lots of money ind rculation by making lots of loans at low but


variable interest rates. In doing so, you stimulate lots of economic activity- a boom. Stage 2: People and businesses tend to get into more debt during boom times with confidence in their income leading to new plant, machinery, property and other investments to meet expanding demand or reflecting an improved economic statw,. Stage 3: At the optimum time to trawl the wealth of the people you start taking money out of circulation by either raising interest rates and calling in lo,ms or crashing the system as in 2008 to cause what they called the 'credit crunch'. Stage 4: You grab the loot in property, land, resources and business from those who can no longer afford to pay you back the 'money' which under any bane criteria you didn't actually give them. Unrepayable debt is coldly encoded in the banking system. A loan of £100,000 that a bank theoretically brings into circulation leads to £100,000 of credit being transferred into your account; but you are not committed to paying back only £100,000. You are repaying this figure plus interest and the i11terest is nei,er created with any 'loan'. Take a breath before considering what this means: There is never even nearly enough ' money' in circulation at any time to pay all the outstanding 'loans', plus interest, and people losing their intrinsic wealth to the banks is built into the system. Thi& simple fact can be hidden to an extent during a boom on the principle of Peter paying Paul but during a recession or depression it is perfectly obvious from lost homes, businesses and ruined lives. The debt trap is being played on countries as well as individuals with governments (taxpayers) drowning in debt to banks and other creditors. Official American government debt is approaching $20 trillion but the real figure with everything added in is more like Jiu11dreds of trillions. Laurence Kotikoff, economics professor at Boston University, suggested a figure of $220 trillion some years ago. Cumulative individual debt of Americans is estimated to be $11.85 trillion by 2015 figures with student 'loans' (paying for your own programming) at nearly $1.19 trillion. Debt= control = slavery, just as scarcity= dependency = control. The equation the Archons and their bloodlines want to avoid at all costs is abundance= choice= freedom. We have become used to seeing European and global entities such as the European Central Bank (ECB), International Monetary Fw1d (IMF) and World Bank moving in to 'bail out' countries like Greece, Ireland and others. 'Bail out' is code for imposing massive interest-bearing debt, transferring wealth from people to bankers, and vicious austerity on entire populations, which they subsequently control by dictating to governments who dictate to the people. Figure 450: B,mk ror International Settlt·mPnts 111 These global and European banking Switzerland - where private bankers dictate policy of entities were created by guess who? Got central banks Jnd thus national economies.

Wt'ro free, Hon.,y


it in one. I detail in Tl,e Perceptio11 Deceptio11 how apparently unconnected financial operatioO!, and global groupings are all attached to the same Web and how the same people appear in multiple guises to drive the world economy in the de!,ired direction. Central banks in each country follow a common agenda orchettlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland, Figure 451: TI1e US Federal Reserve is a cartel of pri\,1/e which has branches in Hong Kong and banks masquerading as rhe 'governmen1-con1rolled' Mexico City (Fig 450). Calculated central hank of Amenta. coordination is camouflaged by claims that the BlS 'fosters international monetary and financial cooperation'. Monetary and financial conspiracy more like with the heads of major centraJ banks meeting in Basie every two months to get their orders from the Archontic Hidden Hand. The BIS is 1101 accountable f() any goi>ermnent, tax authority or international laws. Tiie Wall Street Joumal said: 'While many national governments, including the US, have failed to agree on fiscal policy- how best to balance t.iY re,·enue!> with as fast as pos ible Even then the list can take a big slice of the ad and Big Pharma has taken to putting images on the screen during side-effect voiceovers to divert attention from what is being said. Public 'protection' agencies like the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are largely assets of Big Pharma, and approval is given to many drugs after pathetic level'i of testing. Obama's nominee in 2015 for a new head of the FDA was Dr Robert Califf, a one-time board member and consultant of a company specialising in helping pharmaceutical corporations evade and manipulate FDA regulations. Check out the background also to Michael Taylor l'vho has bounced between key prn,itions with biotech giant Monsanto and the FDA that supposed to be protecting the public from Monsanto. Big Pharma is even securing immunity from prosecution owr the consequences of vaccines and drugs. The network!:> that control Big Pharma also control governments and their 'protection' agencies. More powerful drugs are now being ,;old directly to the public through drug~tores and you no longer even net•d a doctor to kill you in many cases. Cut out the middle man and do it yourself. Big Pharma'mpathy-delcted depravity.

Hunger Games hierarchy I have been exposing the political and enforcement structure of the Hunger Games Society for two decades and the pieces arc being constantly moved into place by the Totalitarian Tiptoe. The plan is for a world government (ultimately self-appointed not elected) dictating to everyone on the planet through a world central bank (overseeing a global ..,ingle electronjc currency), world army and agencies to control and dictate the uo;e of all re..,ources {Fig 481). When I say resources I mean nil resources including rainwater dropping on your garden (Fig 482). Only by then, it won't be your garden. If you think thi:, is far-fetched, well 1 wish it was. American ,;tate governments and agencies are already declaring their ownership of all rainwater no matter where it may gather. 1 promise you it is almost impossible to be far-fetched when describing what these lunatic~ have in mind. The United Nations was created in 1945 as a stepping stone to world government and associ,1t1:•d agencies. Centralisation of power has been going WORLD GOVERNMENT Cctitral Bar,.!\ • Cum nci, • .Arn1v Mcoc1· ®eel


European Union E"' ,._,J 1rr,n EEC'

American Union

Pacific Union

African Union

,Elolw.J from NAFTAI

1Evot.-..d flo N'ECI

1f110tved from O.WI

Nation States and Regions


figure 481; TI1e SlrU< ture n.


s a rk




developed that require eye-scanning to get your money (Fig 483). Using cash is planned eventually to be banned and made a criminal offence. Cashless payment wristbands are the Totalitarian Tiptoe to under-the-skin microchips waiting to be introduced when the public can be conditioned to accept them (Fig 484). A chip mt the wrist is only one step = from i11 the wrist. British shops are being Figure 485: Total control is being sold as convenience warned that they will all have to accept and so many are falling ior it. contactless payments by 2020 and this compulsion is forcing through the cashless agenda which has all been planned and prepared for decades and decades (even before the technology was officially 'invented' for reasons I'll be explaining). What appears to be a recent idea or development has Jong been waiting for the right time to be introduced for maximum effect. Cashless finance is about control and the plan is to ban cash in stages for various transactions until it has gone all together (Fig 485). Every transaction can be instantly recorded and tracked, and dissidents of The System will be blocked from access to money by a simple click, click, enter on the computer system. Tm sorry, sir, the system won't accept your card' (or microchip as it is eventually planned to be). Only barter would remain as an option with no cash in circulation and even that would be made illegal on the grounds of avoiding tax. Paying with a credit card takes only seconds but we are being urged to pay through the new contactless system 'because it's quicker' when the real reason is to secure another stepping stone to a fully cashless and microchipped society. Further engineered economic problems give Archon hybrids more excuses to replace cash. Some countries are virtually cashless already and even Iran is trialling a cashless system.

Fighting for tyranny A world army would impose the will of the self-appointed world government on any country or community that refused to play ball. Thave once again warned for decades that NATO was a TotaUtarian Tiptoe to a world army and so it is proving. The United States military is also a proxy world army in conjunction with Britain ,md other NATO countries, and a time is planned when command of all of them will be given to a world authority. We can see this emerging with the US military structure that has carved the world into 'COMS' or commands (Fig 486). There is a CENTCOM, AFRlCOM, EUCOM, PACOM, SOUTHCOM and NORTH COM and American troops are

Figure -'86: The glob.ii command structure oi the Americ,rn military is really being creatt>d ior the planned world army.



deployed in some form in more than 150 countries. This structure is not actually for the American military ultimately but is being prepared to hand over to the world army. We have proxy world government already under names like 'International Community', G20, G8 and the United Nations Security Council (Fig 487). They decide that a country or regime is not obeying orders and in goes Figure 487: TI,e world govnnment is moving into place the American military with or without before our eyes. Britain and NATO to get rid of them. Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, the list is so long and getting longer. lf the 'international community' in the form of Russia and China doesn't agree America does it anyway. Such 'regime change' is not alway done directly and often involves US/NATO trained, armed and funded' rebels'. This happened with the engineered' Arab Spring', which has led to death, destruction and suffering throughout the Middle East. Regimechanging too many times by direct invasion will be too obvious. Better to manipulate the population to do it for you. I have detailed the background to the Arab Spring hoa:1. and those behind it in other books. This includes Obama's appointment of Robert S. Ford as United States Ambassador to Syria in the period before 'rebels' began an uprising using US-supplied weapons, and they were later joined by other US- instigated 'rebels' who had removed and killed Gaddhafi in Libya. Ford had served in Iraq after the invasion under Ambassador John Negroponte who orchestrated death squads in Central America on behalf of the Reagan-Father Bush administration during a civil wa r that cost the lives of 75,000 men, women and children in El Salvador. Ford ran the same death squad deal in lraq - under Negroponte as Minister Counsellor for Political Affairs - and then repeated the now-dubbed 'Salvador option' after being named Ambassador to Syria (Fig 488). Professor Michel Chossudovsky from the Global Research website said: Since his arrival in Damascus in late January 2011 until he was recalled by Washington in October 2011, Ambassador Robert S. Ford played a central role in laying the groundwork within Syria as well as establishing contacts with opposition groups ... Ford also played a role in the recruitment of Mujahideen mercenaries from neighbouring Arab countries and their integration into Syrian 'opJX>Sition iorces'. Since his departure from Damascus, Ford continues to oversee the Syria project out of the US State Department. Ford was recalled from Syria because of 'credible threats' to hi~ safety when state television began to expose his involvement in the formation of death squads. The

Figure 488: When J.loher1 Ford arrives in your country it is time to leave.




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human catastrophe that is Syria was coldly created by the 'moral' United States on behalf of the Hidden Hand and in league with Israel, Britajn and other Archon regimes. 9 / 11 launched the sequence of mayhem and conquest under the title 'war on terror' - code for seize and control ever greater tracts of the planet, and justify mass surveillance and other freedom outrages at home to 'protect people from terrorism'. American Figure 489: De,11h by drone irom 1he other side of the presidents now have the power to kill world. anyone including their own citizens without charge, evidence or trial once they appear on a ClA 'kill list'. Trus is mostly done through drone attacks (Fig 489). British Prime Minfater David Cameron announced in 2015 that he had sanctioned death by drone in Syria without producing any evidence in support of his claims that the targets were planning terrorism in the UK (Fig 490). It's do what you like time and these are the mass-murdering Figure 490: State-sponsored extra-judicial murder. terrorists who claim to be protecting us from terrorism. Another pre-determined bonus for Archon hybrids of this systematic violence and upheaval is for dispossessed masses and refugees to head for Europe to escape war and tyranny and bring more chaos and upheaval by their sheer numbers. Chaos, like fear, is the currency of control. What I call Probl~m-Reaction-Solution is the Freemasonic motto 'Order Ab Chao', or order out of chaos (Fig 491 }. Create chaos and you create the excuse to impose order - your order - as an alleged solution to the chaos. Harmony is almost impossible to manipulate by trying to justify change in a situation where everything is fine. Chaos makes people open to anything they beUeve will end the chaos. A society-changing influx of refugees from other cultures - plus many opportunists and criminals who are not refugees pre;,ents limitless potential for economic chaos and conflict benveen migrants and the home population. A centr,11 Archon technique is to play off one target group against another to make them so focussed on fighting each other that they don't see the strings on both are held by the same hands. Economic chaos offers further opportunity to steal the people's money and deepen austerity while conflict and upheaval is Figure 491: Freemasonic ProblemReactron-Solution. an excuse to expand the police state to 'bring order'.


Unrestrained immigration is also designed to destroy a sense of nationhood by fusing cultures together. In this way both the home population and genuine refugees are victims of the same force. I am not a flag-waving nationaJist and if I ever stood up for the national anthem 1 would probably genetically implode; but many people do self· identify with nation and culture and that has the potential for major res istance to the systematic destruction of the nation state and its absorption into the world government system. Attacks on the use of the national flag in the United States are related to the deletion of national identity, as was the extraordinary reaction of Chancellor Merlo.el, widely circulated on the Internet, to a colleague holding a German flag at a public event Disgust and contempt hardly tells the story. By engineering conflicts and situations that lead to colossal numbers of people from the Middle East and Africa heading for Europe they ens ure that identifiable 'cultures' disappear and with it a sense of nation. Gennany has been a particular target because it has had such a !>lrong sense of self-identity and Chancellor Merkel, who has driven the policy of open-door immigration into Germany. is a major asset of the Archon network. As one writer put it ... 'Emopean countries, such as Sweden and Germany, have practically mutilated their own cultures to appease the new arrivals.' That's the plan and the ame is happening in the United States under successive administrations. Police in Finland have been ordered by their national police board not to publicly identify migrants as criminal suspects so not to 'stir up anger' as the face of European culture is transformed. The whole thing is being micro-managed to bring this about. Tony Blair's UK government was later exposed for coldly setting out to 'change the country forever' by encouraging mass immigration. Jean-Claude Juncker, unelected (by the people) President of the European Commission, called for mass immigration to be allowed for economic migrants not escaping war even at, those who were poured into Europe accompanied by the opportunists. This is not about offeringa hand of friendship, but speeding the end to European nation states with individual cultures and histories to absorb everyone into a monoculture European superstate on the way to a monoculture world with monoculture food and monoculture minds. Anything promoted by billionaire financier George Soros is the Archon agenda, and he demanded that Europe accept a million migrants a year indefinitely. I detail in Tile Perceptiou Deception and Remember W/10 You Are how trusts and think-tanks controlled and funded by Soros were behind the manipulation of the fake Arab Spring, which ultimately led to the migrant crisis in Europe that he wants to make even worse. Another tell-tale sign of an agenda project is when critics of what they want are attacked and censored. This has happened with those arguing against mass and unchecked immigration. Mark Zuckerberg who officially runs Facebook was caught on a live microphont> at the United Nations discussing with German Chancellor Angela Merkel the censorship of posts opposing mass immigration of migrants into Germany.' Are you working on this?' Merkel asked him. 'Yeah', he said before the microphone was cuL Anyone questioning the unending influx of migrants into towns and countries that cannot cope i!:i branded racist and xenophobic or censored altogether even though in among genuine refugees are some very unpleasant people (Fig 492). This is how political correctness is used to silence those who are only making valid points about obviow, consequences. Political correctness is always black and white with no shades of grey. While Germans were initially welcoming and applauding migrants the cameras were running, but when the mood changed with the effects of the sheer numbers (as it

wai, always going to) suddenly they were racist. I have been saying this since the 1990s that a third world war is planned between the NATO West and Russia I China and the pieces are being moved into place. The US-instigated coup in Ukraine was part of this strategy and, once again, a fake 'people's revolution' was manipulated to remove a leader aligned with Russia Figure 492: Genuine reiugees should be helped and and impose an American puppet in supported - of course. But don't let anyone think th.JI .JII Petro Poroshenko in 2014. Poroshenko migr.Jnts .Jre genuine or peace-loving because experience was described as 'our Ukraine insider' shows that they're not. by US State Department documents in 2006 released by WikiLeaks. His rise to ~ power has opened the door to Western .,, .-, takeover of Ukraine while they had the nerve to claim that Russia was invading • (Fig 493). To have Malaysian flight MH17 '>hot from the sky over Ukraine to provide a pretext to blame it on Russia and Russian separatists was so pathetic in the face of the evidence that desperation is the only word . Still more dead people sacrificed on the altar of pure madness. The install,1tion of Poroshenko and the attempt to start a war with Russia in Ukraine was orchestrated by Victoria Nuland, US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs and Figure 493: Russia invades from tht> west. wife of Robert Kagan _ co-founder of ... The Project for the New Amercinn Ce11t11ry. Nuland's 'war effort' in Ukraine has floundered at the time of writing but she and her mas ters won't be giving up. Wars are wonderful ways to change the world by destroying the status quo and installing another. We saw thi~ with the first two global conflicts after which power was in far fewer hands than it was when the first bullet was fired. A third world war is planned to justify a world government and army to 'stop another war', just as global economic catastrophe is planned to justify a world central bank and single cashless global currency. Once you see what the goal is and the methods used to take us there the £/-lite are an open book.

. ;llf .. i-1 ,:flJ4_'7Jiifi~

Police state dictatorship A police state structure to impose the wilJ of the Archontic El-lite on the povertystricken masses is so obviously happening. Psychopaths are being systematically


Figure 494: If lhe tyranny is not faced now it will become ever more extreme.

Phantom Self

Figure 495: Private pnson.s and law enforcement - the shape oi things to comP unless people come together to stop it.

recruited around the world to don the uniform of law enforcement at the expense of the decent police officers they are replacing (Fig -194). The process is planned to be speeded up through privatisation of law enforcement and prisons. Here you have the reason for private policing and security companies such as G4S securing government contracts no matter what their performance. Volunteer police officers or Community Support Officers in Britain are being given ever more powers from the professional police as part of the dismantling of policing as we have known it until now. Private prisons are negotiating contracts in which governments agree to ensure high occupancy rates (Fig 495). Better have more laws then, eh? How about a ban on breathing? This new police/policed dynamic was captured in Australia when a police officer on the Gold Coast was charged with 'misconduct in public office' for leaking a video to the media exposing how his colleagues brutally beat a 21-year-old while the blood was washed away by a senior sergeant. The officers who did this were not charged, only the one who exposed what they did. Do what you like lads, just don't tell anyone. Doing it is fine, just don't get caught. Psychopaths and sofhvare minds are also being recruited into government administration at every level and they and law enforcement personnel are sent on 'training courses' which are nothing more than mind control operations to further integrate the program and instil a sense of us and them with the public. New York police have been told to take pictures of homeless people in the streets and post them online to 'shame them'. This is so indicative of the psychopathic, us and them mentality that is now dominating positions of authority (Fig 496).Vital for the planned control structure to work is for law enforcement and government administration to identify with their masters - the less than one percent - and see the population as the enemy. Police brutality even in the so-called civilised countries of the West is now so unspeakable in scale it is closing in on Figure 496: rsyLhop.11hs in uniform in the gathering commonplace (Fig 497). Almost every day police state.

F c




Wo,ltreets safer'. Once again, cheaper insurance comec, with the deal. These people arc nothing if not predictable. In fact, the idea is that no one will be allowed to drive themselves in a new world of driverless carOftware to ~can private communications for what it calls 'key words' that can cause them to alert the authorities. I have had Facebook posts censored, and they use algorithms to negatively affect the traffic to and from pages that chaUenge the conspiracy. Their carefully contrived image of 'we're your friend', 'it's all cool, man' is only a cover (Fig 510). The Electric Frontier Foundation says of Internet surveillance: figure 510: I per~on,1lly \\ould nol trust thi, m,ln to tell mr the tun!' in ,l r1~ ,m iull of dock\.

There are almost no restrictions on what can

World A"""


be collected and how it can be used, provided a company can claim it was motivated by 'cybersecurity purposes'. That means a company like Google, Facebook, Twitter, or AT&T could intercept your emails and text messages, send copies to one another and to the government, and modify those communications or prevent them from reaching their destination if it fits into their plan to stop cybersecurity threats. 1

Revelations about the extraordinary surveillance reach and capabilities of the United States National Security Agency (NSA) don't even begin to tell the story of the scale of surveillance to which the population is now subjected with so much more to come (Fig 511 ). Britain's GCHQ surveillance operation is just the same or worse (Fig 512). American Edward Snowden, who worked for a company contracted to the NSA, went public in 2013 to reveal the astonishing scale (to most people) of surveillance on the public by these agencies. He fled to Russia and was charged by the Obama administration under the Espionage Act which had only been used to prosecute gove rnment-connected officials three times since 1917 before Obama began to use it as a tool for punishing and silencing those who sought to expose wha t they know about government and intelligence corruption and the scale already of the Big Brother State. Obama is a complete fraud on so many levels and in so many ways. These spook agencies are monitoring all Lnternet traffic and the NSA opened a facility in Utah in 201-1- at a cost of $1.5 billion to process global in.formation from multiple sources (Fig 513). The Center is said to process 'all forms of communication, including the complete contents of

Figure 511: Headquarters of the US National Sernrity agency (NSAJ

Figure 512: GCHQ and its ring o f deceit.

Figure 513: The multi-billion dollar ' data center' in Utah to filler and ~tore global communications.


private emails, cell phone calls, and Internet searches, as well as all types of persona] data trails - parking receipts, travel itineraries, bookstore purchases, and other digital "pocket litter".' This doesn't mean that everyone is watched every day in what they call 'real time' though targeted people will be - but they can access any information they want about your movements, statements and activities whenever they like. Snowden revealed that the authorities can switch on your smartphone at a distance and Figure 514: Chips with evel)1hing. turn on the microphone even when the phone is turned off. This may sound outrageous, but what they are planning is far more extreme as I will be explaining. We have traffic cameras recording numberplates that can also be read from satellite. Smart meters in homes and businesses using wireless technology can tell the authorities how many people you have in your home and what rooms they're in - even when you open the fridge. We even have gaming technology like the X-box able to hear conversation..,; and see through clothing. Microchipped people - which I have constantly warned about in the last quarter of a century - are now a reality. The plan is to extend this to everyone by first selling microchips as 'cool', then making it ever more difficult to function and deal with money without one and finally making them compulsory (Fig 514). I'll be expanding on the significance of human microchipping. 'Pre-crime' technology is being used to assess body language and emotions so people can be arrested for doing something they've not yet done and never intended to. Does anyone really believe that this colossal scale of surveillance and control is being done to 'protect the public from terrorism'?? Consider this: how many people actually die from terrorism (espedally non-engineered terrorism) compared with road accidents, cancer, heart attacks, 'treatment' by mainstream medicine and accidents in the home? The number killed by terrorism, even including the terrorism carried out by government agencies and blamed on others, is ti11y by comparison. American civilians who died worldwide in terrorist attacks in 2010: Eight. At least 29 died in the same period from being struck by lightning. Heart disease and cancer kill 1.5 million in America each year and one study I saw suggested that research into cancer runs at some $10,000 per American victim while spending to 'combat terrorism' (delete freedom) equates to $500 million per American victim. I am not saying that lives lost to governments and other terrorists don't matter, but clearly the unlimited money assigned worldwide every year to 'fighting terrorism' is not about terrorism at all. They are using the excuse of terrorism and perceived terrorism to justify the police state of the Hunger Games Society.

Engineered terror I have detailed the background in other books to how bogymen terrorist groups like' AJQaeda', ISIS/ ISIL/lslamic State and others like Boko Haram in Africa are the creahons of the very Archontic Hidden Hand that dictate:,; the political and military response to


their terrorism - Problem-ReactionSolution (Fig 515). Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, former head of the US Defense intelligence Agency (DIA), told Arab TV station AJ Jazeera that the American government made a 'wilful decision' to ignore a classified DIA report presented in August 2012 warning that US policy could lead to the creation of ISIS or Islamic State. The report, made public through the Freedom of Figure 515: Home of terrorism. Information Act warned of 'dire consequences' from allowing (UScreated) Al-Qaeda to unify the jihadist Sunni Muslim forces in Iraq, Syria and the rest of the Arab world against all other Muslim minorities. It said: 'ISi (the Islamic State of Iraq) could also declare an Islamic State through its union with other terrorist organizations in Iraq and Syria, which will create grave danger in regards of unifying Iraq and the protection of its territory.' Precisely this has happened and the warning was ignored because those in the shadow~ wanted to justify all that hc1s followed in Figure 516: 1515 is a Pentagon/CIA creation using the technique ot Problem-Reactio n-Solution. terms of war in the Middle East and using terrorism to terrify populations at home into conceding their freedoms to 'stop the terrorists' (Fig 516). Turkey is supposed to be in the (fake) United States 'coalition' against ISIS. but began bombing Kurdish fighters who were presenting some of the most effective opposition to 1515. Images and reports have confirmed American airdrops of weapons and other supplies in ISIS-held areas and hi-tech military hardware was taken over by ISIS which the American military left behind in Iraq. At the same Figure 517: I know exactly how you feel, guy, . time the American government hcis blamed it all on Syria's President Assad and even claimed that he was supporting 1515 while it was taking over much of his country (Fig 517). 'Moderate' (anything but) 'rebels' fighting President Assad in Syria have been armed, funded and trained by the US in the full knowledge that they would be used in support of ISlS as they have been


Figure 518: 'Moderate rebels' in Syria are an e>:tE'nsion of thE' US military.

Figure 519: The most disgusting regime on Planet Earth is part of America's 'anti-terrorist coalition·.

(Fig 518). Hundreds of millions of dollar~ have been spent on 'moderate' terrorists and thugs that have passed on their weapons and allegiance to ISIS while ISIS fighters drive around in fleets of Toyota trucks first supplied to 'moderate rebels' by the US State Department. Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates have also been sources Figure 520: This is the truth they don't want you to know. and conduits for funding and arming the [SlS nutcases. Fake royalty in these countries are assets of America which ignores their horrific human rights records, especially in Saudi Arabia where someone executed - usually by beheading- on average every two days. Even those who were children at the time of the alleged offence have been put to death. Saudi Arabia's USarmed military and air force have caused mass death and destruction in Yemen, and terms like evil don't begin to suffice (Fig 519). Yet in 2015 Saudi Arabia was chosen to head a key panel in the United Nations Human Rights Council and the move was welcomed by the US State Department which claims without laughing to be 'fighting terrorism'. Barack Obama even had the nerve to talk about the 'bankrupt ideology of violent extremists'. He must have been looking in the mirror at the time. The war on terror is a hoax and l have taken it apart in book after book. Many Muslims fall for this as much as anyone else as they fight the 'Holy War' against the Great Satan West when those behind the Great Satan West are also behind the 'Holy War' which many Muslims support and die for (Fig 520).

The Chessboard What we have been watching since the inside job that was 9 I 11 is the United States, Britain and NATO following the demands and ticking off the countries in the September 2000 document from the Project for the New American Century and the list given to General Wesley Clark immediately after the September 11th 2001 attacks. It hasn't all



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gone the way they wanted but they've done their best. They started in Afghanistan with the excusl"' that Osama bin Laden and the Taliban were behind 9/11 when they were not. Bin Laden came from a mega-rich Saudj Arabian com,tructicm family who were friends of Father George Bush and had connections with him through the Carlyle Group, a global private equity, asset management and financial services corporation based in Washington DC. Bush was an advisor to the group and the Bin Laden family were investors. They liquidated their holdings in Carlyle a month after 9/11. Bin Laden had been the American poster Figure 521: ln~idn secular Islamic countrie!> on The Project for the New American Century list and their fellow Mw,lims. This ha!> divided the blamic world ('Ven mor(' fiercely between their two faction!,, Sunni (led by Saudi Arabia) and Shia (Iran). I predicted in earlier books that this would happen and 1515 is mt>rely the vehicle as a Western front to conquer the Middle Ea:,t (Fig 534). Israel wasn't attacked because Israeli!'. o,w of the key countries

Figure s:JS: l~r.wl wa, crf'ated tor Jews? No tor and by th!" Ruthschilci,. On thr right - Mr. Angry.

\\\,Id Anew

U28HCISTA,behind ISIS and is gunning for a war with rran, which supports Assad in TUllKMCHISTA_H Syria. Israel has already committed ,..---..,...._ air strikeb in Syria and it is not )beyond the bounds of possibility that A PG NAN ,,,,,.,. Israel will eventually be attacked on IRAN purpose to justify the full-blown involvement of their trigger-happy military which is one of the best SAUDI armed and funded in the world ARABIA thanks to the United States. Israel also _, has a nuclear arsenal which America OMAN ha~ agreed not to discuss while both SUDAN cmmtries were condemning Iran for , ..n~,.. YEMEN being a nuclear threat without having Figure 536: 'Greater Israel'. a nuclear capability. Israel refuses to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty on the grounds that Is rael is a law unto itself and to sign the treaty would be to admit to having a nuclear arsenal. Israel is a fiefdom of the Rothschilds and any regime in Tel Aviv is a front for the Rothschilds, especially one headed by the Archon-to-hisfinger-tips Benjamin Netanyahu (Fig 535). Interestingly, they have the conce pt of a 'Greater Israel from the River Nile in Egypt to the River Euphrates in Iraq and this includes the very land that is at the centre of war and turmoil (Fig 536). Neighbouring Lebanon is in Israeli gunsights and on the list of the Project for the New American Century which was entirely made up of Zionists either by birth or affiliation. l expose the detailed background to Israel in Tlre Perception Deceptio11.

World War Ill? What is happening in Syria could now go anywhere with the US and West on one side and Russia, China and Iran on the other all with a presence in the same country. American Freemasonic hero Albert Pike, the Supreme Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry in the 19th century and inspiration for the Ku Klux Klan, is best known for the letter that he is said to have sent in 1871 to It,1Jian bloodline asset and Mafia founder Giuseppe Mazzini in which he outlined three world wars that would lead to global control. He used the term 'Illuminati' for the Hidden Hand. The letter is officially claimed never to have existed but then other documents dismissed as forgeries and fa kes have turned out to tell the history of the world since they came to light. William Ja mes Guy Carr, an English-born Canadian naval officer, revealed what he said was the content of the letter in his book Satan, Prince of this World, written in 1959. The text accurately described the firs t two world wars, but it is what was said about the third that is of most relevance here because that was still to happen when Carr's book was made public. Pjke is alleged to have said about World Wa.r Ill: The Third World War must be iomented by taking advantage oi the differences caused hy the 'agentur' of the 'Illuminati' bet\veen the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) anci political


Zionism nhe State oi Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations. once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point oi complete physical, moral. spiritual and economical exhaustion. We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect oi absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. TI1en everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority oi revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude. disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment he without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation oi the pure doctrine of Lucifer [the Demiurgel, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.

There was no publicly-organised Zionjsm in 1871 when the letter is said to have been written, but there was by the end of that century and I have been emphasising all these years how the Archon agenda is a blueprint put together long before events and organisations involved even yet exist. Whatever your view or the detailed background to the letter it is clear that Pike's description of the lead-up to World War III fits what is happening in the Mjddle East. Nihilists or Nihilism certainly describe the brain-dead of ISIS - 'a political belief or action that advocates or commits violence or terrorism without discernible constructive goals'. Footage from inside ISIS-held territories has shown the next generation of Nihilists, with very young children being 'trained' to be ISIS fighters and subjected to classic brainwashing and trauma-based mind control techniques. I have exposed at great length in other books these techniques, which are used in mind control programme in the United States, Britain and elsewhere. ISIScaptive children are ordered from the earliest age to listen and obey at all times and never question or they will be killed. Young children are forced to watch executions and even carry them out, and they are programmed to believe that the infidels (anyone not with ISIS) must die. If they refuse to conform they can be mutilated and have limbs cut off. These super-psychopaths are Archons incarnate and express the depth of their empathy-deleted depravity. ISIS is the virus spreading and how life is planned to be in the Brave New World in which the state controls children from birth while parents as we know them are no more. I urge Jews to aJso note the line in Pike's letter about Zionism and Islam mutually destroying each other. You are only pawns in this game like everyone else and you have been played like a stringed instmment all along. Wake up while you still can and let us meet this challenge together. I won't be staying under water 'til it happens, though. Jewish cultural and religious programming is right up there with the fiercest indoctrination on Earth and I feel for them given what they are put through from the earliest age to download their perceptions of self and the world.

'Home grown terrorism' We now have the next stage of this monumental conspiracy which goes under the scarethem-shitJess heading of' domestic terrorists'. This term is meant to include people like


·n ./

me exposing the conspiracy and activists of any kind challenging elements of The System (Fig 537). There is now a war against the alternative media. Google, YouTube (Google) and Facebook are all censoring materiaJ The System doesn't want people to see. They also manipulate visitor numbers and listings to suppress traffic and, in the case of Google/YouTube, remove advertising revenue from videos challenging their masters. This happened to me with a video exposing what Figure 537: When telling rhe rrurh is is really happening in Syria which has been extremism vou know fascism has arrived. watched, at the time of writing, by nearly 350,000 people. Most alternative media researchers and bloggers accept a meagre income to do their work full-time and the little they were getting from Google/YouTube advertising revenue (based on video views) was essential for many to continue. Thjs is why Google/YouTube have been targeting that. These giant corporations and their controllers might seem all-powerful, but their knocking knees and chattering teeth can be seen in the fear they have of exposure and an awakened humaruty to the point where they feel the need to undermine people often working out of their bedrooms. For all their arrogance, they are pathetic little boys in short trousers. Another plan is to stop people linking to articles on other websites without permission. This is designed to stop the flow of information on alternative sites that link to mainstream articles while putting them into their true context. I completely understand that it is wrong to cut and paste articles from one site to another and take the traffic for that; but overwhelmingly the alternative media links to the site concerned and cumulatively sends enormous amounts of traffic (and thus advertising revenue) to these mainstream websites. But crushing the alternative media is far more important to these terrified people than even money. No matter, we'll always find a way. The case of Google/You Tube is an example of a recurring sequence and technique of the takeover. Archon corporations first destroy the opposition, secure a monopoly or virtual monopoly; and then dictate who can do what. Amazon is in the process of doing precisely this - not least in terms of books and publishing. Jt is vital that aJtemative information sources do not become dependent on these corporations and find distribution and circulation systems of their own. US National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden has even revealed documents that confirm British and American intelligence operations are employing people to post comments on social media, forums and YouTube to discredit researchers and use psychological manipulation on their audience to disrupt and 'promote distrust'. That's how terrified they are of the truth coming out (Fig 538). Labelling people as domestic terrorists to bring them under terrorist censorship laws is the logical next step. Or logical for an imbecile, th,1t is. Teachers in the UK are now required to monitor pupils to report signs of 'radicalisation'. One teachers group was told by police that this could include antifracking protestors and' anti- capitalists'. A peaceful protest against destruction of land and water supplies by fracking is now considered by these lunatics to be 'extremism'. Inversion, inversion, inversion. There is even a psychiatric term which began to be used for some children and is now b eing used for adults and ~o-called conspiracy theorists:

'Oppositional defiant disorder'. If you question and expose authority you must be mad. Jailing di..,sidenb in Soviet psychiatric prisons wa.s justified in ju:,t this w.:iy. Ma~:, shootings are orchestrated using often drugged and mind-controlled pal.,ie,; and stooges and are then used to justify making gun ownership illegal and promoting the fear of 'domestic terrorism'. Some like the one at the school in Sandy Hook, Connecticut, in 2012 ,He complete Figure 538: The System is so terrified oi the truth getting out hoaxe:,. Never, surely? Yes, J, I that it emplo~s an amiy of people to post negative know it sounds fantastic and it did to comment~ on the Internet in a bid to discredit what they Wolfgang Halbig, a former Florida don't want people to be liC've. Pathetic . State Trooper, school principal and naticmally recognised expert in school security. He even gave money to the appeal fund, but then he started to investigate, a!> many others haw, only to find that there was no mas~acre at Sandy Hook (Fig 539). It wa.., contrived using a shooting 'drill' scenario which are happening at ~chools crosi:. America and it was u~cd to pre-;~ the ca~e for taking weapon externally inflicted!. And sure enough, later, 9/11 happened. And I remember how he was telling me how we were going to see soldiers looking in caves ior people in Afghanistan ano Pakistan and all these places, and there's going to be this 'war on terror' in which there's no real enemy and the whole thing is a giant hoax, but it's a way for the government to take over the American people.


·d ).

Not only American people, either, but the world. A whole raft of Presidential Executive Orders are in place in the United States which will allow the President to instigate mnrtial law and take over all property and resources, means of transport, broadcast frequencies, the Internet, sources of energy, food and water, break up families,


relocate whoever they choose to wherever they choose and force people to work in any capacity for no pay. Can't be true? Check it out. These powers have been quietly put in place ready for the time when an Archon done in the White House is told to activate them. The military coup wilJ be launched qujte 'legally' because of what is written in executive orders that have come into force through successive presidential signatures without any politicaJ vote or public debate. The same will be the case in Britain and elsewhere. What appear to most people to be random events and happenings are not random at all but steps on a long-planned road to Archontic global tyranny. * See Postscript for updates including the terrorist attack in Paris in November 2015

* The book Nobody Died At Sandy Hook has been banned by Amazon. A free download is available at - put the name of the book into the website search engine


World Anew (2) Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, he also believes to be true Demosthenes

/ A world government dictatorship is due to sit atop a massive global structure of control and 24/7 enslavement and most of its major piUars are included in something called Agenda 21 (since updated to Agenda 2030) which is interweaved with themes of 'sustainable development' and 'biodiversity' and justified by 'climate change'. Agenda 21 is being imposed through the United Nations and its centralised control is hidden by the illusion of local initiatives. You have Agenda 21 Seattle, Agenda 21 Oakland, Agenda 21 Isle of Wight and so on, but they're all really Agenda 21 United Nations which is Agenda 21 Hidden Hand. Sustainable development and biodiversity may seem to be laudable goals and that's only to win public support for what are excuses for global tyranny (see 'protecting the public from terrorism'). Agenda 21 was established at the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, when Greens and environmentalists from across the world were scammed into supporting a vehicle for total human slavery. Archontic Web insider Maurice Strong, a Canadian oil and business billionaire and frontrnan operative for the Rothsdtilds and Rockefellers. hosted the conference. Strong is appropriately a member of the Oub of Rome which was established in 1968 as part of the Round Table network that includes the Bilderberg Group. Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign I! t l !ii t I! i'HCO Relations and Britain's Royal Institute of International Affairs or 'Chatham House' . The Club of Rome instigated the monumental hoax known as humancaused 'global warming', or 'climate change', and provided the excuse for deindustrialisation and the Figure 542: Temperatures not rising installation of universal serfdom. Red flags should still constitutes global \\arming to always fly when something continues to be introduced these manipulators, ianarics and idiots.

Global wanning stopped I& years ago, Mel Office report reveals



and promoted even after its credibility has been shattered. Every single dire warning about the end-of-the-world consequences of 'global warming' has turned out to be wrong and this is hardly surprising when global temperatures measured from satellite have not risen since 1997 I 1998 (Fig 542). 'Global warming' became 'climate change' when temperatures plateaued. Yet still we are told that society must be transformed to save the world from climate change with the Pope from the Church of Babylon wheeled out by the Archon PR department to !>ell the Big Lie (Fig 543}. The SUN is virtually ignored by the global warmers, when it is sun activity that drives Earth temperature (Fig 544). Oh, really, do you think the Sun has something do with heat, duh? Scientists at CERN recorded a near perfect synchronisation between Earth temperature and the penetration of cosmic rays into our atmosphere (Fig 545). This information was only released Figure 544: Yep. it's that stupid. when news that it had been officially suppressed was reported in the media. Wait until temperatures begin to rise again in accordance with sun cycles. The Warming Cult will be apoplectic given the hysteria through all the years when they haven't been rising. If they become SctenUsts "Gat11nll" anar Studv Uno Cllmata Chanu• Tit Cosmic hvs incandescent we should l Irr.,, t llrf(•l.nmn lli1\\'t"t11, thrtHt t , .. ..,,l1t,UtcW'I Jlld It 1lf'f.trurt replace them with a 'green' 111Ca1 1 •r l 140'1 11100 Jlj(-1 lightbulb to save the planet. 11 l Research the background to li111e lu•Af1,•' global warming front man Al Gore, a mate of Maurice Strong and the serial-lying Clintons with whom he wa~ US Vice-president, and you will see that if he is involved in anything it has to be dodgy (Fig 546). The climate change i in scam was revealed in the 1991 '5 10 publication The First C/o/,a/ 3 4u ................~~--~~---~~.......~~~--~~.w Revoltitio11, A Rt>pvrt by the Cou11cil of t/ie Club of Rome Figure 545: Correl,11ion betwen cosmic rays and temperature.

~ I

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Figure 546: t\l Gore- High priest of the Climate Cult.

Atmospheric Warming 1979 · 1999 Reality


which said: 'In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the Like, would fit the bill.' The document's thrust was that 'the real enemy then is humanity itself.' Once you sell a belief in humans as the enemy you can justify actions against the enemy - against human life and freedom. On this is founded the global warming deception. I am not going into all the detail about the breathtaking scale of deceit because I have done so at length in Tlie Perception Deception and other books; but l will summarise the plot.

Computer says so Revelations th,1t have come to light about 'climate scientists' fixing the data to make human-caused global warming appear to be real were not mistakes but necessities to perpetuate the Lie. You Figure 547: Computer model predictions and what really also see natural weather-changing happens are seriously nor rhe same thing. phenomena such as the El Nino warming of the Pacific subtly and less subtly manipulated to lump it together with human-caused climate change. End-of-the-world nightmare scenarios delivered as fact were the fantasies of' computer models' secured by the following sequence: If you put trnsh in you will get tras h out and as Jong as it's the trash you want then job done. How do you make a computer give you the outcome you desire? You input information that the computer will process to produce what you wish the public to believe (Fig 547). Ignorant, pliable or crooked people have been placed in positions of power and influence within climate change institutions and staggering amounts of money have been hosed at scientists and pressure groups so long as they support the Lie and press for the transformation of human society that Agenda 21 I Agenda 2030 requires. Deindustrialisation is the target and insider Maurice Strong said in support of Agenda 21: 'Isn't the only hope for this planet that the industrialised civilisation collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?' What his masters want to bring about, more to the point. Strong (who died in 2015) made his Figure 548: The wind power hoax. billions from industrialisation and both he


Phantom Self

Contribution to the Greenhouse Effe that can be catastrophic for Figure 554: ll's 1he SUN! life. The Warm period was followed by what is termed the 'Little lee Age' when temperatures fell so low that ice fairs were held every winter on a frozen river Thames in London. Scenes from this time are stHI depicted in Christmas cards (Fig 555). When you hear claims about 'the warmest day [or year] since records began' remember that record keeping often began when we were still emerging from the Little Ice Age and so comparisons are misleading and manipulative. Increasing numbers of scientists have challenged the Lie Figure 555: l~e fair.; on lhe River Thames during the Little including Harold Warren Lewis, a Ice Age. respected physicist and former advisor to the Pentagon and US Government, who resigned from the American Physical Society (APS) for its support of 'the global warming scam, with the trilliom, of dollars driving it that has corrupted so many scientists'. He said that global warming was 'the greatest and mo!'.>t successful pseudoscientific fraud' he has even seen in his career. Lewis said that he had joined APS 65 years earlier when it was 'much smaller, much gentler, and as yet uncorrupted by the money flood'. Now APS had 'accepted the corruption as the norm, and gone along with it'. Philippe Verdier, a household name weatherman with the state-funded France 2 channel, was taken off air after he published a book saying that leading climatologists and political leaders have 'taken the world hostage with misleading climate change data'. He said: 'We are hostage to ,1 planetary scandal over climate change - a war machine whose aim is to keep us in fear.' Verdier decided to write the book when French foreign minister Laurent Fabius called a meeting of the country's main weather presenters and told them to mention 'climate chaos' in their forecast!'.>. 'What's shameful is this pressure placed on us to say that if we don't hurry, it'll be the apocalypse,' he said. Verdier added that 'climate diplomacy' meant leaders seeking to force changes to suit their own political timetables (the timetables of their hidden masters). He said:


Making these revelations in the book, which I absolutely have the right to do, c;rn pose problems for my employer given that the government Iwhich iunds FrJncc 21 is organising COP !the 2015 climate change conference in Paris]. In fact as soon as you [have! a slightly different


... ..

discourse on this subject, you are hranded a climate sceptic .

It's all manipulated with those scientists and experts that speak out targeted for character assassination. Apparently, unions at France Television called for Verdier to be fired for his views. What a bunch 0£ idjots. David Evans, a fuU-time or part-time consultant for eleven years to the Australian Greenhouse Office (now the Department of Climate Change), said he had checked the maths in climate models and found that the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has over-estimated future global wamung by as much as 10 times (on purpose I say). Evans said: 'Yes, C02 has an effect, but it's about a fifth or tenth of what the IPCC says it is. C02 is not driving the climate; it caused less than 20 per cent of the global warming in the last iew decades. The model architecture was wrong. Carbon dioxide causes only minor warming. The climate is largely driven by factors outside our control ...


... It took


me years to figure this out, but

finally there is a potential resolution figure 556: How promotors are bought and dissentel'!, between the insistence of the climate silenced. scientists that C02 is a big problem, and the empirical evidence that it doesn't have nearly as much effect as they say.

Evans said that his discovery 'ought to change the world' but 'the political obstacles are massive'. He had earlier talked about those obstacles and what was actually driving the fraudulent cLimate change agenda. He said: 'I am a scientist who was on the carbon

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gravy train, understands the evidence, was once an alarmist, but am now a skeptic.' (Fig 556) He said the whole idea that carbon djoxide is the main cause of warming was

based 'on a guess that was proved false by empirical evidence during the 1990s, but the gravy train was too big, with too many jobs, industries, trading profits, political careers, and the possibility of world government and total control riding on the outcome'. Evans said that 'governments and their tame climate scientists now outrageously maintain the fictjon that carbon dioxide is a dangerous pollutant', rather than admit they are wrong even when the evidence is overwhelming. The climate change fictjon is being dismantled by scientists like these and dogged researchers and in its desperation The System is proposing to make illegal any questioning of the official Lie worldwide. What is described as 'a semi-secret, international conference of top judges' proposed in 2015 to make it illegal for anyone to question alleged scientific evidence for human-caused global warming (which isn't happening). 'Climate Change and the Law' was held in London's Supreme Court and funded by the Supreme Court (taxpayer), UK government (taxpayer) and the United Nations Environment Program (taxpayer). This is how desperate The System is to protect the Lie from public exposure so it can continue to be used as an excuse to transform global society. David Evans highlighted


this truth with his point about 'the possibility of world government and total control riding on the outcome'. We are back to Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 and their fellow hoaxes 'Sustainable Development' and 'Biodiversity'. They are being used to install the world government structure that I have been describing. This is the Agenda 21 /Sustainable Development /Biodiversity wish list as gleaned from their own documents: • An end to national sovereignty • State planning and management of all land resources, ecosystems, deserts, forests, mountains, and fresh water; agriculture; rural development; biotechnology; and ensuring 'equity' (equal slavery) • The State to 'define the role' of business and financial resources • Abolition of private property (not 'sustainable') • 'Restructuring' the family unit • Children raised by the State • People told what their job will be • Major restrictions on movement • Creation of 'human settlement zones' • Mass resettlement as people are forced to vacate land where they currently live • Dumbing down education (achieved) • Mass global depopulation in pursuit of all of the above These Agenda 21 demands tick all the boxes for the Hunger Games Society even down to children being raised by the state. Mass resettlement as people are forced to vacate their current homes to live in ' human settlement zones' is already happening although not yet officially. Advancing the agenda for as long as prn,sible before anyone knows there is an agenda reduces the chance of ~erious collective resistance. Agenda 21? Never heard of it, mate. Agenda 2030? What? Do you know the football scores? 'Human settlement zones' are basically human prisons with people removed from rural areas to relocate tlwm in high-rise, densely-packed buildings under 24/7 surveillance and control which reflect the Archon world without creative imagination (Fig 557). Once

figure 557: The landscape oi the planned hLJman \ cttlem cnt zone-;.

Figure 558: M icro means micro - 1he two lines on 1he floor indicate the size ni the ·apartments'.

-~tom Self


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distinctive, even beautiful, towns and cities destroyed by soulless straight-line 'architecture', often high-rise in nature, is aJso the Archon vims spreading. To give you some idea of what they mean by human settlement zones we had the then Mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg, announcing in 2012 the building of an initial 165,000 micro-units 30 feet by 10bigger than a prison cell, but smaller than a mobile home (Fig 558). This contrasts with billionaire Bloomberg's property portfolio that includes a New Figure 559: The Biodiversity map oi the United States York home 40 times larger than the micro with people removed from much oi the land. units and an estate in Bermuda. But then I did say their aim is a Hunger Games Society. Bloomberg's development is described as only a 'first phase'. Watch for the worldwide promotion of microhomes because that's the plan. Around 80 percent of present day America would be no-go areas for the population and there's a similar agenda for every country. Anyone who thinks this can't be true should look at the map of the United States demanded by Agenda 21/2030 and the Biodiversity Treaty (Fig 559). The latter is a binding agreement Figure 560: Sectors in The Hunger Games movies between 200 countries and signed by the portrayed how countries and the world are planned to he United States but not ratified thanks to divided into isolated specialisations. the efforts of people like ecologist and ecosystem scientist Dr Michael Coffman who said that he realised in the 1980s and 90s that .biodiversity was a front for stealing much of America. Even without ratification the United State:, government and ib agencies have followed its agenda anyway. You can find a colour version of the biodiversity map and see everything clearer by puthng the words 'biodiversity map Wild lands Project Unjted States' into an image ::,earch engine. The darkest areas are assigned for little or no human use and all except small pmts of the lighter areas are for highly regulated human use. This leaves small pockets of unconnected land for the densely-packed human settlement zones. Disconnection between human settlements, except for highly regulated rail travel, blocks a unity of response from the masses. The H1111ger Games movies portrayed a society in which a tiny El-lite lived in the high-tech opulence of the Capitol while served by a population locked away in self-contained 'sectors' (Fig 560). Everyone would be dependent on everyone else and so lose all independence which is where globalisation has taken us (Fig 561 ). Countries are planned to be 'sectored' into regions with national entities and sovereignty disappearing along with any right (even an illusory one) to choose the



Figure 561: Globalisation 1s alxiut the centralisation of control .:mcl cre;iting dependency for everyone on everyone else to delete setf-d was 230 times the normal rainfall which led to 90 million tonnes of water crashing through the village. Dictating the weather b not possible? This was 6.J. years ago and the RAF have faced no consequence:-, whatsoever for what they did and ~till won't officially admit responsibility. The United States used weather manipulation techniques in Vietnam in 1967 when Project Popeye extended the monsoon season for military reasons. Russia openly announced it was spending $4 million on weather manipulation to employ method~ originating in the Soviet era to guarantee good weather on two national holidays. US Air Force document AF 2025 Final Report published in 1996 says that vveather modification 'offers the w.u fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce' an adversary' which include artificially created flood:,,, hurricanes, droughts and eclrthquakes. US aerospace forces [would] 'own the weather' by capitalising on emerging technologies: 'From enhancing friendly operations or disrupting those of the enemy via small-scale tailoring of natural weather patterns to complete dominance of global communications and counterspace control ...' NASA documents from 1%6 confirm the United States geoengineering programme with a budget of hundreds of million~ of dol!Jrs (Fig 573). The Department of Defense, Department of the Interior and a list of universitieo:; were among the rnntributing agencie~. Weather is being modified all the time to suit Hidden Hand intt>re~t-, and this include-, weather warfare against dome:,,tic and foreign populations through drought, floCld, monsoon rain, hurricanes and tornadoes. They want you to





think it's all 'natural' so they can do what they like without challenge and 'climate change' is a very useful diversion once again. UN treaties ban weather manipulation for malevolent and military reasons, and why would they ban something that wasn't possible? American scientist J. Marvin Herndon wrote in the lntenintionnl Journal of E11z,ironme11fal Research and Public Health in 2015: The recent calls for open discussion of climate control or geoengineering tend to obscure the

fact that the world's military and civilian sectors have modified atmospheric e New World) both had connections to the Fabians. Its name derives from Roman general Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus who was famous for wearing down the enemy over long periods to avoid battles that could be decisive either way. Once the enemy was believed to be weakened enough through hunger, fatigue and others reasons Fabius and his troops walked in unchallenged. This same technique is being deployed against humanity by Archons and their hybrids. They are seeking to weaken the population economically, mentally, emotionally and 'physically' through financial manipulation, stress, chemical shite in food, drink and vaccines, ,md a toxic, irradiated environment. The idea is to make people exhausted, unfit, obese and suffering from ,1 list of diseases and ailments (including those of the mind) that lead to still more toxicity in the form of pharmaceutical drugs (Fig 582). We can see this happening ever more obviously. Everything people do and everywhere they go involves contact with toxins. Pesticides and herbicides (specifically made to kill) are sprayed on crops in constantly greater quantities and pollute food and water (Fig 583). They seep into groundwater and are peed down the toilet along with endless other residues of chemicals and drugs that also enter drinking water supplies. The US Environmental Protection Agency say~ that up to


Figure 583: Why would anyone not lrusl Mon.,;:11110?


Figurl' 584: People are deluged with loxin~.


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Figure 585: Sugar is highl)' destrucli\!• lo healtn.


Numbers can only go on rising unless things change. Studies have also revealed that high sugar consumption permanently changes some pathways in the brain. Go for a sugar substitute like



70 million pounds of pesticides a year are subject to 'pesticide drift', which damage crops on neighbouring farms and the health of people and wildlife. A study of air quality in Minnesota where vast amount~ of pesticides are used on potatoes for the McDonald's 'food' chain found that a third of samples tested positive for one or more pesticides. People clean their homes and wash their dishes and clothes with toxins; cover their skin with them in sunscreen (the real cause of skin cancer); put toxins on their face with makeup; and spray them a... deodorant right into lymph glands (with their fundamental relevance to health and diseaSt! immunity) under their arms. Toxins .1re breathed in from traffic fumes and endless other sources including the apparently innocent - but certainly not talcum powder; and ·we have the craze of toxic tattoo~ on the skin, the biggest organ in the body (Fig 584). Sugar is a lethal toxin that people stir into their tea and coffee ,1nd it's in almost everything. Soft drink sodac; are among the worst (Fig 585). Diabetes is soaring all over the ,ugar-drenched world (Fig 586). Numbers increast>d by 60 percent in the UK between 2005 ,rnd 2015. Nearly 3.5 million now have the disease in a country of fi4 million, and in the United State~ the figure is 29.1 million or 9.3% of the population. A study published in the Journal of the Amt•ricn11 Mt?dical As:.ociatio11 estimated that about half the adult population in tht.> US has either diabetes or is pre-diabetic.

Figure 586: Drinks ior children.

Pltantom Self


aspartame (AminoSweet, NutraSweet, E951) and the consequences for the body and brain can be equally bad or worse as I have exposed at length in many books. A mainstream media report in 2015 warned that Diet Coke with artificial sweetener can \.,lu= you \o :,\oH: \4\ there.

Monsanto and Gates will do it for you (Fig 592). Bill Gates is extraordinary in that what he chooses to fund and promote with his missus through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation reads like an Archon hybrid to-do list. This includes GMO, human genetic manipulation, mass vaccination, population reduction, death panels, weather modification, a cashless society, surveillance technology, centralised control of education known as 'Common Core', the list just gets longer all the time. People will have to decide for themselves what his motivations are, but given the crucial role played by his funded projects I am personally not coming down on the side of ignorance (Fig 593). Maybe his mate, Bono, singer with the band U2, could tell us more when he's not also promoting GMO for the developing world. Well, it's worked so well in lndia didn't it, Bono? Europeans have resisted the imposition of GMO far more than Americans, but the European Union and especially the British government are desperate for widespread use of GMO and will do everything they can to bring this about. The Totalitari,rn Tiptoe is being feverishly employed while non-GMO, organic and nutritious sources of food are being targeted by EU, British and North American fascist agencies to delete al ternatives to Monsanto 'food'. The plan is for only GMO to be available eventually. A report in 2015 highlighted plans to genetically-modify most of the chocolate industry by flcx1ding 70 percent of glob,11 cocoa production with G!l.10 cocoa tree hybrids. Funding is being provided by major corporations and the plan is supported by the US Department of Agriculture. Another vehicle for promoting untested genetic engineering to infest the poor and hungry with GMO is the UN World Food Program, funded by again governments and corporations. Hidden Hand manipulation uses every trick and invented most of them.

GMO is safe and the Moon is made of cheese Health effects of GMO have been monumental in the United States and this was as planned as it was inevitable. Vandana Shiva, a prominent opponent of GMO and Monsanto in Lndia, said: 'You cannot insert a gene into a seed and caJI it life - you haven't created life, instead you have polluted it.' I would strongly advise that you watch a documentary available on You Tube entitled Genetic Ro11frttc which reveals that since genetically-modified food became significant in the American diet in the 1990s, cancer, heart disease, autism, obesity, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and food allergies have soared. Cancer is going through the roof worldwide because this, too, is the Archon virus caused by other expressions of the virus such as mass toxicity, GMO and


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radiation. Multiple infusions of the virus morph into an en•n more extreme form cancer. Pre-pubescent girls a ... young as rig/ii are getting ovarian cancer, which almost never happened before. Americans with three chronic diseases or more have nearly doubled and America's place in the world table for infant mortality has plummeted. A food allergy explosion in the GMO-swamped United States has been caused by the immune Figure 594: lower yields, cancer and genetic mutation system treating GMO 'food' a~ a threat put that in your promotion and going on the attack. GMO crops are manipulated to kill insects by punching holes in their digestive system and it d~s the same to humans when the food is ingested. Food seeps through a punctured digestive system to where it shouldn't be and the immune svstem kick.., in to record the food as a danger. Next time the same food is eaten the immune system responds to deal ·with what it now considers a threat. We call thb a food allergy. Colos~al amount:, of Mons,mto herbicide~ and those of other corporation~ that muc.;t be used with GMO , but pupib 'wouldn't learn anything'; controlling who has acce seemed to lintie no roots M moorings, l111t would be passil,ely willing to accept c/Jange simpl_v becn11se it was nil


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they ltad ever know11. 'Everything has two p11rposes. 011e is the ostensible purpose which will make it acceptable to people and second is tl1e real purpose whiclr would furtl1er tlte goals of eBtablishing the new system ... ' [He said J 'People are too trusting, people do11 'task the right q11estio11s.'



Global economic dictatorship Tire stated plan was that different parts of the world would lie assigned differmt roles of i11dustry a11d commerce in a 1111ified global system. Tl1e co1rtinued pre-eminence of tl1e U11ited States and tire relatil'e independence and self-s11Jficie11cy of the U11ited States would have to be changed. This was 011e of the several times that Ire said in ordt>r to create a m.w structure, you first l,m1e to tear dmNr tl1e old, and American industry was one example of that ... this was especially true of om· heavy i11d11stries tlmt would be cut back wltile tire same i11d11stries t1•ere bt'ing det>eloped i11 other countries, notably fapan.


A11d at this point there was some discussion of steel and particularly automobiles - I rcmt'mbt'r /rim saying tlrat a11tomobiles would be imported fmm fapa11 011 an equal footing witlz our Oil 1r domestically produced automobiles, but tire Japanese product would be better. Things ,oorild be made so they would brt'ak and fall apart, that is in t/1e United Statc?s, so that people would tend to prefer tire imported variety and tliis would give a bit of a boost to foreign competitors. One example was fapanese. 1111969 fapanese automobiles, ~f thty were sold here at all I don't remember, but tlrt'y certainly weren't very popular. But tlze idea was you could get a little bit disgusted witlr your Ford, GM or CJ11ysler 11roduct or whatever because little tirings like window lu111dles would fall off more and plastic parts would break whiclr had tlrey been made tif mrtal would lrold up. Your patriotism about buying American would soo11 give way to practic.ality tlrat if you bouglit fapm1ese, German or imported tlrat it would last longer and you would l1e better off Patriotism would go down the drai11 tlre11. 1

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Tire! United States ,ms to be kept strong in i,~formation, communicatio11s. high technology, education a11d agriculture. Tlle United States was seen as continuing to be sort of tlze keystone of tlris global system. But heavy industry would be transported out [exactly what has happened]. Centrally-controlled money Money would become predominately credit. ft was already ... mont'y is primarily a credit thing but exchange of money wo11ld be not cash or palpable things but e/ectro11ic credit signal. People u•ould carry mo11ey only in very small amounts for tl,ings like clr~wing g11111 a11d candy liars. fust pocket sorts of thi11gs. Any purcliast• of any significant amount wo11ld be do11e ekctronically. Earnings would bt' electro11ically entert'd i11to your account. It wo11ld be a single ba11ki11g system. May have tire ap11carance of being more t/11111 one but ultimately a11d basically it would be one single banking system, so tlrat wlre11 you got paid your pay would be e11tered for yo11 into your acco1111t bala11ce and tlrt'n wlre11 you purchased a11ytl1i11s at tire point of p11rcl,ase it would lie deducted from your acco1111t balance a11d you would actually carry 11otl,i11g with JfOu.

Also comp11ter records cm, be kept 011 wlratever it was you purclwsed so that if you a•ere purclrasi11g too 11111cl1 of any partirnlar item and some official ,l'a11ted to know what you were doing witIi your 11101u•y they could go back and re·view your purchase:- and dt'ter111i11r what you


Phantom Self

were buyi11g. Tirere wns a sfnfemmt t'1at m1y purchase of sig111ficant size like a11 automobile, bicycle, a refrigerator, a radio or feh•r,ision or whatever miglrt luwe some sort of identification 011 it so it could be traced, so t'1at very quickly n11ytlri11g which was either gi;,e11 away or stolen whatever - autlrorities would be able to establish who purchased it and when. Computers would alhnu this to l1appcm. Tire abilitJ/ to save would be greatly rnrtailed. People would just ,wt be able to sar,e a11J1 considerable degree of ,Pealth. Tlzere ·was some stateme11t of recog11itio11 tlrat wealtlr represents power and wen/tli in the ha11ds of a lot of people is not good for tire people i11 clrarge so if you Sll!'I.' too much you might be taxed. The more you save the higller rate of tax 011 your savings so your savings really could 11ever get very far [see negative interest rates!. A11d also if yo11 b1•ga11 to show a pnttenz of saz1ing too much you might have your pay mt. Wr would say, 'Well, your saiii11g instead of ,;pending. You really don't 11eed all tliat money.' ... Tire idea being to prevent 11eople from acw111ul11ti11g mry ·wealti, whiclr migllt liai,e long rmrge disruptive influence 011 the system. People would be encouraged to 11se credit to borrow a11d t/1e11 also be encouraged to renege 011 their debt so t/1ey would destroy tlzeir own credit. Tl,e idea lrere is that, again, ~f.11ou're too stupid to handle credit wisely, this gives the authorities the opportunity to come down hard 011 you once you've shot your credit. Electm11ic payments i11itially would all be based 011 different kinds of credit cards ... these were already in use in 1969 to some extent. Not as muclt as 11ow. But people would have credit cards witlr the electronic strip 011 it amt 011ce they got used to tltat then it would be pointed out tire advantage of ltm•i11g nil of tlrat combined into a single credit card, serving a single 111011etary system and then tlrey wo11 't ltnvc to carry 11rou11d all tlrat plastic. Microchipped people

So tlzc next step would be tlte single card and tlzc11 the next step ii>ould be to replace the single card wit!, a skin implant. Tire single card [smartphone] could be lost or :;to/en, give rise to problems; could be excltanged wit/1 somebody else to confuse identity. Tlie ski11 implant 011 the otl,er hm1d ·would be ,wt losable or co1mte1:feitable or trmz~ferrable to nnotJ,er pers011 so you a11d your 11cco1111ts would be identified without any possil,i/ity of error. A11d tire :-ki11 impla11b would hal'e to /Je put some place tltat would be conve11ie11t to tlze skin; .for example your riRl1t lzand or yo11rforehend (right on the third eye! ... Tllere was some 111e11tio11, also, of implants that would ll.'11d t/Jem:;e/i>es to s11rveilla11ce /Jy proPiding mdio signals. Tlris could be 11mfer the skin or a dental implant ... put i11 like a filling so tliat either ft1gitiztes or possibly other citi::eris co11/it be ide11tified by a certain freque11cy from !,is personal transmitter and could be located at any time or a11y place fry any autlrority w/10 wanted to find him. This would be pnrtirnlarly useful for somebody wlro broke 011t of prison. There was more disrnssion of personal s1m1eilla11ce [just look around at what is happening today].

Imposition of world system through nuclear war

~f there were too 1111111y people in tire right place:; who resisted this [world dictatorship], there might be a need to 11se 011e or hvo - possi/Jly more - 1111cle11r weapons. As it was put, tlzis would be possibfy 11eeded to convince people that 'We mean lnisiness'. That was followed by the staft'lnent that, 'By tire time one or two of those went o.ff firm e,>eryl1od_11-evm tlu' most


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rt'l11ctm1t - would yield.' He said somt!tlring about 'this negotiated pt•ace would lie ttt'ry com1i11ci118,' as kind of i11 a framework or in a context tlrat tire whole tlti11g i1•as relrearsed but ,wl,ody would know it. People /rearing t1be 011 and takl' tlte demise pill. If you got too tired to keep u~, wit Ir your education, or you got too olii to learn 11ew i11for111atio11, then this w11s a signal - you begi11 to prepare to get ready to step 11side. He was already talki11g about computers i11 education, a11d at that time lie said a11ybndy wlio wa11ted computer access, or access to books that were ,wt directly related to tl1eir field of study wo11ld haue to lmve a 11ery good reason for so doing. Otherwise. access would be denied Ibooks like the one you are reading would be banned]. Constant change

Nothing is permanent. Streets would be rerouted, re11amed. Areas you had 11ot St'e11 i11 a wlii/e would become unfamiliar. Among other things, this would contribute to older peoplefeeli11g that it was time to moi1e 011 they feel they couldn't even keq.1 up with the changes in areas that wac once familiar. Buildings ll'o11/d be allowed to sta11d empty and deteriorate, and streets would be allowed to deteriorate in certail1 localities. The purpose of this was to provide the jungle, tire depressed atmosphere for the unfit. Somewlrere i11 tlris same co11111?ctio11 Ire 111e11tio11ed that buildings mid bridges would be made so that tliey would en/lapse after a while, there would bt• more accide11ts involving airplanes and railroads and automobiles. All of this to co11tril111te to tire feeling of insecurity, that not/zing was safe. 1

Portrayal of violence (movies/video games)

Violence would be made more graphic. T/iis was inte11ded to desensitise people to riiole11ce. Tlrere mig!,t need to be a timi: wlte11 people wo11/d witness real viole11ce and be a part of it. Lnter 011 it will become clear where this is headed. So there would be more realistic violence i11 e11tertt1i11me11t wliiclz would make if easier for people to adjust. People's attitudes toward deatlr would change. People would not lie so fear/11/ of it but more accepting of it, and they would not /1e so aglzast al tlie sight of dead peoplt' or injured people. We don 'I 11eed to lwve a ge11tee/ pop11/alio11 pamlJ1sed by what they mixJrt see. People would just /eam to say, well Tdon't want that to happm to me. This was t/1e first statement suggesting that the plan i11c/11des 11w11ero11s 11111111111 cas1wltics which the s1irt>ivors would see.


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Food control Food supplies would come under tigl,t control. If 11op11latio11 growth didn't slow down, food

shortages could be crt'ated in a hurry and people would realise the danger:. of 011erpopulafio11. Ultimately, whether the population slows down or 1101 lite food supply is to be brought under centralised wntml so tl,at people would have enough to be well-11ourislted b11t tlrey would 1101 haPe e11ougl1 to support any fugitive from the new system. Ill other words, ~f you had a friend or rc.'lative who did11 't sign cm, and growing one's own food would lie outlatt•t•d. TJ,is would be dv11l' 1111der some sort of pretext. In the begi1111i11g I mentiom•d there were two 1,urposes for ei,erything -011e the ostensible purpose and one the real purpoSt', and tilt• ostensible purpose here would /,e that growing your own vegetables was unsafe, it would spread diseast' or something like tl1at. So llit• acceptable idea Wtls to protect tire co11swner but the real idea was to limit tl,e food supply a11d growing your own food would be illc.•gal. And if you persist i11 illegal actit>ities like growing ynur own food, then you're a criminal [this is now happening - see Tire Perception Deception]. Weather control Tl1ere was a mention tlren of weather. This was 111wtlrer really striking statement. He said, 'We ca11 or 50011 will be able to co11trol tlu• weather.' He said, Tm 1101 merely n'.ferri,,g to droppi11g iodide crystals i11to tlri: dollds to preciJ'itate rain th11t's already there, but REAL control.· And H eatl1er teas St•en as a weapon of wm~a weapon of i11flue11ci11g public policy. It could make rain or u•itlrhold rain in order to infl111111ce certain areas and bring them under .vour control. There were two sides to tl,is that tc>ert• rather striking. He said, 'On tlie 011c hand you etlll makL• drought during the growing se,1so11 so that 11othi11g will grow, and 011 tht• other hand you c1111 make for i,ery heai1y rains during harvest !>t'aso11 so the fields are too muddy to l1ri11g in tire lran•est, and i11deed one migllt /1e able to do both.' There was 110 statement how this would bl' done. It u•as stated that t•ither it was already possible or very, t•ery dose lo being possible [in 19691.



Mass mind control 5(1,newhere in tlu• presentation lie made two l.'-tatements I/rat I want to i11~rt at this time. I don't remember just wlrt're tl1try were madt•, but they're valid in terms of tlze general owraJI l'ie1.v. 011e ,tatemmt: 'People nw carry in their minds and act 11pon tu 0 contradictory ideas at one time, provided that these two contradictory ideas are kt71f Jar e11011gl1 apart.' A11d the other ste1te111ent is, 'You ca11 know pretty well /tow rational people are going to respond to certain circ11111sta11ct's or to certai11 infomwtion that they e11cou11 ter. So, to de1t•m1i11e tire response yo11 wa11t you need 011ly control tire kind of data or i11.formatio11 that they're prese11ted or the kinds of circumstance that tlu,y're in; 1111d being rational pt•ople they'll do what you want tlrem to do. Tht>y may ,wt fully 1111dersta11d what they're doing or wlzy.' 1



Telescreens 011e mc>re thing was said, 'You 'II be watching lt'kvisio11 a11d somebody will he watching you at tlu· snme timt' at a central monitoring station.' Telet>ision sets would l,m,e a de1.1ict' to enable this [smart TVs]. T/1e TV set would 1101 haue to be on in order for this to he operative. Also, the tdei,isin11 Sl'f cnn bt• used to monitor wlrnl you are watc/1i,1g. People can tell wltat you're watching 011 TV and lurw you 're reacting to wl111t you 're watching. And yo11 would 1101 knou• that you wae bcin,~ watched while yo11 were watching your television. How ·would we get people to aCCL'Jlt these thi11:,:s into their homes? Well, people wm1ltt bu.11 tl11:m wlre11 they buy tlu·ir own tt'/et1isit111. They won't know that they're 011 there at.first. This it•ns described by being what we



11ow k11ow as Cable TV to replace t/1e antenna TV [the rush to digital TV is part of this!. Whe11 you buy a TV set tlzis monitor would just be part of the set a11d most people would 110/ have e11011gh knowledge to know it was there in t/1e begi1111i11g. And then the cable would lit• ti,e means of carrying the surveillance message to the monitor. By tlte time people found nut tliat t/1is mo11itori11g was going 011, tlzey would also be very dependeut upon television for a number of tl1i11gs. Just t/1e way people are depeudent upon t/1e telepltone today. 011e thing the television would be used for would be purcl1ases. You wouldn't /,az,e to /eaPe your home to purchase. You just tum 011 your TV a,1d there would be a way of interacting witlr your televisio11 cltmmel to the store that you wanted to purchase. And yo11 could flip the switch from place to place to choose a refrigerator or clothing. 111is would be both co11ve11ieut, but it would also make you dependent 011 your ft'lellisio11 so the built-i11 monitor would be sometlring you could not do without. There was some discussion of audio monitors, too, just in case file authorities wanted to hear what was goi,ig 011 in rooms other tlwn wlrere fill' television monitor was, and in regard to this the statement was made, 'Any wire that went into your house,for example your telephone wire, could be used this zmy. Day was talking here about the World Wide Web which wasn't 'invented' officially until 1989 by English scientist Tim Berners-Lec who 'wrote the first web browser in 1990 while employed at CERN in Switzerland.' Oh, really? So how did Richard Day know about it in 1969? I said earlier that 'new' technology is sitting in the wings all along waiting for the right time to introduce it. How did Day know about Telescreen~ or -,mart TVs many decades before they were 'invented'? How did Orwell? Human settlement zones Privately owned housing would become 11 tlii11g of the past. The cost of lwusing and fi11a11ci11g Jw11si11g would ;:mdually be made so high that most proplr couldn't afford it. People wlzo already owned t/1eir lzouses would be allowed to keep them but as years go by it would be more n11d more dfficult for yoiwg people to buy a house. Young people would more and more become: renters, particularly i11 apartments or condominiums. More and more unsold houSt'S would stand vacant. People just could11 't lmy them. But tl1e cost of housing would not come down. You'd rig/it away think, well fill' meant house, the price would come dou 11, the people would buy it. But there was ;;vme statement to the effect that the price would be held Jriglr even tlwug/1 t/1ae were many nvaila/1/e so that free market places would 11ot operate. People wo11/d 11ot be able to buy tlrese and gradually more a11d more of the population would be forced into small apartments. S111al/ ap,1rtme11fs which would not acco111modt1tl' i>ery many cltildre11 [the micro apartments I've been highlighting]. 1

Tl1e11 as the 1111mbt•r of real lwme-owners diminished tlu'Y would become a minority. Tl1ere would be 110 sympathy for them from the maiority who dwelled in the apartments and llre11 these lionri'S could be taken by increased taxes or other regulations that would be detrimental to home ownership and would be acceptable to the majority !divide and rule]. UltimatL'iy, people would be assigned where they would live a11d it would be com111011 to have 1w11-family members lil•ing with you. Tl1is l1y way of your 11ot k11owins ;ust ho-wfar you co11/d trnst m1ybody. Tliis would all be u,uter the control of a central housing a11tlrority. Have this in mi,zd ... wlre11 tlwy ask, 'How many bedrooms in your house? Hou• many bathrooms in your house? Do yo11 hm,e a finished




\\'ork1 A ~ 12.

game room?' Tlzis i,~formaticm is pers,mal and is of 110 11atio11al infl.'rt•st to govenrment u11der our t'xisti11g Co11stit11tio11. But you'll be asked those questions and decidt• lww you wm!t to respond to them [happening].


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Disappearance of djssiden ts When the 11ez,, system tak!•:, oPer pt'ople will l>e expectt>d to sign nllegia11ce to it, indicating that tlu:y don't Jim,e any rest>ri•atio11s t1r lroldi11g back to the old system. 'There just won't be any room', l1e said, 'far people who won't go 11/onx. We can't have suclz pcople cl11tteri11g 11p the place sc> sucl! people would be taken to special places,' t111d here I don't remember tire l'xact words, but tlri! inference 1drew was flint at tlrt•se special places whae they wae tnkt111, the,, tlrey would not li1 e ,•ery long. Ht> may have said somt'fhing like. 'disposed of h111w111rly.' but I don't remember Pery precisely ... just tlze imprl!ssion tire system wa:, not going to s1111port them when t/1ey would not go along witlr the system. Tlmt would h•m•e death as the only altenwtil•c. Sonll'wlrae i11 tltis i't'in lte said tlrere would 11ot be any martyrs. Wlreu I first lreard tlris I tlwught it meant t/11• people would not be killed, but as tire presentation drveloprd wlral lie meant was tlrt'_II wo11ld not lie killed in suclr a way or disposed of in suclr a way tlrat th£'_11 could st'nlt' as i11s,1irntio11 to other people the way martyrs do. Rather lie said sometlring likt' this ... 'Peoph• will just disappear.' 1


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Tire bringing in of tl1e 11eu• system Ire said prolmbly would 11crnr on a wet'kend in tl1e winter. Ez,erythi11g would s/i"t down 011 Friday t'Vt"11i11g and Monday morning wlu•11 everybody wakened tht•re would be 111111111101111etm1mt tlzat the New System was i11 place. During the process i11 gt'lti11g tire U11ited States ready for these changes everybody would t,e bttsii>r witl1 lt·ss leisure time and le:::s opportunity to really look abo11t a11d Sl'i' wl,af was going 011 aro1111d tl1em. Richard Day also said that there would be mass movements and migrations of people without roots in their new locations because 'traditions are easier to change in a place where there are a lot of transplanted people, as compared to trying to change traditions in a place where people grew up and had an extended family, where they had roots.' Remember what I said earlier about one of the prime reason for orchestrating the ma s migrations trom the Midd le East and Africa into Europe with the targeting especially of Germany which has such a sense of its own traditions and culture. Chancellor Merkel knows exactly what she is doing and why. Day even ~aid in 1969 that soccer would be promoted in the United States because it wa.., an international game and would help to break down a sense of a unjque cttlh1re underpinned by baseball and American football. l have been trying to show people for so long that almost everything is manipulated and part of the plan. All that J have described in this chapter - in fact, chapter after chapter - is to advance the total enslavement of the human race which I have been warning about for a quarter of a century amid constant ridicule and abuse. People might not want to believe what I saying, but that doesn't stop it being true.


Here and no further 1011/d •ing ,Id all

These are some themes to watch for and challenge at every opportunity to slow down the march of tyranny until we delete it altogether: Anything related to changes listed by Richard Day; anything that forces people into cities c1nd denies access to rural lands; anything that makes survival harder for small formers and businesses to the benefit of corporations; attacks on independent food growing and alternatives to GMO; attac~ on

alternative forms of medicine, non-drug health treatment and supplements; anything forced upon us without choice - like mandatory vaccinations; anything that prevents free movement, makes travel more difficult or proposes new high-speed railways between centres of major population without justification or through a sudden change of policy as in the United States; anything that advances Figure 605: Stand up now or take the consequences. the police state and increases surveillance; any further centralisation of power and decision-making; attacks on the family unit, parental rights and increased control of the state and schools (the state) over the upbringing of children - including those removed from loving parents and put into 'care' or forced adoption for spurious reasons; anything that makes it easier for doctors to legally kill people either directly or by removing what they need to survive; government policies that target the poor and reward the rich. Be aware of anything that relates to centralised collectivism under terms like 'common' as in common core, common goals and common purpose. The latter is the name of a training organisation preparing 'leaders' for the post-industrial, post-democratic society. 'Consensus' is another version of 'common' with con.citant attempts to manipulate the public 'consensus' to agree to follow the Archon agenda without even realising there is one. Political 'consensus' is almost complete with political parties differing largely only by rhetoric. Manipulclting and imposing the consensus also involves marginalising and vilifying anyone who questions and challenges the consensus - oppose all efforts to suppress and destroy the alternative media. When world events happen always ask: 'Who benefits?' And who benefits from people believing the official story of what has happened? I include in this extremes of weather and earthquakes for the reasons I have explained. We stand up and look this in the eye or we run. But there is nowhere to run, so we better get on with it (Fig 605). In a sane world the mainstream media would be exposing and warning about all this, but instead they condemn and ridicule those who do - the inversion again. They apply the label 'conspiracy theorist' to discredjt anyone exposing the truth when the very terms conspiracy theorist or theory were invented by the CIA to discredit those exposing the lies surrounding the assassination of President Kennedy and others in the 1960~. Most journalists - not all, but most - really are pathetic and a disgrace not only to the public in general but to their own families who will have to live in the world they are playing their vital role in making happen. There are executives and journalists who are knowingly serving the Archon agenda but most do so out ot ignorance and fall for the hoax that their 'good education' h.u. made them informed and intelligent. Anyone who believes what they are told by the mainstream media should listen to the experiences of German journalist and editor Udo Ulfkotte who h,~s revealed how he worked for governments and intelligence agencies and wrote stories that suited them. He says the mainstream media is controlled by the authorities through intimidation and bribery. If you go to and put these words into the search facility you can

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1\M All the News is Fake'. New laws and methods are being introduced to censor and even jail those journalists who are willing at least to expose and question some elements of The System. The decision by European Unjon judges (dictators) to give people the right to have information about them deleted from search engine listings like Google is a scam by the El-lite and their toadies to rude their own background from public knowledge. This so-called 'right to be forgotten' is no more than an example of George Orwell's 'Memory Hole' in wruch the of Truth (inversion) re-wrote historical documents to match the ever-cha11gi11g state propaganda. Britain's Information Commissioner's Office even ordered Google to remove links to stories about Google removing links to stories. So much information that people have a right to see no longer appears in search engine listings and is essentially deleted - down the Memory Hole. The Archon conspiracy depends for its very existence on the manipulation and suppression of information because from information comes perceptfon and from the manipulation and suppression of information comes the perception deception. What I have described in this chapter alone will be extraordinary enough for those new to my work, but wait for the next bit.

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Stupidity is the same as evil if you judge by the results Margaret Atwood

tJ r, r T

c We are fast heading into a transhumanist society in which humans and technology are planned to be seamlessly fused and humanity as we know it will be no more. Transhumanism is the next and final stage of total Archontic control and the Totalitarian Tiptoe to this ultimate dystopia is already well advanced. I have my own term for this - Transphantomism. Humanity is being manipulated into accepting the enslavement of human perception withjn the Matrix that goes way beyond even the mind programs of Phantom Self. Archons and their hybrids are in the midst of a transformation of what we call 'humans' after which thoughts and emotions would be controlled technologically and no one would be able to expand their awareness beyond the fake reality. Transhumanism would be Phantom Self on steroids. Archons began with a bad copy of something wonderful and they have systematically inverted and distorted the copy to turn a world of life into one of death. It is the same story with human Body-Mind. They began with what there was before and they have genetically manipulated its receiver-transmitter processes to tune them to the Matrix while infesting humanity with the Archon virus and lowering the freguency- 'Fall of Man'. What they could not do, however, is block all access to Infinite Awareness which could override the program and see the truth. Transhumanism is the plan to so technologically control the human vehicle that it would not be influenced in any way by awareness outside the freguency walls of the Matrix (Fig 606). I have heard it said by some researchers that the transhumanist agend.1 has been dreamed up to respond to the gathering awakening of humanity from its program-instigated coma. I could not disagree more if I spent my life working at it. Transhumanist346


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transphantomist technological control of humans is not a response or afterthought - it was the plan.,from tlie start. We are seeing the modus-operandi for how the DemiurgeArchon '-elf-aware virus takes over societies and realities. First they hijack perception by making an energetic copy of the original reality and manipulate genetics (receivertransmission processes) of the target population to tune them into a fake reality. From this point they work to distort the copy to a stage where it reflects their own frequency and preferred 'atmosphere' by the systematic generation of death, destruction, fear and suffering technologically supported by massive increases in atmospheric radiation and nuclear war. All of these energetic sources and many more transform what was originally copied into a reality that c;uits the Archon virus in its quest for total control. The endgame in these repeating scenarios is to fuse the population with technology controlled by Artificial Intelligence (AI), which is just a fancy cover-name for 'Them' tire riirus. The machine-controlled world portrayed in the Matrix trilogy is an accurate reflection of what this endgame is supposed to deliver and the control came about in the movie narrative through the destruction (death) of the human environment amid nuclear war. 'They' who work to make this happen are all expressions of the virus either directly or through possession and thi!> covers the whole raft of names and manifei-;tations from the Demiurge (prime virus) to Archons, Jinn, Demons, Flyers etc., and the virus-possessed Reptilians, Greys, Archon-Reptilian hybrid 'human' El-lite and others. The 'Artificial Intelligence' of transhumani!">m, then, is the Archon virus. Phantom Self and expressions of the virus and virus-possessed are already controlled by Artificial Intelligence - Demiurge intelligence - and this is now being taken to a whole new level with regard to humanity. Clearly this control is even more powerful once you introduce tedmology that blocks any contact with expanded awareness (Fig 607). Technology to make the transhumanist society possible may appear to have developed 'naturally' through a process of 'hum,,n evolution', but that's not the ca~. The Demiurge/ Archons had this technology while humans in our 'historical timeline' were in the Stone Age. Remember the ancient text!, that describe how the gods visited in their advanced craft. There was no point and no possibility of introducing technology in our reality until humans had reached the necessary level of technological understanding to build it and use it. Give Stone Age man a computer? Yep, great idea. We are back to the question posed by Mexican shaman Don Juan Matus:' ... Tell me how you would explain the contradictions between the intelligence of man the engineer and the stupidity of his systems of belief, or the stupidity of his contradictory behaviour.' Humam in Phantom Self mode had to be brought to a point where they could understand enough about technology to build their own prison but without access to Infinite Awareness that would allow them to see that this is what they were doing. That, in a sentence, is how all this has come about and why human society developed as it has. ArchonReptilian hybrids in positions of power and influence have pump-primed this whole process as they are doing today in the tran.shumanist movement. There is a Figure 607: lntimte -""',1reness? Whal's thal?


alternative forms of medicine, non-drug health treatment and supplements; anything forced upon us without choice - like mandatory vaccinations; anything that prevents free movement, makes travel more difficult or proposes new high-speed railways between centres of major population without justification or through a sudden change of policy as in the United States; anything that advances Figure 605: Stanci up now or take the consequences. the police state and increases surveillance; any further centralisation of power and decision-making; attacks on the family unit, parental rights and increased control of the state and schools (the tale) over the upbringing of children - including those removed from loving parents and put into 'care' or forced adoption for spurious reasons; anything that makes it easier for doctors to legally kill people either directly or by removing what they need to sur\'ive; government policies that target the poor and reward the rich. Be av..rare of anything that relates to centralised collectivism under terms like 'common' as in common core, common goals c1nd common purpose. The latter is the name of a training organisation preparing 'leaders' for the post-industrial, post-democratic society. 'Consen.•;us' is another version of 'common' with constant attempts to manipulate the public 'consensus' to agree to follow the Archon agenda without even realising there is one. Political 'consensus' is almost complete with political parties differing largely only by rhetoric. Manipulating and imposing the consensus also involves marginalising ,md vilifying anyone who questions and challenges the consensus - oppose all efforts to suppress and destroy the alternative media. When world events happen always ask: ' Who benefits?' And who benefits from people believing the official story of what has happened? I include in this extremes of weather and earthquakes for the reasons I have explained. We stand up and look this in the eye or we run. But there is nowhere to run, so we better get on with it (Fig 605). In a sane world the mainstream media would be exposing and warning about all this, but instead they condemn and ridicule those who do - the inversion again. They apply the label 'conspiracy theorist' to discredit anyone exposing the truth when the very terms conspiracy theorist or theory were invented by the CIA to discredit those exposing the lies surrounding the assassination of President Kennedy and others in the 1960s. Most journalists - not alJ, but most - really are pathetic and a disgrace not only to thl' public in general but to their own families who will have to live in the world they are playing their vital role in making happen. There are executives and journalists who are knowingly serving the Archon agenda but most do so out of ignorance and fall for the hoax that their 'good education' has made them informed and intelligent. Anyone who believes what they are told by the mainstream media should listen to the experiences of German journalist and editor Udo Ulfkotte who has revealed how he worked for governments and intelligence agencies c1nd wrote stories that suited them. He says the mainstream media is controlled by the authorities through intimidation and bribery. lf you go to and put these words into the search facility you can

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see his highly recommended interview ... 'Reporter Spills the Beans .:md Admits ALI the

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News is Fake'. New laws and methods are being introduced to censor and even jail those journalists who are willing at least to expose and question somL' elements of The System. The decision by European Union judges (dictators) to give people the right to have information about them deleted from search engine listings like Google is a scam by the fl-lite and their toadies to hide their own background from public knowledge. This so-called 'right to be forgotten' is no more than an example of George Orwell's 'Memory Hole' in which the Ministry of Truth (inversion) re-wrote historical documents to match the ever-changing state propaganda. Britain':, lnfonnation Commissioner's Office even ordered Google to remove links to stories about Google removing links to stories. So much information that people have a right to see no longer appears in search engine listings and is essentially deleted - down the Memory Hole. The Archon conspiracy depends for its very existence on the manipulation and suppression of information because from information comes perception and from the manipulation and suppression of information comes the perception deception. What I have described in this chapter alone wiJI be extraordinary enough for those new to my work, but wait for the next bit.






T~ansphantomis,m Stupidity is the same as evil if you judge by the results Margaret Atwood

We are fast heading into a transhumanist society in which humans and technology are planned to be seamlessly fused and humanity as we know it will be no more. Transhumanis m is the next and final stage of total Archontic control and the Totalitarian Tiptoe to this ultimate dystopia is aJready well advanced. I have my own term for this - Transphantomism. Humanity is being manipulated into accepting the enslavement of human perception within the Matrix that goes way beyond even the mind programs of Phantom Self. Archons and their hybrids are in the midst of a transformation of what we call 'humans' after which thoughts and emotions would be controlled tedmologically and no one would be able to expand their cWJareness beyond the fake reality. Transhumanism would be Phantom Self on steroids. Archons began with a bad copy of something wonderful and they have systematically inverted and distorted the copy to turn a world of life into one of death. lt is the same story with human Body-Mind. They began with what there was before and they have genetically manipulated its receiver-transmitter processes to tune them to the Matrix while infesting humanity with the Archon virus and lowering the frequency - 'Fall of Man'. What they could not do, however, is block all access to infinite Awareness which could override the program and see the truth. Transhumanism is the plan to so technologically control the human vehicle that it would not be influenced in any way by awareness outside the frequency walls of the Matrix (Fig 606). I have heard it said by some researchers that the transhwnanist agenda has been dreamed up to respond to the gathering awakening of humanity from its program-instigated coma. I could not disagree more if I spent my life working at it. Transhumanist] 4 f,



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e L start. We are seeing the modus-operandi for how the DemiurgeArchon self-aware virus takes over societies and realities. First they hijack perception by making an energetic copy of the original reality and manipulate genetics (receivertransmission processes) of the target population to tune them into a fake reality. From this point they work to distort the copy to a stage where it reflects their own frequency and preferred 'atmosphere' by the systematic generation of death, destruction, fear and suffering technologically supported by massive increases in atmospheric radiation and nuclear war. All of these energetic sources and many more transform what was originally copied into a reality that suits the Archon virus in its quest for total control. The endgame in these repeating scenario~ is to fuse the population with technology controlled by Artificial Intelligence (AI), which is just a fancy rnver-nanw for 'Them' 1/ie riims. The machine-controlled world portrayed in the Matrix trilogy is an accurate reflection of what this endgame is supposed to deliver and the control came about in the movie narrative through the destruction (death) of the human environment amid nuclear war. 'They' who work to make this happen art• all expressions of the virus either directly or through possession and this covers the whole raft of names and manifestations from the Demiurge (prime virus) to Archons, Jinn, Demons, Flyers etc., and the virus-possessed Reptilians, Greys, Archon-Reptilian hybrid 'human' £/-lite and others. The' Artificial Intelligence' of transhumanism, then, is the Archon virus. Phantom Self and expressions of the virus ,1nd virus-possessed are already controlled by Artificial Intelligence - Demiurge intelligence - and this is now being taken to a whole new level with regard to humanity. Clearly thb control is even more powerful once you introduce technology that blocks any contact with expanded awareness (Fig 607}. Technology to make the transhumanist society possible may appear to have developed 'naturally' through a process of 'human e\'olution', but that's not the case. The Demiurge/ Archons had this technology while humans in our 'historical timeline' were in the Stone Age. Remember the ancient texts that describe how the gods visited in their advanced craft. There was no point and no possibility of introducing technology in our reality until humans had reached the necessary level of technological understanding to build it and use it. Give Stone Age man a computer? Yep, great idea. We are back to the question posed by Mexic,m shaman Don Juan Matus:' ... Tell me how you would explain the contradictions between the intelligence of man the engineer and the stupidity of his systems of belief, or the stupidity of his contradictory behaviour.' Humcms in Phantom Self mode had to be brought to a point where they could understand enough about technology to build their own prison but without access to Infinite Awareness thdt would allow them to see that this is what they were doing. That, in a sentence, is how aU this has come about and why human society developed as it has. ArchonReptilian hybrid~ in positions of power and influence have pump-primed this whole process as they c1re doing today in the transhumanbt movement. There is a Figure 607: lnimitc A\\areness? What's that?


rider to, however. You can't isolate Phantom Self from a wider awareness completely or in everyone. There is a trade-off here between what you need for total control and the danger that at least some people will open their minds further than is good for you. Mind expansion and development necessary for eventual technological awareness has made unacceptable many things once done openly such as human sacrifice and Figure 60S: The Schumann cavity. overt rule by royal bloodline. Many more people also refuse to 'know their place' and this is a dangerous period for the Archon agenda. Research into transhumanist technology opens the way to the realisation that we live in a simulation as technological developments mimic the very reality we are experiencing. We live in a 'time' of enormous danger but also fantastic opportunity, and they are pushing through transhumanism as fast as they can to lock down human awareness technologically before it can wake up to the truth on ..1 scale that would bring the Archon house down.






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Technological sub-reality A global technological web of total control by Artificial Intelligence (Demiurge virus) is being rolled out by the day and the aim is to create a sub-reality between the ground and the ionosphere in that part of the Earth's atmosphere known as the Schumann Cavity or Schumann Cavity Resonance (Fig 608). German physicist Winfried Otto Schumann is credited with discovering this electromagnetic resonance in the extremely low frequency or ELF range between 6 and 8 Hz. This is within the frequency of human brain activity and all biological systems. Harmonic connection between Earth and other biological life is possible through this frequency compatibility, but the Archon agenda demands that this harmony be distorted and the interconnection destroyed. HAARPtype technology, which interacts with the ionosphere, can function within the same frequency band with potential to achieve this end. Scientists say Earth and the human brain can synchronise at the Schumann resonance frequency of 7.83 Hz and this is a means through which all biological life can communicate. Dolphins generate sound waves of 7.83 Hz. Dr Herbert Konig, Schumann's successor at Munich University, said the dominant brain wave in mammals is between 6 and 8 Hz. Human alpha brain waves are broadcast in this frequency band while in state of meditation, relaxation and creativity. States of fear, stress and anxiety block alpha wave states and therefore block harmonic connection with everything else. This adds further to a sense of isolation. Alpha waves are abo very important to the immune system, which is a recurring target of Archon manipulation. Schumann Resonance operates like a tuning fork to 'entrain' all biological life in a common and harmonious oscillation. 'Entrainment' is a major aspect to Phantom Self creation and control. Entrainment means that the dominant frequency rules perception. If you place three violins together playing the same note or frequency and then introduce another violin playing another note or no note this will be 'entrained' by the combined power of the other three and resonate to their frequency.



Figure 609: Hum,rn hrnin activity can be entrainro by

Figure 610: The pl.inned t~hnological sub-reality.

technological frequenc1ec; and iake percep11ons dO\\ n loadro.




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Technology galore is designed to cumulatively entrain human brain activity with external forces of frequency manipulation (Fig 609). This, too, is aimed at blocking a conn0ction to expanded awareness. The Demiurge conspiracy is building a frequency prison or technologically-created sub-reality through multiple means, including technologically-generated radiation, to entrap the human mind in an even more extreme and myopic fake-reality- a fake reality within a fake reality. Given the vast majority are already dbconnected from a powerful and consciou~ connection to Infinite Awareness wh,,t would humanity be like if this gathering frequency prison is allowed to reach ib intended goal? He re we have still another example of further distorting the 'bad copy' (Fig 610). Studies have already revealed that Schumann resonance is being swamped by the electromagnetic fog or soup amassing from technological sources. Physicist and Schumann researcher Wolfgang Ludwig said: 'Measuring Schumann re onance in or around a city has become impossible ... electromagnetic pollution from cell phones has forced us to make measurements at sea.' Once Schumann harmonic connections are distorted ,1nd unravelled fundamental consequences follow mentally, emotionally and 'physically'. Profe!>sor Rutger Wever from the Max Pl,rnck Institute for Behavioural Physiology in Germany proved this when he built an underground bunker isolated from Schumann resonance and employed student volunteer~ to live there for a month. He found that their natural biological rhythms (circadian rhythms) went walkabout a nd they suffered emotional distress (disharmony) and migraine headaches. Only a brief exposure to 7.8 H7 brought them back into kilter and symptoms disappeared. Another highly significant aspect to all this is that DNA communic.ites through extremely low frequency electromagnetic waves at a frequency of ... 7.83 Hz. This was officially discovered by French virologist Luc Montagnier, joint winner of the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. DNA can also be entrained with technological frequencies to resist expanded communication and cause genetic mutation. Common themes are clear and this is the real background to the technological society and transhumanism.


Smart is stupid


The term 'smart' is being u!>ed for so many technologies and policies today. It's everywhere. We have smartphones, smart tablets, s mart watches, smart bands, !>mart


televisions, smart meters, ~mart cards, smart cars, smart driving, smart pills, smart dust, smart patches, smart contact lenc;es, smart skin, smart borders, smart pavements, smart streets, :,mart cities, smart communitie!:>, s mart environments, smart growth, and a smart planet to name just some. 'Smart' is intended to promote the impression that anything 'smart' must be in accordance with its definition of 'having or showing intelligence'. A 'Smart Object' is defined as something that 'interact5 with not Onl)· people but also with other Smart Figure 611: The Snwt Grid. Objects'. I have been warning since the 'smart' era began that all the 'smarts' are designed to communicate and synchronise with all the other smarts to form a global grid of technological wireless communication known as the Smart Grid. This i& planned to be connected with the human Body-Mind through microchips, other transhumanist body-inserts and by operating on the same frequency band as human brain and DNA activity to entr,1in them with the Smart Grid or technological sub-reality. From that moment humans will be nothing more than computer terminals responding to data input from a wireless control grid linking all the 'smart' technologies and many more that won't use that term. Advocates of transhumanism claim that smart environments will create 'a small world where different kinds of smart device are continuously working to make inhabitants' lives more comfortable'. We arc talking in truth about a technological prison cell for every man, woman and child on earth (Fig 611). The Smart Grid will no! be built and switched on overnight. It is being cons tructed piece by piece before our eyes through the Totalitarian Tiptoe and the process is getting quicker all the time. If you want to hide something put it on public display. Technologies used for aeons by !ht' Archons in their multiple invasions of societies and realities arc being introduced as 'new inventions' when they were known about and developed long ago in the underground bases and other secret locations around the world, especially in the United States. Technology is relea~d in a pre-determined order using cover stories and cover people to explain where it came from. Computerisation is an example of thb along with smart and other technology essential to global mind, body and emotional control. Are vve really saying that technology crucial to the control agenda just happened to appear by sheer good luck just when the control system needed it? People standing in line fur hours to be the first to get the latest release of control-grid technology -I must h,we an iPhone first- is as sickening as it is sad and shows what a grip technology already has on the human mind. We had the cell phone, then the smartphone, tablet, Bluetooth, smartwatch, Google Glass and now even skin patches that attach an electronic circuit to the s kin and communicate with computers (Fig 612). This is one small step from the permanently embedded microchip that I have warned was planned for nearly a quarter of a century. Skin patches are called epidermal electronic circuits (Fig 613). Producers



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Figure 612: Where we are is nowhere near where ii is meant to go.

Figure 613: What they call 'epidermal electrical circuits'.

say the patd1es could be used for medical applications sum as monitoring heart and brain, but the plan is for two-way communication not one-way. Monitoring heart and brain then becomes externally com111u11icati11g with the heart and brain via Artificial Intelligence (Demiurge self-aware virus). Skin patches, smart technology and those directly interacting with the body sum as Google Glass and Bluetooth earphones are preparing people for the next and most decisive step of putting technology inside the body (Fig 614). Internal micromips are already in use and the plan is to have them widely used before making them compulsory through the same Totalitarian Tiptoe technique that we are seeing with vaccines. A CIA scientist confirmed the microchip agenda to me in the 1990s and he said that in secret development projects they were already small enough to be inserted by hypodermic needles in vaccination programmes. Todny we call what he was talking about 'nanotechnology' which is well beyond the capacity of the human eye to see. Nanoparticles are now used in food, clothing, medicine, shampoo, toothpaste, sunscreen and thousands of other products. Some scientists have warned that nanoparticles can change the function of cells and how they communicate, and significantly mange DNA, but they are ignored given that those outcomes are exactly what is required. Nanotechnology is the level that human micromipping is really planned to happen - is already happening - and in many ways the bigger chips that can be seen are a diversion. The Big Biotech-controlled US Department of Agriculture has awarded millions of dollars to American universities to develop nanotemnology in food. People are being manipulated into such extreme addiction to technology that they will gladly agree to become an extension of it Figure 614: One ot many technologie,; in lhC' (Fig 615). Addiction to smartphones and To tal itarian Tiptoe 10 getting in~ide the body.


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Figure 615: Smartphonc Mldiction turning humans into an e'Jf on the fly, altering the way it functions.' Species adapt to d1anging environments by brain and genetic 'placidity' providing new gifts Figu~ 620: The hrain 1s being sevt'relv influenctudents reading a book '>howed has lx-en ~h, Mn to rl'Si~I the changes caused IJ\ improvemt'nts in brain function with technologv and the Internet.

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changes starting on the first day and lasting for five days after completion (Fig 621). You can see why they don't want people to read books anymore, but for their own sake they must. Research has shown that people take in and grasp more information reading paper books thane-books, and that children using computers extensively at school instead of traditional books had lower reading and maths scores. Figure 622: Get them early - ~eep them for liie. icholas Carr talked with linguists, neuroscientists, psychiatrists and psychologists before concluding that the Lntemet and social media are rewiring human minds as the time spent online has soared. Gary Small, professor of psychiatry at the University of California, compared the brains of limited users of the Internet with regular users and found that when the first group increased their activity their brains took only a few days to change in line with the second group and the changes were permanent. Carr said that 'like a chemical narcotic, the Net's "cacophony of stimuli" short-circuits both consciow, and unconscious thoughts, preventing our minds from thinking either deeply or creatively' and even sympathetically (deletion of empathy or dehumanisation). Other studies of videogame players have shown a reduction in the grey matter of the hippocampus which controls memory, learning and emotion, and is associated with neurological and psychological problems like dementia and depression. In the light of this background what an absolutely extraordinary statement it was in 2015 when Professor Annette Karmiloff-Smith of the University of London that babies should be given tablet computers 'from birth' (Fig 622). Who said a 'good education' and academic statu~ made you intelligent?

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Susan Greenfield correctly expresses concern at the effect on personality and perception of violent videogames. These are designed to desensitise players to violence on the basis that the brain and subconscious mind doesn't make a distjnction between the 'real' and the simulated. Remember how brain responses were so ~imilar between people thinking about learning to play the piano and those actually learning. Greenfield said: 'That eternal teenage protest of "it's only a game, Mum" certainly begins to ring alarmingly hollow.' Desensitivity to violence is another form of psychopathy - a lack of empathy with the victims. A poll of Xbox game owners during the 2012 US election revealed that 72 percent supported more drone strikes on 'suspected terrorists' (men, women and children). Suspected, that is, not even proven to be. How many psychopaths play violent video games and war scenarios while still under the self-delusion that they are just ' normal' people? Susan Greenfield said: 'We could be raising a hedonistic generation who live only in the thrill of the computer- generated moment, and are in distinct danger of detaching themselves from what the rest of us would consider the real world.' Hedonism is 'the pursuit of or devotion to pleasure, especially to the pleasures of the

Phantom Sell


senses' and believing that 'only what is pleasant or has pleasant consequences is intrinsically good.' A big part of the onslaught of cyber information is to stimulate pleasure centres in the brain via what Greenfield calls the 'pleasures of the [five] senses' and manipulate an addiction to pleasure. Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New World, spoke of making people 'love their servitude'. A CIA lunatic called Tvor Browning wired a radio receiver to Figure 623: Control system with Kevin Warwicl... the pleasure centre known as the hypothalamus in the brain of a donkey and controlled the donkey's behaviour by stimulating the pleasure centre when the donkey did what Browning wanted and stopping when it didn't. The d onkey walked along a pre-arranged course and back again by seeking to find the direction neet~ssary for the pleasure to return. This is happening step-by-step to humans to make us transhumans or transphantoms. Kevin Warwick, a human microchip-promoting professor of cybernetics at Britain's University of Reading, said: 'If a machine is passing down signals that keep you completely happy, then why not be part of the Matrix?' 1£ there is a more misguided man than Professor Warwick I would not like to meet him, if it's a!J the same with you (Fig 623). He once said: 'I don't mind changing dramatically from what I am.' Neither do we, Kev, but I won't be holding my breath. There is also pressure for mind-altering lithium to be added to drinking water to make people docile and 'stabilise mood' . A leading advocate, Dr Jacob Appel at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, said lithium would make the brain 'more happy' - make people love their servitude. Appel is from the same hospital as the Rockefeller 'prophet' Dr Richard Day. Must be something int.he water.

Smart Grid All smart technologies are designed to wirelessly communicate with each other to form the global Smart Grid that would not only keep surveillance on everyone in the multiple ways I will explain, but would also feed information, perceptions and instructions to the human mind. Smart televisions, for example, are the Totalitarian Tiptoe (almost complete) to the Telescreens described by Dr Richard Day nearly 50 years ago and by George Orwell nearly 70 years ago in his book 1984: The telescreen received and transmitted simultaneously. Any sound that Winston made, above the level of a very low whisper, would be picked up by it; moreover, so long a~ he remained within the field of vision which the metal plate commanded, he could be seen as well as heard. There was of course no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment. How often, or on what system, the Thought Police plugged in on any individual wire was guesswork. It was even conceivable that they watched everybody all the time, but at any rate they could plug in vour wire whenever they wanted to.

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:k ed for them to have electronic devices. Smart meter:, receive and transmit through a Wi-Fi electromagnetic field. There are also many Artificial Intelligence robot technologies being developed and introduced to maintain household surveillance. Smart meter information is already being used by police linking energy use to a suspected criminal activity and when this proves unfounded people have been charged with othC'r offences unrelated to the raid after a search of the property. A British government source wa~ quoted by thl' Daily Mail

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as describing smart meter as 'bonkers' and 'a policy being sold,,., consumer friendly but in the wrong hands, it will be a total disaster'. He clearly wasn't high enough in the hierarchy to know what he said would be a disaster was precisely why they were being introduced. A long list of privacy campaigners have sought to warn the public about the consequences of smart Figure 626: Thi' s.111-s ritch. meter~. Nick Pickles from Big Brother Watch said that we are witnessing a massive intrusion into what goes on in millions of homes: 'This comes when there is increasing surveillance of our society ... mart meters are a step towards our homes becoming the next line of attack for state ,;noopers.' You know when something i~ crucial to human enslavement when the technology or policy is imposed on the population without a choice. Mandatory vaccinations, 'green' lightbulbs (more later) and smart meters are all examples of this and the same is planned with microchips. The Tiptoe technique is (1) to introduce something and say it is not compulsory; (2) to make it almost impossible to function without whatever it is; and then (3) to make it compulsory. Many of tho-.e who have te~ted the claim that smart meters are not compulsory have had their properties broken into and the meters installed or had their power cut off.


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Smart meters and smart televisions are essential to control and surveillance within 'smart cities' - code for the human settlement zones ot Agenda 21 /2030 where the inhabitants will live in tiny ~paces under constant surveillance from the smart networks of the Smart Grid (Fig 626). The European Union is one of the major advocates of :.mart cities, and when Brussels bureaucrats open their mouths the Archon hybrids are speaking. Smart cities have their own cover story like all the other 'smarts'. We are told they use digital or information and communication technologies 'to enhance quality and performance of urban services, to reduce costs and resource consumption, and to engage more effectively and actively with its citizens.' All of which is a long-winded way of saying 'utter nonsense' . Smart cities are both new cities and the conversion of current cities designed to be terminals on the global Smart Grid controlled by Artificial intelHgence. Some are being built from scratch like New Songdo in South Korea which is dt'SCTibed in one article as being 'studded with chips talking to one another and designated a!:> la smart city] years before IArchontic] IBM found it!:> "Smarter Planef' religion'. An article on the \·vebsite said th,,t the central role of American multinational technology corporation Cisco Systems was 'to wire every -;quare inch of the city with synapses ... from the trunk lines running beneath the streeb to the filaments branching through every wall and fixture.' The city would be ' run on information' Isub-reality informationJ. Cisco's

ing the 1ia 1ppeaks to us through the intuitive knowing thnt Einstein talked about. When superconscious awareness is expressed in lang uage it is not the same d!> thought expressed in language. They are on completely different frequencies. I have long said that Body-Mind is a biological computer system encoded with emotional program-; to mak.c us react as required, and that the vast majority of people can go through an entire human lifetime without having an original thought of their own. Why? Thought is not original - thought is the program. Ori~inality comes from superconsciousness with its connection to All Possibility, All Knowing. Thought can build technology because technology is an expression of thought which is why the Archons and their Reptilian agents are obsessed with it. Technology overcomes their inability to acces-,, superconsciousness from which comei, ... crentil'e imngi11atio11. What did the Gnostics say the Demiurge / Archons didn't have? Crcatii e imnxinatio11. People may think that smart technologies and others are the result of creative imagination, but amazing a~ they may seem to humanity's suppressed awareness they are actually the Stone Age. All technology is Stone Age. There is no technology is the realm of superconsciousne~s. It is beyond thought and mind - the realm where technology is necessary to overrnm~ limitations of awareness and thus potential and possibility. Near-death experiencers have described how entities spoke to them in the out-of-body state without using words. They just knew what was being communicated without hearing a sound. This is 1

You That Time Forgot


superconsdousness where anything can be manifested in an in!tant without need of a factory to build it. We are meant to be superconscious and humanity has been tricked by Archon manipulation into descending ('falling') to their level of awareness (and then some)- the realm of thought, low-vibrational emotion and the illusion of physicality. In the kingdom of the blind the one-eyed man is king (Fig 695). Transhumanism is about making the one-eyed man Figure 695: The Demiurge is the one-i?yed 'rn,1n' that has even more powerful and able to made humanity blind. control. Gnostics and many other ancient and modern sources r have come across a LI agree that Archons are terrified of humanity waking up to its true nature. They know their game would then be over. This means awakening to superconsciuusness 1,,vhich the Archon virus cannot access. In tem,s of power and possibility superconsciousness is the giant to the Archon sevetN,tone weakling. This is why they have had to make humanity a three-stone weakling. Essential to awakening, therefore, is deleting the layers of programming and perception that hold us in servitude to ignorance. Near-death experiencer Dr Eben Alexander described the fundamental difference between the Archon Matrix and the realm of superconsciousness: To experience thinking outside the brain is to enter,, world oi instantaneous connections that

make ordinary thinking (those aspects limited by the physical brain and the speed of lightl seem like some hopelessly sleepy and plodding event ... ... Our truest. deepest sel( is completely free. It is not crippled or compromised by past actions or concerned with identity or status. It comprehends that it has no need to fear the earthly world, and therefore, it hc1s no need to build itself up through fame or wealth or conquest. This 'truest, deepest self' is what the Archons have worked~ hard and incessantly to disconnect us from - this is why reconnection is the revolution.


From the heart Talk of superconsciousness brings me to the heart. I hear people told tu 'use your head'. I say U!>e your heart. l am not talking metaphorically either. Heart is love. Mind is fear. Head i~ fear. Scientists study the ionosphere, stratosphere and troposphere when they would be far more productive if they studied the mindisfear and headisfear. This is where an understanding of the world really lies. Phantom Self is a construct of fear fear of not conforming; fear of what others think; fear of failure; fear of the moment; fear of the future; foar (regret) of the past; fear of death and fear of life. Yet fec1r of death is only the ignorance of life. Fear of life is only the ignorance of death. Programmed fear


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elf-identity whatever they may be. Heart people know that no one has to go without for others to have. This is such a myth. I know it seems like that from daily experience but remember always that what we experience is a fake reality in which the illusion of limitation is a vital mechanism of control. How can we run out of anything when our experienced reality is only a holographic manifestation of our sense of reality? We experience limitation and shortage by lidfr'V . i11g in limitation and shortage and have been programmed to do so since the baby met the midwife. In fact, this u1n happen even before that through energetic influence of the mother. Heart people are not martyrs for they know they are not necessary. Martyrs and martyrdom are more Phantom Self labels and delusions playing their role in the stage play. Heart people look after themselves, have kindness, empathy, compassion and generosity for themselves, but here's the point - not at the expense of others. Not to the detriment, suffering, control or loss of others. Heart people seek win-win, not win-lose. With heart economics no one would go without while with head economics this is essential. When Archontic


You That Time Forgo,


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Activate your heart chakra through kindness, empathy, compassion and generosity and I mean for yourself as well as others. Do things that give you joy which always makes the heart sing. If you are happy and your heart is open everyone you meet reaps the benefits d irectly and Try never to win if it means others must lose. Life is not meant to be a football match. My o,...·n philosophy is simple: Do what you like so long as you don't impose it on others. Ponder on that and you'll see that it covers everything through a simple word called 'respect'. No Jaws would be necessary if we lived like that and it's perfectly possible when superconsciousness prevails over Phantom Self. Some laws are required for Phantom Self only because it's an idiot. Let go of concern with what other people think. You are you, not them. They are their business,

Phantom Stlf


you are yours. If this means people go out of your life then so what? Those that can't respect your right to be you shouldn't be there anyway. They serve no purpose except to limit you or show you how they limit you so you refuse to be limited any longer (Fig 707). Most will secretly envy your expression of uniqueness. They would love to do the same but fear what other people (like themselves, ironically) would think. Mark Twain said that when you find yourself on the side of the Figure 707: Listening to the awakening self and no11he majority it is time to pause and reflect. This closed minds oi the still-asleep. is so true because the majority - still the vast majority- download their perceptions from the program. Giordano Bruno said centuries ago:


is proof of a b.1se and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely hecause the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is or is not believed by the majority of the people.


Mahatma Gandhi took the same view: Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth, for being correct. for being you. Never apologise ior being correct, or ior being years ahead of your time. If you're right and you know it, speak your mind. Speak your mind. Even ii you are a minority of one. the truth is still the truth. The mystic Osho put it like this: The greatest iear in the world is of the opinions of others and the moment you are unafraid of the crowd, you are no longer a sheep. You become a lion. A great roar rises from your heartthe roar of freedom. People give their uniqueness away by comparing themselves with others, but they are them and you are yo11. I saw a quote which said that confidence is not walking into a room with your nose in the air thinking you are better than everyone else; it is walking in the room not having to compare yourself to anyone in the first place (Fig 708). When you have a decision to make and you are thinking what to do- get the heart involved. Okay, your brain is saying you should do this or that, but what does your heart say? More to the point what does your heart feel? The head thinks, but the heart feels and feeling is the communication of knowing. Intuition is superconsciousness. I do everything by intuition and have done since all this started. I can be offered something which ticks all the boxes of mind considerations and still say no. I can be offered something that seems crazy with no boxes ticked and still say yes if my intuition says go with it. Intuitive knowing doesn't always lead you to experiences you would like; it

You Thal nme Forgot


leads to experiences that you need. I have stayed with situations I didn't like when my intuition said 'hang in there' and then suddenly when the experience had delivered its gift of insight and selfrealisation my intuition said 'time to go' . I could not have uncovered and communicated a fraction of what I have without heart intuition which has been superconsciousness opening and closing doors to synchronistically guide me through what would be for Phantom Self, Figure 708: But so many people du - Phantom Se lves the head self, an incomprehensible maze. that is. Awakening people notice how synchronicity and 'coincidence' increase in their life and the strengthening connection with s uperconsciousness is the reason for that. Phantom Self is obsessed with outcomes - 'I want it to be like this, ' it must be like that', but this is a mug's game. By focussing on a specific outcome you are setting yourself up for disappoinbnent if that one outcome doesn't happen. People can spend entire lifetimes banging their head against a door that will not open when infinite possibilities await them elsewhere. Those who have awakened to superconsciousness go with the synchronicity of events. They know that is superconsciousness at work. I have learned profoundly over the years that if it is difficult it is not meant to be and if it flows - go with it. Near-death experiencer Anita Moorjani said: I detach myself from preconceived outcomes and trust that all is well. Being myself allows the wholeness of my unique magnificence to draw me in those directions most beneficial to me and to all others. This is really the only thing I have to do. And within that framework, everything that is truly mine comes into my life effortlessly. in the most magical and unexpected ways imaginable, demonstrating every day the power and love of who I truly am. As you choose intuition over thought a heart connection to superconsciousness will open and the more powerful, sensitive and insightful your knowing will become. ln the end intuition will not have to win a battle with the head. They will be moving as one unit in heart-brain coherence as Phantom Head sees that when you follow your intuition you may face challenges but it all works out in the end to youI benefit. Once Phantom Head sees this, it is no longer Phantom Head. Heart and head come together. Remember, too, that heart intuition and superconsciousness can say 'no' as well as 'yes' - 'don' t go there' as well as 'go there'. It is not about lovey-dovey saying yes to everything because you want to be seen as being kind and generous. Superconscious intuition makes us streetwise to what we don't need to experience. lt is observing this reality from another reality and can see all. Superconsciousness often says no, have nothing to do with him, her or it. Mahatma Gandhi said: 'A "No" uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a "Yes" merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble.' Let no one underestimate how much courage it can take to awaken from the trance and then act on youI new awareness of self and the world. Courage is not the


Phantom S.lf

absence of fear but the overriding of fear and doing it anyway. What is this fear? Courage is overriding programmed responses of Phantom Self until so much superconsciousness is driving the bus that courage is no longer needed to overcome fear that no longer exists. Superconsciousness doesn't fear - it knows there is nothing to fear. It is False Emotion Appearing Real. People talk about the courage of the heart and the heart's connection to superconsciousness is the source of that courage. Self-identifying with Infinite Self is crucial to overriding fear and summoning the courage to act when Phantom Self is screaming 'No, no, what about the consequences'. There is also the little matter that the consequences of not acting will be far, far, worse than the challenges of doing so.

Quiet time It may seem for a few minutes that I am leaving the theme of awakening, but I'm not as

you' ll see. We Live in a world that is founded on work as you would expect from a world founded on slavery. From the earliest age we are told to 'work hard' and from first school to last job people are largely judged by their 'work ethic'. The point of life, you see, is to work, work, work and then, er, die. Who decided that, may I ask? Alill, The System decided that and the program makes you feel guilty if you don't work, work, work and then, er, die. Bloody slacker. Every government solution to economic crises is that people must work harder and for less. Thb tired old baloney from presidential wannabe Jeb Bush speaks for them all: My aspiration for the country, and I believe we can achieve it, is 4 percent growth as far as the eye can see. Which means we have to be a lot more productive, workforce participation has to rise from its all-time modern lows. It means that people need to work longer hours, and, through their productivity, gain more income for their families. That's the only way we're going to get out of this rut that we're in. Same old, same old. Humans are servants of The System and have no right to joy, happiness or fulfilment. They are here to work and work until they can work no more (Fig 709). The System doesn't refer to the ma~ses as people, but as workers and consumers. Our role is only to work and cons ume to ens ure more 'growth'. Work 'til you die, shop 'til you drop. We can only survive and prosper if we have 'growth'. We must work to ensure 'growth'. Do you know what growth is, or gross domestic product · (GDP)? It is the ammmt of money changing hands for goods and services in any year. That's it. When an oil tanker spills its load in an area of outstanding natural beauty it adds to 'growth'from the money that is s pent to clean it up, or try to. Heart attacks in America are good for ' growth' when ,1n ambulance is called and the patient is admitted to hospital. Economic 'growth' is the most ludicrous measurement of 'success' that you can possibly imagine and yet this is what Figure 709: Don't awaken - work!

'r'ou That Time Forgot


everyone must work harder and harder to achieve. How about these for measurements of success - how few people are ill; how few are hungry; how few are homeles~ how few are in poverty; how few are not free; how few are unhappy; how few are unfulfilled; how few are not living the life that they want. But, no - we must forever plunder more resources, cause more pollution, devastate more land and communjties to make more things, sell more things and throw away more things to worship the god of economic 'growth'. To pursue this insanity we must 'work harder'. Do people have to work as hard and as long as they do? No, they don't. The System forces this upon them by ensuring that only by doing a System job to The System's benefit and satisfaction will you earn money to pay for food, shelter and warmth never mind everything else we are told is :,o essential. Not got the latest iPhone? Wlrat? Get a life, what a loser. Work is another hoax to enslave us. I am not saying that people shouldn't do things and contribute to the wellbeing of themselves and society, but we don't have that. We have slavery- work slavery. The world is a labour camp that thinks it is free. How many people are doing jobs that don't need doing ,md only serve the interests of :,ome filthy rid1 entrepreneur or corporation selling irrelevant products and services we don't need just to make still more dosh for the sake of making still more dosh? A UK survey in 2015 found that a third of workers djd not believe their job made any meaningful contribution to the world. If they pondered for longer on what they do, and were not in denial of a truth they don't want to face, the number 'Would have been even higher. How many people wake up in the morning with joy in their hearts delighted they are going to work? The answer is so very few compared with those with aching hearts and anxious bellies at the thought of reporting for duty at their daiJy prison cell. Research has revealed a 'pandemic' of bum out across' all age groups, genders, professions, and cultures' and Scient~fic America11 Mind reported that job satisfaction worldwide is in 'a surprisingly fragile state'. What the hell is surprising about it? To repeat what American comedian and sociaJ observer George Carling said: Oh, you hate your job? Why didn't you say so? There's a support group for that. It's called everybodv and they meet at the bar.

Work, work, work and then, er, die? This is We? No, it's not 'life' because it's not living. It's existing, surviving, slaving. George Carling also said that 'we've learned how to make a living but not a life'. The bar, drugs, all forms of escapism are toe cape the sou Iles~ dn1dgery and monotony and to somehow feel alive. From the age of four you have teachers telling you what you can do and can't do, where you can go and not go, and when you escape from that prison you enter the next one - the 'world of work' when bosses tell you for the rest of your working life what you can do and can't do, where you can go and not go. Then you retire usually to live on a pension that leaves you cold and hungry before you, er, die. What the fuck are we doing? The System is mad but even madder is that humaruty stands for it. Humans are not slaves? I rest my case, M'lud. Humanity by the billion is held fast in slavery by a system controlled by the ridiculously few and \Ve call it life, living or even freedom. We are back to 'they piss on us and we say it's raining'. I have featured a number of times a mass mind control and social engineering manual entitled Silent Weapo11s for Quiet Wars and this is detailed at length in Tire Perception Deception. Anyone who still thinks the conspiracy is only a

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Figure ilO: Ponder time when the hean can be hl.'ard.

'theory' hhould read what it says and compare that to whattias happened to global society. Silent Weapons (the silent weapons of social engineering) \vas dated May 1979 and Wah apparently found in July 1986 in an Jl3M copier purchased at a surplus sale by an employee of Boeing. I mention it now to highlight another reason for the work hoax, ~chool and homework hoax, and the never-off-the-smartphone hoax - hijacking quiet time, reflection time, daydream time. Silent Weapons describes how humans are kept ignorant. diverted and under control:

Media: Keep the adult puhlic attention diverted away from the real social issues, and captivated by matters oi no real importance; Schools: Keep the young public ignorant of real mathematics, real economics, real law, and real history; Entertainment: Keep the public entertainment below J sixth-grade level; Work: Keep the public busy, busy. busy, with no time to think; back on the farm with the other animals. No time to 'think' really means no time to reflect or ponder. Gotta, gotta, gotta, always something to do. As Gandhi said: 'There is more to life than increa!.ing its speed' (Fig 710). Children and young people focus almost all day at school follmved by homework and most of the rest of their time is taken by technology and other forms of focus, torus, focus. Awakening to superconsciousness is expanded and speeded immensely by quiet reflection without focus when our point of attention - focus of attention - can wander where it pleases. Many people meditate using variow, techniques but I never have. I prefer to just sit quietly and give my attention a ticket to anywhere. I call what r do daydreaming and t-o much knowing and insight comes this way. Research published in the journal Frontier~ i11 Hwnn11 Neuroscience found that brain activity was greatest 'when tht> person's thoughts wandered freely on their own, rather than when the brain worked to be more strongly focused'. They called this state 'non-directive meditation', but they are talking about simply daydreaming. The System doesn' t want people mediating, daydreaming or setting their attention free. Those behind The Sy,;tem know where that lead!>. New invented childhood disorders have daydreaming among the symptoms for goodness sake and other terms such as 'inability to concentrate' are aimed at making daydreaming a Figure 711: Let them d.1ydream - IC't lhl·m a,..aken to their true wli. 'disorder' in need of psychiatric

You That Time Forgot


drugs. System-servers need to keep children and adults focussed in five-sense reality and in the headlights of an oncoming program (Fig 711 ). Roger Daltrey, lead singer in The Wlzo, made this observant point in a television interview: People are too busy. Nobody has taught them to do nothing. When vou do nothing that's when the mind becomes creative, it comes up with epiphanies and solutions. Where's the time for contemplation? Who's training them to do nothing?

d 5,



n n

ed y 1' t

Keep the public busy, busy, busy, with no time to think, back on the farm with the other animals, as the Silent Wenpons document said more than 35 years ago. Daydreaming is not about clearing your mind but freeing your mind to wander and adlib. Even more than that it is freeing your awarenes~ from mind altogether. Tell omcone to clear their mind and their mind will immediately be focussed on 'I must clear my mind'. Part of the process of daydreaming is quiet tjme without distractions that entrap focus. This means turning off the television, radio and smartphone. Little can be heard in the noise but everything in the silence. Reading books is fine becau~e I find some of my most powerful daydreaming comes that way as my mind wanders from the page and goes its own way. Find time for yourself to be alone and you'll be amazed by the cumulative effect as superconsciousness establishes an ever-stronger connection and the same with using your imagination. Treat past and future as the iUusions that they are and know that the only moment that exists is the NOW. This can be challenging at first. Everything around you and running through Phantom Self programs is telling you that past and future are real. What we call past and future are experienced in the NOW and to live in the illusion of past and future is to live in Phantom Self which is governed and controlled by a sense of time. Regret and resentment from the 'past' and fear of the 'future' arc powerful forces to pull you out of the NOW, or your sense of it. You can't change what has gone - take the experience as a gift of greater awareness. You can change what we perceive as the future by changing what you are in the NOW experienced reality is 'possibilities and probabilities folded into exL'itence by perception'.

'What do we do?' People ask for solutions to what is happening to the \vorld in term:, of action - 'What do we do?' But where does this 'doing' come from? It comes from your state of being. This point is so tragically missed, not least by most of the alternative media and research community. Our collective state of being- perceptions, attitudes - manifests as the world that we 'see'. If they don't change then nothing else can. lf we want a world of kindness we need to be kind. lf we want a world of peace we need to be peaceful. If we want a world of love we need to be loving. This is not esoteric naval-gazing- it is simple, solid-gold fact. We have the world we have because so many are not kind, peaceful and loving. How else could it be so? Jim Morrison, lead singer in 60s band, Tl,e Doors, said:


a c

The most important freedom is to be what you really are. You trade your reality for a role. You trade your sense for an act. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. There can't be any large-scale revolution until there is a personal revolution, on an individual level. It's got to happen inside first.


We need to become superconscious the You That Time Forgot. We can never do that while Phantom Self has its hands on the wheel of perception. We must free ourselves from the Phantom and live the superconsciousness that we are (Fig 712). Near-death experiencer AnHa Moorjani, writer of Dying to be Me, described what ~he learned about life in her out-of-body state:

Figure 712: Now vou're talking.

From what I saw, it looked like we are energy first, and physical is only a result of expressing our energv. And we can change our physical reality if we change our energy. !Some people have mentioned I use the term 'Vibration').

For me, personally, I was made to feel that in order to keep my energy/vibration level up. I only had to live in the moment, enjoy every moment of life, and use each moment to elevate the next moment (which then elevates my future). II is in that moment of elevating your energy level that you can change your future. It sounds very simplistic, but it felt very deep when I was experiencing the understanding of it. I would say change or elevate your NOW rather than the future and it is not simplistic, but simple. Life is so simple, and the complexity is there to hide that profound revelation. Anita says that she was told to return to this world and 'live your life fearlessly', 'love yourself', 'live with humour, laughter and joy', 'be yourself and express your uniqueness', and 'have no fear of failure'. These are ail the things J have been saying since my conscious awakening. I was told them, too, by my own connections to the s uperconscious 'I'. Humour and laughter is so important to raising frequency. I have never laughed so much in my life than when I was hearing the Voice in Brazil taking apart the illus ion with such humour. Yes, we need to sort out what is happening, but it's all so ludicrous you have got laugh in its face. We are also Infinite, Eternal Awareness - surely that' s something to smile about however challenging the current experience. These are the simple truths that will expand our awareness and lift our frequency beyond the clutches and manipulations of the Archontic conspiracy (Fig 713). 'Love makes you safe, not fear', Anita Moorjani \Vas told, and the why is another 'so simple'. Love in its lnfinite sense takes you beyond the Archontic frequency while fear pulls you into it. Remember prison.

You Thal Time For901


we are not physical, we are energy. High-frequency energy/ awareness can experience this world as much as low-frequency. The difference is that the Archons can't attach to high-frequency energy and if they can't attach to you energetically they can't attach to you 'physically' when one is an expression or projection of the other. People have asked me so many times why I am not dead, why I have not been 'taken out'. Here you have the answer. 'They' have not killed me because they can't. They would have to attad1 to me energetically at the level of undecoded 'Tom's daughter' to 'kill' me holographically and they can't do that. I have unbreachable protection at that energetic level and so I don't need any within the hologram. If they can't 'get' the energetic 'me', they can't 'get' the holographic 'me'. This was the meaning of the communication right at the start through Betty Shine - 'He will face enormous opposition, but we will always be there to protect him.' What Archontic forces can do is work through low-frequency people to disrupt me as much as possible - and they have, but without ultimate success. It's almost funny to see them trying to stop me when I can't be stopped. Will they never learn? You have all the power you choose to take to transform your life and together we have all the power we choose to take to transform our reality and end this Archontic nom,ense. But then you know that. You've always known that. Remember? I began this chapter with a quote: 'I am intrigued by the smile upon your face, and the sadness within your eyes.' I chose it because I see thjs constantly. The smile on the face is a Phantom mask to hide the sadness ot disconnechon from superconscious, Infinite Seit. People are not aware of the real source of their sadness and many may not even realise they are sad. But you can't hide the truth from the eyes - the window on the soul. I have felt thi~ sadness all my life. Deep inside ""e know who we are and we know it is not the bewildered myopia of Phantom Self. I was told in 1990 by the superconsciousness \V1uch has guided me all these years that a Great Awakening was coming and it would set humanity free from the coma of illusion. There was no evidence to support this then, but two and a half decades later the world is awakening. There is still such a Jong way to go but it is awakening. We have been enslaved long enough by disconnection from what we really are. It is time to go home by bringing 'home' to us.


Beyond The Phantom Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient musl be slaves

Henry David Thoreau

Awakening to superconsciousness is everything. Nothing can change without that and the Archon hijack will go on to its conclusion unless Phantom Self is identified and dealt with. Humanity and human society are where they are because they're not :;uperconscious. How can you change anything while the cause remains? I see the alternative media telling people to 'wake up', but they mostly mean a different wake up. They are talking about waking up to see the manipulation of world events and while that is to be welcomed it will not change anything of significance by itself. You only have to observe the hatred, hostility. arrogance and self-centric nature of so many in the alternative media who have woken up to the five-sense manipulation but have not awoken to their true self. Superconsciousness doesn't behave like that and it is perfectly possible to have some knowledge of global manipulation while remaining a Phantom entrapped in the frequency prison of the Archon virus. They, nor anyone else, can escape through their head. It can only be done through the heart - the gateway to superconsciousness. 'Getting our heads together' to work out a response to global tyranny and madness will take us nowhere. We will be trying to solve the madness from within the madness and what will result can only be another version of madness. 'We must fight' will be in there for sure. We must fight the tyranny, fight for justice, fight because the head can only see fighting as a response to its fear. Either that or heading for the hills, as in fight or flight. I don't want to fight or flight. I want to change. Fighting changes nothing in a world which is founded on fighting at every level from war to personal relationships. Fighting got us here and it won' t get us out. We don't need to fight or flight. We need to remember. Or, more than that, we need to connect v.rith the Infinity within us that does not need to remember because it knows and express that in what we say and do (Fig 714). Wl1en people ask what we rnn do and what are the 'solutions' they mean how can we act; but actions come from perceptions and perception!'> come from our state of awareness. Solutions from the Phantom are ne\'er solutions. They are at best holding positions until the next problem come~ along in response to the last 'solution' . It's another form of fighting as solutions fight problems and problems come back for another go. Einstein talked about the impossibility of 420


Beyond The Phantom

Figure 714: If insanity is going one way we need to go the other.


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way l from

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Figure 715: TI1e question is not who is creating the problems. We are.

solving problems with the same level of consciousness that created them. Ah, yes, created them. Where do problems come from? They come from us and it can be no other way when we are decoding information through the filter of perception into holographic manifestation. We are creating them through our perceptions - ' ... in a ,1uantum universe there are no such things as accidents, only possibilities and probabilities folded into existence by perception' (Fig 715). The question is not who is creating the problems. We are. The question is who or what is dictating our perceptions which then decide what possibilities and probabilities are folded into existence? Is it the virus-programmed Phantom, or superconsciousness? Problems are the speciality of Phantom Self and can only be deleted by Infinite Self. I saw a quote that said everything changes when you start to emit your own frequency rather than absorbing the frequencies around you, when you start imprinting your intent on the Universe rather than receiving an imprint from existence. Here we have the crux of everything, the fork in the road, the ultimate choice and the route to prison or paradise. When the quote talks about receiving an imprint from existence, I would say receiving an imprint from the Archon virus. This is what Phantom docs as a manifestation of the Archon Matrix. Expand your awa.r eness and self-identity beyond the Phantom and into superconsciousness and you begin to emit your ow11 frequency and imprint your intent on the Universe and not implanted Archon intent. We post on the Cosmic Internet or we get posted. Giordano Bruno said: 'The Divine light is always in Man, presenting itself to the senses and to the comprehension, but Man rejects it.' We always have the choice to stop doing so. I could make a list of things 'we can do' in the form of action. I could talk about the need for mass non-cooperation with The System. I could say that we need to circulate information about the Archon conspiracy and nature of reality to everyone we can. I could say that we must reject transhumanism and Agenda 21 /2030 with every fibre of our being. l could point out that a world of more than seven billion can only be controlled by a relative handful if the seven billion allow that to happen through ignorance, disinterest and silence (Fig 716). I could say that we must put aside the manufactured fault lines of race, gender, culture, religion, background and income bracket that are mercilessly employed to divide and rule us. I could say we must come together in unity and harmony to meet the fantastic challenges that face us (Fig 717). I could say that 'there's nothing I rnn do' is a cop-out to justify doing nothing. I could say


Figure 71 &: The silenl majority need to clear rheir throots.

Figure 717: Divide and rule is not for fun - it is for Archontic survival.

all these things and more. But those who have a connection with superconsciousness will know all this; and those who don't will not respond anyway. Superconscious people don't need to be told solutions. They instinctively know them from their own expanded awareness and instinctively do them from their own commitment to making a difference. Gandhi knew what to do: You assist an evil system most effectively by obeying its orders and decrees. An evil system never deserves such allegiance. Allegiance to it means partaking of this evil. A good person will resist an evil system with his or her own soul (Fig 718). Superconsciousness is beyond the Matrix and so beyond the realm of fear. Without fear the Archons have no power. Even at the level of courage that transcends fear the Archons have no power. Their power is only the power that we give them out of fear of not doing :.o. Where does a computer virus get its power from? The computer system it has invaded. Everything comes down to moving our point of attention and awareness from the All-Thinking to the AllKnowing. Superconscious politicians (contraction in terms, I know) would never stand for injustice, unfairness and control. Superconscious journalists would never lie, mislead, seek to hurt or stay silent when truth needs to be heard. Superconscious scientists would never fall for the illusion of solidity, fix the climate change data for political and financial ends or produce poisons and potions to serve their paymasters in Big Biotech and Big Figure 718: It's our choice to ohcy tyr.mnv. Pharma. [n a superconsdous world

Bevond The Phantom

42 3

there would be no Big Biotech and Big Pharma. Superconscious doctors would never poison, maim and kill their patients or see them as cash machines. They would have the awareness to know what the body really is and treat the cause energetically and not the symptom with scalpels and toxicity. Superconscious lawyers would seek fairness and justice and not see their targets as another notch on the CV and another big cheque in the bank. Superconscious judges would never Figure 719: Free dom is our busines~ and our responsibility. fix a verdict or do what a government demands. In a superconscious world there would be no courts or even lawi-. because they would be not be necessary. Superconsciow, bankers would not be bankers. Superconscious CEOs would not put profit before people and environment. Superconscious Monsanto would not be Monsanto. Superconscious government agents and agencies would Serve the intere.. ts of people and not corporations and personal gain. Superconscious social workers would not steal children from loving families. A superconsdous world would not need social workers. There is no such thing as a superconscious soldier, terrorist or arms manufacturer. Nor can there be a superconscious religion or religious advocate. In a superconscious world there would be no religion, for there would be nothing to worship. Religion is a Phantom that requires the division and ignorance of other Phantoms to exist. Superconsciousness does not do division or ignorance and nor does it look to ·omeone else for 'salvation' (Fig 719). Phantom world is a prison. Superconsdous world is a paradise. We create paradise as we have created the prison - by decoding and manifesting paradise into holographic existence. Humanity is the vehicle for manifesting its own enslavement. Archons cannot do that without creative imagination. They can only manipulate and program our perceptions so that we create what we have been programmed consciously and subconsciously to perceive. A constant stream of movies portraying transhumanism, robots and dystopian societies are to post perceptions in our energetic fields through pre-emptive programming. Everything is a frequency including transhumanist, dystopian societies. Plant those frequencies in the conscious and subconscious mind and people will decode them into manifestation - fold them into existence by perception. Figure 720: Time to i:-hoosr.


v 7

ti Figure 721: I mean love in it.s lnfinitc sense.

Figure 722: Two faces of Infinite forever.



UnJess we change nothing cl'ie can (Fig 720). What we want to change is being created by what we are. Interact with reality from the heart and change will follow !,Uperconsdous change. Meet every situation with 'What does my heart say?'; 'What would my heart do?'; 'How would superconsdousness respond?' Your head might scream in alarm and defiance for a while but this will soon pass as your heart returns to its rightful place as the arbiter of perception. The brain has a role to play, but as the servant not the master. Stick with your heart despite the challenges and deceitful ramblings of Phantom Self and you are on the road to superconsciousness. The more who do thi~, the more the world will follow as contagious superconsciousness begins to circulate (Figs 721 and 722). It's already happening through what I have called for 26 years the 'Truth Vibration!>'. 1 wa!, told right at the start of my conscious journey that a vibrational change was coming that would awaken humanity and I c,,n now see its effect (Fig 723). Open your heart and synchronicity, 'coincidence' and intuitive knowing will guide you. As the heart and thus superconsciousness lead perception, so Phantom Self will dissolve as its programs are deleted. When the programs go they take with them the Archontic world they are designed to impose and create. What will be left is love in the Infinite sense. Not the love that humanity has been deceived into believing is love. A love that is all-knowing, all-caring, all-being, with it~ holographic expression of

Figure 723: However h.ul it may~ at iirst sight .in enonnous .1wakening is happening.

Figure i24: It's all




Beyond The Phantom

., ., .,_:,

joy, kindness, empathy and a celebration of life itself. A world of infinite possibility and potential to manifest our dreams by knowing that life is a dream and dreams have no limitation unless we believe they do (Fig 724). French writer and philosopher Albert Camus said that the only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion (Fig 725). The Demiurge/ Archon virus is terrified of awakening people living their freedom. 1t knows they will end its game. Figure 7 25: If not now, then when? The System reflects that in surveillance and efforts to undermine those who can 'see'. I am on the surface one man sitting here in a little sp,ue bedroom typing away exposing the All-powerful System; but I'm not afraid of The System - it is afraid of me. Banning ml' from speaking in places like 'free' Canada and the hassle I always have when trying to get a visa to speak in Australia expressions of that fear, as are governments and agencies who block my website on their computer system:.. It is ~imply a fear of intormation that ,viii d1ange perceptions on which the whole edifice of illusory power depends. Wt' have the power - not The System. Osho said: People are afraid, very much afraid of those who know themselves. They have a certain power, a cer1ain aurc1 and a cer1ain magnetism, a charisma that can take out alive, vuung people from the traditional imprisonment. The awakened man Lanno! be enslaved - that is the difficultyand he cannot be imprisoned ... ... The awakened man is the greatest stranger in the world; he does not !teem 10 belong to anybody. No organisation confines him, no community, no society, no nation. And no System, no virus. 'Charisma' come:, from the Greek charismata meaning di\"ine gift or power - superconsciousness. I've described in the book how the world of the ize of Washington State. The US, France, Turkey, h.rael, Russia and Au:,tralia were already bombing the shit out of the place at enormou~ co::.t in civilian lives and population displacement which com,tantly adds to the pressures of migr.:ition into Europe (Fig 4). A Chinese hostage wa& reported to have been killed by IS and the Chinese authorities announced that they would be striking the terrorist group while the German Parli,m1ent agreed to ...end troops to Syria (Fig 5). I ;im just waiting for Easter




.. _ ,,.

Island to announce the same. The prospect ot NATO as a whole joining the madness was made possible by the mantra within hours that the Paris attacks were 'an act of war' against France and that 'Islamic State is at war with France'. The theme began with Hollande and was then repeated by all and sundry, not least in the United States. This was highly signjficant in its clear coordination because when a member state of NATO is attacked in an 'act of war' it can open the way for the 'all-for-one' Article 5 ot the NATO Treaty. It says:

Figure 5: All this bombing in a country the size oi

The P.:irties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack .1gainst thrm all and consequently they ,1gree that. if such an armed att,,ck occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective SC'lf-defence recognised by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert v. ith the other Parties. such action as it deems necessal). including the use oi armed ior BoltC'· Taylor. Jill 78 Bonl'l.l M,1rth,1 ll 8-19 Bono l!8 Bostrom, Nick -I J brain, tht• the dted of technology on J5J--7

ld1-brdin thinking lbl-4, 217, 224.226. 408 right-hram thinkin)l JSb Branss Finance New, 388

c Califf. Dr Robcrl 260 Calo. R,an 38(,--7 C1lvi. Robeno 179 Calvin, lohn 176 (.1meron. D,w1cl 186. 2-12. 277. 291-4

C1mus, .'\Ihm US Ldll( Cf

240. 2fi2, 288, 325, J18-9.

JJS Cann, Rel>e1. L,l 109 Ci!rling. George 7, 41 ~ (hfiord E. 37-1 Cm, Bem,1rct '15 Carr, Nicholas 356--7 Carr, William lames Guv .?mtrails 371--3, ]79 Cheney, Diel.. 128 c hildren ,md ADHD 190 birth defe--7, 342

K Kagan, Robert 228 Karmiloff-Smith. f'rotessor Annette


worldwide access to 367----8 YouTuhe J03--4, 144, 204, 248.

2t19, 328, 371

Katz, Rita 294 Kelly, Max 36J

Internet of Things. the 164

Kerry. John 145

Invasion oi the &x1', Sn,1tchPrs (movie) 377-8

Kinnock. Neil 1l3

lr,m 228. 294-5. 2%, 297

Knights of Malla 179, 245

Iraq 226, 227, 228, 276, 28CJ, 292,

Knights Templar 151, 179. 19J-4,

Kissinger, Henry 226, 317


293 Ireland 252

Koch, Chnstoi l 38. 2611

iridology 79 1515 289-90, 295-7, 298

Konig, Dr Herbert 348

immigranl crisis 277-9, .l43 'implantables' JM--5


Kotikofi. Laurence 2 ~2

/ndependPnl HJ lndpendent on Sunday 2 3 individuality, repression of 20. 23 industry see aim Big Pharma

god~ 174-5

Krishnamurti, Jiddu 235

the Hajj 201

Kristal, \'\lilliam 228

linn 95, 98, 1911

Ku Klux Klan 297

Richard Day on 3.F work ethic 25, 414-17

propaganda against 293-6 sexual discrimina1ion 216

iniections, in hospitals 2 'ill

symbolism 144, 174, 201

lniinitc> Awarenes~ 9, 35-t>. 40.

lsl,1mic State ~ee 1515

IMF (International Monetary Fundl

12 3, 239, 252

4f>--7, 395-6, 411


Koran 98, 1CJII

isolation, promotion of 222-4

Kor,m. the 98, 1911

Kurzweil, Ray 268, 369-71, 3 73

L labels. conformity 208--13, 216 Labour Partv, UK 124, 231, 242-),

278, 284

hJockf'Cl Oul by Wi-fi 'cloud' .3b6

Israel 174, 294, 295, 2qb-7

Laibo. RimJ E. 317

empathy and 26()

ltalv. symbols in 1 Q8-9

LamlX'rt. MiJ..e 11.l land clearance 317-19 Langmuir Sheath 72

and innate intelligence 220 isolation from 1OJ


o~rrirling the virus 115, 20b-7

Jami, Criss 94

language 51

and reincarnation 158

Jesuits 1791 24 5

Lao Tzu 6. 5'1



Llporte, Danielle 25 Large Hadron Collider, 1he 152,

15) Lash. John Lamb 130, 132 law and regularions 265-7 League oi Nations 313 Lebanon 228, 297 left-brain thinking 161-4, 217, 224, 226, 40R Lemaitre, Georges 71 Lennon. John 59, b4, 232 Leonardo rla Vinci 56-7, fl I Leviathan 160 Lewis. Harold Warren J08 ley lines 90-1, 181 Liao, M.ltthew 307 Libby, Lewis 228 Libya 228, 276, 292, 293 Lie, the 7, 12 Life oi Brian lmoviel 214 light speed oi 42 as a symbol 15R, I incamation 157--60 Matri\ movies 24, 41, 44, 50, 55, 66, 76, IOl- 2, 129. 134-5, 141, 157, 176,230,285,347 Matu~. Don luan 32, 113, 185, J47 May, Theres.1 I 118 Mazzini, Giuseppe 297 McAlpine, Lord Alastair 191 McCarthy, Gina J 18 McCluskf!}, Len 232 McGraw. Ken 254 McKenna, Terence 71 media 1 propaganda in 18 psychopath~ in 239 Reptilian control of 2-P-8 medicine see drugs; ht>~1hh Medit'val Warm Period 307-8 mediums see psychics Meer, Fntz ter 260-1 Meneze!,. Jean Charles de 281 meridians in the body 82-3, 407 geometrical 90-1, 181 Merkel. Angela 278, 343 Michrowski, Dr Andrew J7t1-80 microchipping 275, 288. 3J6. 118, )51, 389 military, 1he dron(.>s 28b psychop.iths in 239 a robot army 387-9 a world army 275-9 Military Review 380 Mind Change (Greenfield) 154-6 mind control h1ve-m111d slaves J77--ll 1 overcoming 403-5 programmes 40. J41 Mind Love 40 mind over matter 41-2 Mind to Mind !Shine! 2 molecular manufacturrng 370 Moloch 195 Monnet, Jean 2J 1 monosodium glutamate !MSG) 50 Moon, the 149 a~ a broadcasting transmitter 153-7

time control 157 Moorjani, Anile 35, 36, ,6, 63, 150, 413, 418 Morgellons disease 373, J74-5 Morrison, Jim 1 I. 41 7 Morrison. Peter 191-2

Mossad 19-1 Mountbatten, Lord 189. 190 Mujahedren. the 2111 Mulholland, Thomas J55 Murphy, Mich.1el 371 music vid~. symbols in 203 Mustafa. 21 I

N nanotechnology 351-2, 369-70,

372, 373, 375 NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) 143-4, 14&-9, 153-4, J20 National Geographic 385 National Institute. of Health 390 N.1tional Securit)' Agency INSA) 287-8,299.353, 363 NATO (North Atlanlic Treaty Organisation> 228-tJ, 275, 179, 293 112

Nature Physics journ.JI 60 Nazis, the 147-8 near-death experiences 35, 36. 38, 42, 56, 61, 13.5-6, l 40-1, 150, 156-7, 159, -1()4, 418 necrophilia ICJl Nephilim Stargates (Horn! U7 Netanyahu. Benjamin 297 New Agers 233-5

N ew Sdtmlist m.1gazine 55, 77, 7'1-80 Newton. Isaac 3J Nicolelis, Miguel 378 Niemoller, f'astor Martin no Nietzsche, Friedrich .l'.18 9/11 .1tt.-icks 177-8, 225, 227, 228-30. 290--1 198.J 10rwelll 10, 13, 187. 2J3, 324, 358-9. 411 No-Pn:iblem-Reaction-Soluriun

225- \lorth Atlantic: Treaty Org,miSJtion INATOI 228-9, 275, 279, 29) North Korea 228 \lorthern Lights 72 Not In His Image (Lash) 1JO

Phantom Self


NoviDen magazine 273

nuclear meltdowns 114-15, 385 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty 297

nuclear war 338-CJ nuclear weapons 2J 1-2 weapons of mass destru,tion (WMDsl 226, 227 Nuland. Victoria 279 numerolog~ 76-8 Nutri\lon Institute of America 257~ nutritional supplement!> 257

0 Obama, Barack 122, 245, 276, 287, 290,293-4. 318-19 obelisks 172-3 Oc-cu/t Glossary !Puruckerl 161 Oldfield, Sir Maurice 1qo Olds. James 355 Operallon Cumulus 320 Opposition,11 defiant disorder 2'¥.1,--300 Opus De1 179, 245 Order of the Dragon 1 1 7 Orwell. George to. 13. 14, 187, 233.234,295,324,335,354, 358-9, -'1 I Osho 412, 425

Our Mathematical Univer,;e !Tegmarkl 44-5 Ouroboros 160 out- a/5


crime; video games virtu,il reality 43--5, 4q visible light 32, H-4 v1s;ualis.ih0t1 81 'Void,' lhe 31:1

w W;ill Street Journ,11, The 167 war on tNror, thr 277, 28'l-97 wars, engirn..oered bv Reptilians 25 ·1 War.vicl... Kevin J58 Waslllngton Post. The rnq water droughts anci weather manipulatioo 322-4 fluoride in ))2 herbicides and 1iestic ides in ]24-5 information-encoded energy

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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.